Improving Vision

Agoraphobia is the fear of being out in the open, even for a short period of time.  A person with this fear may be unable to leave the house, or may suffer from extreme bouts of anxiety when forced to do so for work or family responsibilities.

There is no reason to hold on to this debilitating fear for one more day, because there is effective, natural help for agoraphobia.  This program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon — far sooner than you have ever thought possible — this fear will begin to lift from your mind.

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

This program is from the Fear series
At the right you’ll find additional Potentials Unlimited® tape series. See the Introduction to the Tapes and Order Info for more information.

                 This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD, Video, DVD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Stop Being Angry

This program is from the Health Series


Improving Vision

It’s possible to affect each part of your body with your thoughts. Your eyes are no exception.

Through the proper course of exercise and applied suggestion, you could improve your eyesight significantly. Regardless of whether your vision is only slightly impaired or  you are nearly blind without glasses, you could notice a definite improvement as a result of applying the suggestions on this program.

                                                     This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Improving Vision

This program is from the Healing Self Series


Hi Barry, I must tell you that I really enjoy the music on the Improving Vision and Concentration tapes.  The violin music is just superb. I find that I keep those CDs going just about all the time.  Not that I didn’t enjoy the classic guitar and ocean waves on the Concentration tape I have from 1987! The other music is a little harder to keep in the background for extended  periods.  I hate to use the term “elevator music”, but… Is it ever possible to request the kind of music that’s on the CD, or would a customized tape be required for that? All in all, I continue to be a happy (though infrequent!) customer of over a decade now. Thanks! Burt

Barrie Konicov, It has been a few years since I have last written. You were kind enough to send me some of your tapes to share with blind friends. I wanted to let you know what has happened. One woman has listened to your Improving Vision tape and her vision improved to the point she is no longer legally blind. In fact it is now at the point where she has gotten her drivers license. She is in school, working, has a car now and getting married. Karen is very Happy! Dean has his own coffee shot now and is making good money. My vision has improved from beyond 20/3200 to 20/1600 to 20/800 to 20/400 and is now at 20/200. I thought you might like to know how we were doing. Thank you, Carl G. Lowell MA

I used the improved vision tape many years ago and it was great. However it is over 20 years old and skipping some places. Marjorie M. Oro Valley, AZ

How to Be Popular

Some people seem to have a natural charm and charisma that radiates our from them. They’re at ease wherever they go and seem to make friends easily and effortlessly. If you really do not have any close friends, and you want to develop that important part of your life this tape can help.

For many people, the art of making friends remains a mystery.  This program can help you master the skills needed to attract and keep friends.

                                     This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 media formats.

View all for How to Be Popular

This program is from the Love & Relationship Series


Potential Unlimited tapes are the best therapy that gives results to open up the person deep within. That’s where my problems have been, or should I say used to be. Freed at last Mentally, Vic K. Chicago, IL

Recapture Youthful Vigor

Jack Benny looked, acted, and believed he was 39. He repeated his age so often, he had his audiences convinced he was 39. Thus, he was able to tap the fountain of youth within his own consciousness. You can do the same thing, if you choose, with this program.

Learn to feel younger, act younger and best of all, look younger using the power of your mind.

                                                      This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Recapture Youthful Vigor

This program is from the Triumph & Renewal Series


Dear Mr. Konicov, I want to thank you so much for sending me the tape “Recapture Youthful Vigor.” It is one of the best I have. It has made me a better person in so many way’s. I have also recommended it to my daughters and friends. It is the last thing I hear at bed time. I also play it during the day. Thank you, Ann P. Atascadero, CA

This tape has given me back life. I am so grateful. My tape jammed and I do not want to be with out it.  Ethel L. Hatboro, PA

Subliminal Teaching of Jesus

After I wrote and recorded this program, I sent it to the people who had suggested it, for their review. They listened to it and passed it on to several ministers.

When asked if I felt inspired as I wrote and recorded this program, I smiled and nodded yes. I hope you will be inspired by it also.

