Barrie Konicov

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D


A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.
Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited DVD and Video Series. Other audio series are listed at the left under the buy 4 get 5 offer. Alphabetical listing of titles available by clicking on 180+ titles also on left. See Introduction to the Tapes and FAQ’s for more information including satisfaction guarantee.

A New concept Designed to Help You Awaken to Your Unlimited Potential.

Here for the first time is a truly unique product that uses all aspects of learning: sight, sound, and repetition. We have combined our video and audio programs into a highly effective system exclusively based on positive suggestions and visualizations for change.

The Video Tape

Our Subliminal Persuasion Video tape enables you to enjoy the benefits of perfectly blended sight and sound while you relax and enjoy the soothing scenes of spectacular waterfalls, lush tropical foliage, and majestic waves rolling onto the magnificent Hawaiian islands.

Visual suggestions are subliminally recorded at specific intervals within the picture, in such a way that you conscious mind will be unable to perceive them. However, they will be read by your ever aware subconscious. These subliminal suggestions are presented as part of the introductory remarks on the video.

Auditory suggestions for change are masked by specially composed music, and the relaxing sounds of the ocean.


Creative Thinking

Develop Enthusiasm

Good Study Habits

Memory Improvement

Money Prosperity


Self Confidence

Relieve Stress Anxiety

Stop Smoking

Subconscious Sales Power

Weight Loss