
A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Every title comes with two separate components: Self Hypnosis and Subliminal Persuasion. All Self Hypnosis scripts are the same. The music used on the Subliminal version differs and can best be clarified by listening to the Audio Sample.

MS = easy listening, SCII = Baroque classical, MSTR = Upbeat, EW = Emerald Webb, Female Voice = Not Barrie

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited Success Series. Other series are listed at the right.

Be Positive *Creative Thinking* Develop Enthusiasm* Effective Speaking* Fear of Failure* Fear of Success* Getting The Raise You Deserve* Goal Setting* How to Be Popular* Imaging* Money Prosperity *Overcoming Procrastination* Problem Solving *Self Confidence* Time Management * So, You are out of a Job *Subconscious Sales Power* Will Power

Be Positive

All thought is creative. It is possible to send and to receive thoughts telepathically. Therefore, it is entirely possible that you are being impacted by the thoughts of others Every successful person knows or learns how to protect their mind from the negative thinking of others. Discover how to shield yourself from the unwanted negative thoughts and energy of others, and protect your mind. Now, you can learn this skill and protect your mind. This tape contains a simple procedure which can effectively shield you from the harmful negativity of people around you.

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Creative Thinking

There is thinking, there is problem solving, and then there is “creative thinking”‘ What separates one from the other is the degree that you are able to move beyond the boundaries and limitations imposed from within and without. How do you move beyond your past experience into the creative flow of the Universe itself? Actually it is quite simple. You begin by knowing that what others have done you can do also. Sleep on it! Play this program at your regular bedtime. It will guide you throughout the night to enter into the Universal Subconscious Mind and bring back creative solutions that are beyond your conscious mind. One creative idea can propel you to unlimited prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment. Raise the quality of your thoughts and you will raise the quality of your life.

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Develop Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is that inner spark that brings excitement to life. It is also a quiet, inner power that can be called upon to change conditions and circumstances. Enthusiasm is much more than excitement. It burns longer and stronger and makes the difference in everything you see, think, and do. The mind power of enthusiasm can best be developed by playing this hypnotic sleep program at bedtime. Played at your bedtime, your subconscious will recreate your life into an exciting adventure by bringing the spark of enthusiasm to everything you do.

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Effective Speaking

Your turn is coming up. You can feel it in your stomach, heart, throat, and all through your body. The purpose of this self-hypnotic program is to empower you to effectively communicate one to one, or to a group. Imagine being able to express your ideas thoughtfully, concisely, and powerfully without a moment’s hesitation, in an easy-going conversational manner that grabs and holds the attention of those you are talking with or to. This is more than possible. It is what this program is all about. All it takes to have it happen in your life is to expose your subconscious mind to this program for the next thirty days or so. and your mind will recreate you into a powerful speaker, able to express yourself in the manner you have always wanted.

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Fear of Failure

Some people are bold, adventurous, and daring. They move forward with grace while others stumble, fall, and quake with fear. Do you have the desire to succeed, yet hold yourself back out of fear of failure? Do you feel the stirring of greatness in you, but feel shackled by fear? You can overcome your fear by playing this hypnotic sleep tape at bedtime for the next thirty days or so. Your subconscious will do the rest.

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Fear of Success

It happens so often. A person with your talents and abilities goes just so far, hits a barrier, and falls flat on his or her face. They get up and start all over again only to do the same thing time and time again. Sound familiar? Have you seen it happen to people close to your or has it happened to you? As unbelievable as it may sound, people actually fear success because it carries with it the possibility of a terrible fall. Fortunately, there is a way that will insure that once you become successful, success will not eat you alive, or vice versa. You are considering adding it to you cart right now. Only you know when you are ready to let it go and become a success!

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Getting the Raise You Deserve

You deserve a raise, but you are uncertain about how to ask for it. How much you should ask for and what to do if you are turned down are covered in this tape. Prepare yourself for success.

