Talents and Ablities from a Past Life

Generally, it takes more than one lifetime to become a master in any single area of accomplishment. Whether it be a boxer, writer, doctor, parent, or hypnotist, one life builds upon another. Use this program to bring to your conscious awareness the knowledge of your past lives and past life talents and abilities. These abilities can enable you to discover your life’s real purpose.


Talents and Ablities from a Past Life MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Talents and Ablities from a Past Life MS Sample

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Talents and Ablities from a Past Life SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Talents and Ablities from a Past Life SCII Sample

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Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

I am sending this letter to tell you how very much I have appreciated your tapes. I have several of them and have used them for many months now. I especially enjoy the “Weight-Loss” and “Talents and Agilities from Past Life”. I listen to the music on the weight loss tape simply because I enjoy it. Thanks again and blessings of the universe to you. Sincerely, Gloria S. Portland, OR