How to handle Criticism A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

How to Handle CriticismNobody likes to be put down, hear that they have done wrong, or have their faults pointed out to them. In a word nobody likes to be criticized. Learn how to turn criticism into valuable lessons, by changing your reaction.

Accepting criticism is an essential skill in today’s highly competitive and often judgmental world.  Learn the art of turning a bitter critique into constructive criticism by taking your reactions off automatic pilot.  Once you master these lessons, you will know how to find the value in negative comments, and use them to improve your life.



This title is now available on




 media formats

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Dear Barrie,
About nine to ten years ago I started buying hypnotic tapes from Potentials Unlimited. Since then I have found your tapes to be most effective. They do the job. From time to time I select a tape and play it each morning and night. After listening to your voice for so long, I thought I’d drop  you a line and say hello. Keep making those good tapes. John C. Port Richey, FL

I have lost weight, stopped smoking, stopped drinking, gained self confidence, can take criticism better, rarely get sick, reduced procrastination by 50%, abated my temper, developed a positive and enthusiastic state of mind, worry less, have less stress in my live, improved memory, better self discipline, study better, free from guilt, exercise almost daily (and enjoy it) and have hardly any acne. So you see I have every reason to Thank your method. I have gotten rid of most of the forced conditioning and am finding the real person I am. I enjoy life, even the not so good days. Can’t thank you enough. Maureen M. APO, SF

Hearing Restored

At 18, I was introduced to the book Think And Grow Rich. In this book, Napoleon Hill tells the story of his son who was born without ears and eardrums. Through suggestion, the boy’s body responded, the mechanism for hearing was developed, and the child attained 60 percent of normal hearing ability.

In Prevention magazine, an article told of a boy who was losing his hearing. His father, believing in the power of the mind, prepared an audio program. It was played for the child during the nights. The boy’s hearing is now completely normal.

This program could be the key to saving or restoring lost hearing. If loss of hearing is a problem in your life, listen… to your heart.


Hearing Restored MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Hearing Restored MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Hearing Restored SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Hearing Restored SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Years ago I purchased 3 or your subliminal tapes and have used them off and on for many years and achieved desired results. Thank you, Patty Y. Salt Lake City,UT

Healthy Teeth and Gums

Despite advances in dental care, tooth decay and gum disease are still a problem for many people in this country. Hypnosis has been used successfully in the dental profession for years.

Use the power of your mind to create a healthier smile without surgery or expensive treatments. With this program it is possible to learn how to direct your body’s energy to heal teeth and gums.


Healthy Teeth and Gums MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Healthy Teeth and Gums MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Healthy Teeth and Gums SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Healthy Teeth and Gums SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Mr. Barrie Konicov,
You and your products are the best!! Thank you so much. No other hypnosis tapes can ever compare. I totally adore you. Thanks again for all of your help. Sincerely, Sophia P.  Brooklyn, NY

Having a Baby

More parents are becoming aware of the effects a traumatic delivery can have on the future physical, mental, and emotional health of their child. Many couples are now choosing a home birth or freestanding birthing center, rather than the sterile atmosphere of a hospital. This program has been designed to help prepare the mom-to-be for a relaxed and stress free birth.

Even if you don’t choose an at-home or birthing center delivery, the suggestions in this program can make any birth more relaxed and safe for mom and baby.


Having a Baby MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Having a Baby MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Having a Baby SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Having a Baby SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Many years ago, I purchased audio tapes from you ( I bought “Self- Confidence” and “Having a Baby”). I absolutely loved that voice, and had such a sense of well being after listening to them… Actually, I don’t think I ever made it to the end of the tapes…I was fast asleep before that. I can honestly say that these are the best audio tapes I have ever come across, and they are responsible for many wonderful moments of profound relaxation. Sabine D. via email

I purchased your tape “Having a Baby” and would like to tell you my experience with it. When my first son was born in 1986 I had to have a C-section. It was a horrible experience. I made up my mind to do everything possible to avoid another Caesarean in the future, but I knew I had lots of work to do to rearrange my subconscious thinking. I used the tape from the time I was 6 months pregnant and listened to it twice every day no matter what. I was in labor for 24 hours but it was very easy for most of that time. I was not scared or nervous the whole time, not even once! When a strong contraction would come it actually felt good! (Like the feeling you get after running or exercising). I was in total harmony with myself and had a supportive doctor and nurses who wanted to avoid another C-section as much as I did. I played the tape while in labor and even my doctor commented, “What is that? I sure feel relaxed by it”. My second son was born on his due date after only about 15 minutes of pushing. It was the most beautiful experience! He was so calm and alert and he looked right at my husband and me like he knew us already. This birth was such a miracle and a wonderful experience, and I want to thank you so much for helping me with that tape. I find the relaxation technique helps me even now when I get uptight. I would highly recommend this tape for all pregnant women. Thanks again! Sincerely, Suzanne DeS. Louisville, CO

Adoption: Where is My Parent

If you are an adopted child, this program will aid you in your search for your natural parents.


