Joy of Exercise

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Joy of Exercise

We all know exercise is important.  And most of us try over and over to start exercising on a regular basis.  But then we get bored or busy, and we forget to work out.  How can we keep up a daily exercise routine over time?

Even with the best of intentions, many people need help to make exercise a routine part of their lives. Play this Self Improvement tape program at bedtime and you can awaken with a desire to exercise.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD


 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,   Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Joy of Exercise


By the way, beginning on January 14, I started really listening to The Joy of Exercise every night.  A little over 6 weeks later, my body’s reshaped itself.  I’ve been on the treadmill almost every day and have worked out on weight machines at least twice a week.  For the first time in my 61 years, I really do enjoy the exercise and look forward to it.

As a side benefit, I can’t walk across the room without my husband admiring me and saying how proud he is of what I’m doing.  I’ve lost several pounds, my legs and posterior have muscles I didn’t know existed, and I’m getting my waist back.  I’m 61 years old, I weigh 121 pounds, and I plan on being in a bikini by June (at least wearing one in the house for my husband). Kay B., Pine Grove, California

I have never written to a company about a product and probably would not be doing so today had I not purchased the Joy of Exercise tape and found your picture on the back. I have to tell you how much you have changed my life. With your help I went from 179 to 139 in less than a year. I had tried all the programs you could name, but my problems were emotional and no one helped me like you. I am now a happy, healthy 32 year old mother of 3 who jogs 3 miles and walks 2 miles before 9:00 5 days a week. Your product is a g-d send I can’t praise it enough. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mrs. Sely H. Galloway, OH

Hi Barrie
Yes I have used your tapes before.  I used the one for exercise and one for weight loss back in the early 80’s.  I set a goal for myself and with the help of your tapes I reached my goal.  I was going through my relaxation/meditation/self-help collection the other evening and found those tapes.  They were full of dust and sounded pretty bad, but when I heard your voice I remembered back when I was into my fitness program and how motivated I was.  My husband and I have recommitted to a fit lifestyle and so I decided to order new CDs. The price is unbeatable.  Thank you.  And thank you for being such a help to me and so many others. Barby

Dear Barrie, I am please to say that with your “Joy of Exercise” tape, I have achieved my goal of exercising 3X a week and yes, I am enjoying it. The thoughts on the tape are beautiful and very inspiring. I play my subliminal tape in the car during the day and it really relaxes me. I also find I am drinking glasses after glasses of water. Your tapes REALLY work, Sincerely, Roberta J. LA CA

….I began with your weight loss tape. I have lost more than 100 lbs… I have never looked or felt better. Your tape helped me to understand why I had allowed myself to gain weight and , once understanding why and accepting responsibility, it was relatively easy to lose weight. the Joy of Exercise tape, using it only a few time, has motivated me to do and enjoy daily exercises. ….I mentioned my lack of self-esteem, self-confidence…well, using your self-confidence tape helped me in this area. Sincerely, Golda K. Kerns, UT

First thing is that I used your exercise tape and it was fantastic. I now enjoy exercising and get up early every morning before I go to work and exercise for appx 45 minutes. Darlene C. Swanton, OH

How to Use at Bed Time

Each of my tapes is designed to be used at your regular bedtime. Each tape has a series of suggestions to bring about a pleasant state of relaxation. Playing the tape at your regular bedtime will cause you to drift off into a deep, natural, and restful sleep. Because your subconscious mind never sleeps, it will accept suggestions for change better without the interference from your conscious mind. Repeated playing for 30 days will saturate your mind with positive suggestions that are designed to bring about the changes you desire.

Read the frequently asked questions for more about our Subliminal Persuasion™ products.

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25 Top Best Sellers

  • Joy of Exercise
  • Will Power
  • Goal Setting
  • Be Positive
  • Freedom from Worry
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • I Want to be Happy
  • How to Attract Love
  • Peace of Mind
  • Stop Drinking
  • So Your Out of a Job
  • Fear of Success


  • Abortion: The Aftereffects
  • Abuse Healed through Forgiveness
  • Adoption: Where is my Child
  • Adoption: Where is my parent
  • Agoraphobia
  • Arthritis Pain Relief
  • Astral Projection
  • Astral Sounds
  • Awakening


  • Baseball – CATCHING
  • Baseball – HITTING
  • Baseball – PITCHING
  • Be a Better Bowler
  • Be Positive
  • Better Tennis
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  • Body Building


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  • Child Development: Infant Skills
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  • Child Development: Child Skills
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  • Develop Your Psychic Abilities
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  • Divorce – Yes