Use your subliminal mind to access to teachings of Jesus, and bring them into your life in a way never before possible.  Learn to live like Jesus from the inside out, and transform your life.

                                                   This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Subliminal Teaching of Jesus

This program is from the Metaphysics Series


I have been listening to the subliminal teachings of Jesus recording and wanted to let you know what a profound sense of peace and tranquility it has brought to me.  The forgiveness exercises are particularly valuable as they truly lighten ones heart and spirit.  I strongly suggest this recording to anyone seeking spiritual uplifting and higher sense of inner peace. P. Dietz. Toledo, OH

I received your subliminal tape of the teachings of Jesus yesterday.  I immediately went into my sunroom, sat down and put on the headphones / tape. Thinking I had the self hypnosis side I began, however, instead the subliminal music version played (which is always whatever is needed LOL). The moment it started I kept my eyes closed and suddenly what I think was the sun – took an angle that shone on my forehead, 3rd eye area so brilliantly I could see it inside my head & I was afraid to open my eyes for fear of being blinded.  Afterwards I began to see different colors emerge in my mind. Initially I felt an incredible downloading all over and then it become more in precise areas, moving around the body.  The strongest was in my head, hands and heart area.  Then at one point I was guided to open my eyes and was amazed to see all these birds outside my window of all kinds of species. After the tape was done, I was gifted with an eagle circling over head.  Now, I live in a subdivision of a city in Atlanta – LOL – not in the mountains!  I slept with the tape last night.  I just wanted to share my experience with
you and to validate the power of this work.

Subliminal Teachings of Jesus is the best I’ve ever seen. It would provide a very healing affect on Christians who have been seriously hurt emotionally. God Bless you. Jan McA

Housekeeping With Love

In the morning you are too rushed. In the evening you are too tired. On the weekends you are catching up on all the things you didn’t do during the week. Spend 20 minutes with this program and you will find yourself motivated. You will learn how to focus and begin to organize your home.

Whether you are at home full time, or are combining work and home, you will become a better homemaker. When your chores become an act of love you are living in the moment.    Housekeeping will become an act of love.

                                                                  This title is now available on MP3, CD,

 media formats.

View all for Housekeeping With Love

This program is from the Triumph & Renewal Series


Thank you for the tapes I have received. The Housekeeping With Love is fantastic. I never feel like I’m behind and find myself unable to look at things out of place. It’s organized my life and given me more freedom and pride and peace of mind. I have not received a catalog in awhile and am interested in more tapes. I’ve used another tape and threw it out. It made me uncomfortable.  Mrs. Ronald M. Minneapolis, MN

Hello! Greetings and Welcome! I am anxious to share with you that your tapes have had an even more profound effect on my life! Since listening to “Housekeeping With Love” I am now self-employed in my own house cleaning business. What’s amazing about this is that , prior to listening to that particular tape, I cleaned house 2-3 times per year! (Whether it needed it or not-Ha!) Kris McD. Indianapolis, IN

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

Learn how to set goals and achieve them.   Without setting realistic goals, you will you never reach your dreams. When you don’t set goals you limit yourself by limiting your thinking. In truth, there are  no limitations, there are no goals that you can not achieve.

This program helps you to identify and organize your present goals and to create and develop new goals.

                                                                                            This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

  Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 Digitally Composed  MSTR MP3

 media formats.

View all for Goal Setting


Dear Stephanie,
I ordered a few tapes for myself. To be honest I didn’t expect them (me) to work. I thought, :What do I have to lose?” A few dollars maybe. Well, the sound of your father’s voice was so soothing, I got in the habit of listening to them regularly and easily. I started with Goal Setting. One of my personal goals was to purchase a house. I mean an expensive house. For years and years and more years this was my biggest goal. Exactly 6 months to the day of first listening to the Goals tape, I closed on my dream home. I swear it was the tape! “Goals” has become a valuable part of my life. That is a small example of what just one tape has done for me. I can’t even begin to tell you about the smaller goals that just happened with out me even trying. Grateful, Nancy M. Belen, NM

