Baseball – CATCHING

Seasoned professional? Weekend player? These lessons are designed to teach you how to play baseball better, by enhancing your concentration and improving your fielding and batting ability. I would not want to face a team that has been using one of these programs.

All of these baseball training programs cover catching, fielding, batting and running, but each program specializes in one area. This program concentrates on catching.

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Baseball – CATCHING MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Baseball-CATCHING MS Sample


Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Baseball-CATCHING SCII Sample

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Barrie, I am glad that I am getting this opportunity to contact you. I am a complete believer in your products and the power of self-hypnosis. Allow me to briefly explain my success with your product. My mother purchased a self-hypnosis cassette for my father. He claims that he had used it one time and had quit smoking cold-turkey. The tape was lying around the house and I had decided to try it out for positive influence upon my baseball abilities. I was a sophomore in high school at the time and I started listening to one of your tapes every evening before I went to bed during baseball season. At the time, I was a pretty decent baseball player, but, never an outstanding hitter. That season, out of the blue, I hit .549. It seems to me during that period of time, I came to the plate with a clear mind and felt like I was going to hit the ball every time that I had stepped into the box. The following season. I went into a complete slump. I batted .286 for the season. I did not use the self-hypnosis cassettes. My senior year, I started the season batting 1-19. My coach was down on me and I was down on my self. It popped into my head that I should try using the self hypnosis cassettes again. I ended up batting .526 for the rest of the season. In fact, my final batting average was an even .400 for the season. This was the precise goal I had suggested for myself. My freshman year of college, I lent the tape to a friend who was a punter for Akron University (OH). That season, he was the sixth rated punter in the nation. He had also lost the tape. I would like to get my fingers back on the duplicate cassette. I still have the cassette case and sleeve. Possibly, if I could send these to you, I could re-purchase this tool that I had found to be very valuable. Currently, I am an engineer. I would like to use your products again to help me with my creative thinking abilities. Creativity is what sets good engineers apart from great ones. I have to go. I assure you that everything that I have written is 100% true. I hope to contact you again soon re-purchase an old lost friend. Yours Truly, Jeff M. G., Greenville, TX