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  • Faster Reading
  • Fear of Closed-in Places
  • Fear of Crowds
  • Fear of Death
  • Fear of Driving
  • Fear of Failure
  • Fear of Flying
  • Fear of Heights
  • Fear of Success
  • Fear of Water
  • Freedom From Acne
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  • Freedom From Guilt
  • Freedom from Sexual Guilt
  • Freedom from Worry


  • Gay & Unhappy
  • Get More Joy Out of Sex – Female
  • Get More Joy Out of Sex – Male
  • Getting the Raise You Deserve
  • Goal Setting
  • Good Study Habits


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  • Having a Baby
  • Healing Abuse – A Past Life Approach
  • Healthy Teeth & Gums
  • Hearing Restored
  • Housekeeping with Love
  • How to Attract Love
  • How to be a Great Golfer
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  • How to Handle Criticism
  • Hyperactive Children
  • Hypnosis for Hypnotist


  • I Love My Body – Female
  • I Love My Body – Male
  • I Want to be Happy
  • Imaging
  • Important – No More
  • Improving Vision
  • Infidelity: My Love is Wandering
  • Infidelity: I am Wandering, My Love
  • Infidelity: The Third Person
  • Inner Dance of the Martial Arts Master
  • Insomnia


  • Jealousy: I am Jealous
  • Jealousy: I Free You From Jealousy
  • Jet Lag
  • Joy of Exercise


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  • Loss of Loves Ones
  • Lowering Blood Pressure
  • Lowering Cholesterol


  • Mental Birth Control
  • Memory Improvement
  • Migraine Relief
  • Miscarriage: The Aftereffects
  • Money Prosperity
  • My Parents, Myself


  • Natural Bust Enlargement


  • Operation – Before and After
  • Overcoming Procrastination


  • Pain Relief
  • Painless Dentistry
  • Parallel Lives / Separate Lives
  • Past Life Regression
  • Past Life Regression with Mate
  • Past Life Therapy
  • Peace of Mind
  • Ping Pong/ Table Tennis
  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Problem Solving
  • Psychic Healing
  • Psychic Protection


  • Racquetball
  • Recapture Youthful Vigor
  • Rekindle the Romance
  • Relationship Reprogramming
  • Relaxation
  • Relief of Back Pain
  • Relieve Stress & Anxiety
  • Removal of Warts
  • Running – Jogging


  • Self-Confidence
  • Self Healing
  • Self-Hypnosis
  • Skiing With the Wind
  • So Your Out of a Job
  • Stomach Problems
  • Stop Bed-Wetting
  • Stop Being Angry
  • Stop Drinking
  • Stop Hair Loss
  • Stop Nail Biting
  • Stop Smoking
  • Stop Stuttering
  • Subconscious Sales Power
  • Subliminal Teaching of Jesus
  • Successful Retirement


  • Taking Exams
  • Talents & Abilities from Past Life
  • Tapering off Smoking
  • Thumb Sucking
  • Time Management
  • Time Traveler (Remote Viewing)
  • Touch Me
  • Twelve Steps to Freedom


  • Up From Depression


  • Vietnam Veteran
  • Visualization / Aura Reading


  • Walk – Don’t Jog
  • Weight Gain
  • Weight Loss
  • Will Power
  • World Peace


  • You and Your Child

Hypnotic Sounds

  • Brook/Rain
  • Crickets/Birds
  • Heartbeat/Metronome
  • Ocean/Thunderstorm
  • Wind/Seagulls

Vocabulary & Spelling

  • English Course Prep
  • English Course 1 & 2
  • English Course 3 & 4
  • English Course 5 & 6

Foreign Language Learning Students – Subliminal

  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Super Consciousness

2 Tape/CD Sets with Double Layered Subliminal “Our Most Powerful Tape Format!”

Super Consciousness II Programs truly help you reach your maximum potential.


  1. No introduction for uninterrupted repeated listening
  2. Same message both sides or whole CD
  3. Play during work, play, sleep or even driving
  4. Classical Music


  1. Self Hypnosis on both sides/tracks for continuous play
  2. Classical subliminal track as a background for Self Hypnosis
  3. For use in a relaxed setting or as a sleep tape

Abuse Healed Through Forgiveness
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Co-Dependency to Self Discovery
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Creative Writing
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Fear of Success
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Goal Setting
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I Want to be Happy
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Joy of Exercise
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Memory Improvement
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Money Prosperity
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Overcoming Procrastination
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Past Life Regression
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Relieve Stress and Anxiety
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Self Confidence
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Self Healing
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Stop Being Angry
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Stop Smoking
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Tapering Off Somoking
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Time Management
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Weight Loss
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Will Power
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More Super Consciousness II titles available on our sister site,