Dear Mr. Konicov,
I have been listening to your Goal Setting Subliminal and Self-Hypnotic tape for several weeks now and feel that it has been most beneficial. Thank you, Gwendolyn B. L. Lake Worth, FL

I’ve had the Goal Setting tape for quite a while and it did help me. Thanks to this little tape and my determination, I went to bartending school, and started working two jobs (72-80 hours per week). I completed my first goal of paying off all of my bills, and decided to stay at the day job while I went back to college. Also I ordered your  Memory Improvement tape, and my scores in Art History went from 64% to 100%. I ended up getting an A!! Thank you!! Keep in mind that  I have the worst memory and we covered over 36,500 years in five weeks. I’m so happy that your company still makes tapes that has self-hypnosis on one side and subliminal on the other, because it works best for me and many others. Although, I do have to admit that I enjoy the nature sounds more than the music. Thank you, Rhonda M. Tujunga, CA

Stop Being Angry

Stop Being Angry

Anger is addictive – it feeds on itself, spiraling out of control.  When you feel angry, people respond to you in a similar manner.  And the anger escalates.

There’s a better way.  Learn to control your anger.  Learn to observe and diffuse negative emotions before they take over your life. Don’t let anger control you.  There’s no need to tear yourself (or others) up inside. Learn the secret of letting go of your angry feelings.

                                                        This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                                                       Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

                                                                           Super Consciousness SCII CD Set

                                                                              Super Consciousness SCII MP3

                                                                                             media formats.

                                                                               View all for Stop Being Angry

                                                           This program is from the Peaceful Living Series


Dear Barrie Konicov, Your Stop Being Angry tape really works. I’ve always felt stuffing anger down was no good. But with this tape I never felt like stuffing, because there was no anger to feel. For so many years I had this knot in my stomach, never knew it was there (it was there so long) till it was gone. I’ve never felt so good. I recommend this tape to anyone who will listen. Thank you so very much! Mrs. Judy C Bethpage, NY

Dear People, A few months ago I bought two tapes of Potential Unlimited. One was “Self-Confidence” and the other was “Stop Being Angry”. All I can say is that  they truly are life changing – they like nothing else have really touched my soul. I want to thank you and also say I can hardly wait to receive these four tapes from you all. A grateful customer/friend Marie M. Vienna, VA

Dear Sirs, I have had the good fortune to find one of your tape’s named “Stop Being Angry”. I have read a lot of books, but nothing has put everything into prospective so clearly as this and I would like to say Thank You to the man whose voice is on this particular tape, Barrie Konicov. I am using the tape as directed and ma being very successful. Thank you , Love and best wishes, Elaine W. Hornessy, London  

Dear Barrie, I just had to write you this letter so I could thank you for creating your self-hypnosis tape on Weight Loss and Anger Control. I have been using them for thirty days and have had some real success. To date I have lost 12 pounds and am a much calmer person. Successfully yours, John F. Santa Barbara, CA


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To learn more about privacy, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created a reference page on Internet privacy.

Returns and Exchanges

If after a minimum of 30 consecutive days per title, you do not experience these benefits of our product, you may return it for a full refund. (Shipping and handling are not refunded)

All of our Self Hypnosis products have a full warrantee for craftsmanship. Should a product fail to play properly or is received damaged, we will replace or exchange it guaranteeing customer satisfaction on all levels.

How to Use During the Day

To bring the message to your conscious or awakening mind, I suggest you play the tapes two or more times per week, when you can sit comfortably in a chair and listen to the entire message. Listening to the program during the day will allow you to consciously experience the pleasant sensations of self-hypnosis. You will find yourself floating into a dreamy state of mind, much like twilight sleep, or daydreaming. During these times, your conscious mind will become aware of the same message as your subconscious. When your conscious and subconscious both believe the same message, changes happen easily, effortlessly, and automatically.

Read the frequently asked questions for more about our Subliminal Persuasion™ products.