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Goal Setting

Did you know that most people take more time to plan a vacation than they do their lives? Sad but true. A life without a plan is like a car without a driver. Plenty of power but no direction. Setting goals needs to be an integral part of your life if you want to head in the direction of success. And that is where this program comes in. Using it, you will learn to set goals for all areas of your life, mentally, physically and spiritually. If you want to put your life into high gear, this is the program for you. Not only will you find yourself setting goals, you will also be achieving them. Goal one add this program to your cart.

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How to be Popular

ome people seem to have a natural charm and charisma. They are at ease wherever they go and have many close friends. If you really do not have any close friends, and you want to develop that important part of your life, this tape can help.

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In every self-improvement book, you are told to imagine, imagine, imagine. More than 40% of us have not developed our ability to imagine. I used to be in this category. Then, I created this tape which developed my ability to imagine. Now, I can picture with the best of them. Close your eyes and create the image of your world coming to light. Open your eyes and purchase this tape.

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Money Prosperity

You cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self image that turns whatever they touch to gold. This difference is the “consciousness of prosperity.” Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius within you now.

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Overcoming Procrastination / How to Make a Decision

If you are attracted to this program, for goodness sake, add it to your shopping cart. Because it will change your life and send you in the direction that you want to go. If you are the kind of person who keeps putting “it” off, moving it aside, reassigning stuff to the bottom of the pile, where it nags and gnaws at you. Until it bugs you to the point of exasperation. You have been putting off buying this program for a very long time, too long in fact. Life is up to you. Stop procrastinating make the decision now before you put it off again.

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Problem Solving

Some people like them, others shy away from them as if they were the plague. No matter. As long as you live, opportunities, disguised as problems, will be part of your life. There is a way of solving problems that is not only painless, it is downright exciting. Remember the stories about Edison solving the problem of the electric light bulb by sleeping on it? That same possibility exists for you. Simply focus on your problem as you drift off to sleep, using this program. When you wake up, your subconscious will present you with the answer. What could be easier?

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One of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon yourself is the gift of self confidence. If ever in your life you have lacked for self-confidence, self-worth, or self-respect, using this program will reverse those issues in your life. This program will create a feeling of self-confidence and self-worth to such a level that you will be amazed at the changes in you. How can a self-hypnosis program accomplish such a thing? Simple! It only brings forth what you truly. The decision rest with you at this moment. What will it be the past or the future you always wanted?

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I must tell you how effective your tape Self Confidence has been for me. I have gained such self-esteem and self-confidence that everyone has noticed it. -R.H., Latham, NY

Time Management

Time management is the cornerstone of success. When you become a success in your mind. you automatically do the activity that brings you to the success that you seek. Discipline is the magic ingredient that makes being, doing, and having automatic. Discipline can be learned by repeated exposure to this tape.

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So, You are out of a Job?

I was once out of a job and living off unemployment. This tape relates my experience and how I handled the situation. If you are out of a job, this tape can help you.

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Subconscious Sales Power

What is subconscious sales power? It is using the power of your mid to create a successful sales call in your imagination, before actually physically making the call. It’s the ability to contract your prospect during your sleep time and creates the atmosphere that leads to a successful sales call. It is the difference between your future and your now. Are you successful enough to invest the few dollars to take add this program to your order? If you do, you and I, will make it to the top of your sales profession. Use the creative power of your mind to become a strong, successful sales person. Attract those people who want to buy your product.

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As a salesman, I have increased my sales 300% through the use of the Sales Power tape. – J.M., Milwaukee, WI

Will Power

Will is a mind power just as muscles are a body power. Muscles need exercise to develop and so does the mind power of “will.” It needs to be exercised in order to develop to its unlimited potential. One way to exercise your will power is to begin with this self-hypnosis program. Using this program, you will learn how to harness your will, exercise it, and direct it to serve you. In less than thirty days you will never again fall short of your ambition because of your lack of will power.

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