Problem Solving

Unfortunately, the way most individuals and businesses solve problems often creates greater problems. Solving problems by patching negative areas is not the answer. Creative problem solving is.

That requires imaginative thinking – looking outside the box for new and unexplored solutions to old problems.   And that’s what this program is for.  It will help you break out of old thought patterns and see new possibilities at every turn.

                                                                           This title is now available on


                                                                                         Cassette Tape,


 media formats.

View all for Problem Solving

This program is from the Living Success Series


I have 30 of your cassette tapes and have just listened to  “Problem Solving”. This has to be the best tape I have ever listened to. I listened to the Subliminal side first during the day and the self hypnosis version as I slept. The results were incredible. Several financial problems I had been struggling with were resolved the next day. I am a much better person thanks to your cassettes and you have my lasting gratitude. Love and light David S. Tucson, AZ