Where is My Parent MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Where is My Parent MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Where is My Parent SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Where is My Parent SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

I am a huge fan of Barrie’s work. I’ve tried many other hypnosis and supposed subliminal persuasion recordings. And not one of them have given me the results I get from Potentials Unlimited series. So happy to have found you are now doing downloadable versions. Thank you, I can’t wait for bedtime to hear Barrie’s familiar and trusted voice guiding my subconscious to a positive outcome. Regards. Natalie C, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Adoption: Where is My Child

If you are the birth parent of a child who was adopted, this program will aid you in your search for your child.


Where is My Child MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Where is My Child MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Where is My Child SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Where is My Child SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Hi, I began using the tapes now I am using the discs.  They came at a time of crisis in my life and I still stand by the positive impact of their gentle loving mental caress some evenings, especially after a tiring academic day.  I still find them extraordinarily effective.  I just wish I could find something so helpful, gentle, positive to base a lifestyle upon.  Keep it up old and new out there.  Michael W.,Manning, Perth, W Australia

Freedom from Worry

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Freedom from Worry

If you only could turn it off. Your thoughts keep racing. Your mind is in the future. You spend your time creating an endless chain of “what ifs’.”

Worry and anxiety are unproductive and unnecessary.   This self improvement program can teach you how to turn off obsessive worry and fill your mind with peaceful, harmonious thoughts.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD,

      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

media formats.

View all for Freedom from Worry

This program is from the Health Series


To whom it may concern, I recently purchased you subliminal tape: Freedom from Worry and I am very please with the results. Thank you Michael P.M. Elm Grove, WV

PS Your tapes came highly recommended by a friend who stopped smoking w/ the use of your product.

Dear Barrie Konicov, I have purchased your self hypnotic tape – Freedom from Worry and it has improved my mental and physical health 100%. I now listen to the CD every night at my normal bedtime. It has dissolved any thoughts of worry, feartension or stress in my life today. I purchased your product at 12 years of age and am now 13 years old. Rocky H.

Your tapes Develop Enthusiasm and Freedom from Worry helped….worked almost immediately! I also found Self Confidence and Peace of Mind excellent! Linda M.

I’ve been using the tapes for about 6 weeks now and have experienced some really incredible changes for the good. My major concerns were stress/anxiety, worry, healingprosperity. My boss and job situation has improved 80% in 6 weeks. Instead of going in white-knuckled and filled with dread, I am able to see beyond obvious appearances and maintain a placid, even emotional keel. I’ve even had some moments of hilarity where I perceived the incongruity of the situations and reacted naturally. To my amazement the rest have loosened up and are laughing more.

I have kept the tapes rolling day and nigh because I’ve had so much nervousness and fear to overcome. The payoff is I’m thinking now “what problems?”  Positive thinking and Barrie Konicov’s voice of encouragement and support have wrought unheard – of peace in my life. Sincerely. Joan M B Lemoyne, PA

I believe strongly in your product and feel it could be a positive part of anyone’s life. My first purchase was your tape, “Freedom from Worry”. Within a few days I found myself responding to situations in a very different manner, a much more positive way. Donna L. Plantation, FL

Birth Separation

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Birth Separation

For many people, the birth experience was very traumatic.  The effects of birth trauma could be the source of asthma, headaches, depression, and body aches.

Try this test.: inhale deeply and hold it.  Is your stomach pulled in as you inhale?  If so, your body mechanism is backwards, probably due to birth trauma.

This program could help correct your breathing and release the negative feelings that surround your birth.

                                                    This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                        Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,         Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Birth Separation

This program is from the Metaphysics Series


Thanks Potentials Unlimited, I started listening to your tapes about ten weeks ago. And I can’t believe the changes in my life. My children and friends are saying don’t you look great. I’ve listened to many of the tapes, Freedom from Guilt, Birth Separation, and Pain Relief are the ones that made the most difference. I look at the world thru different eyes. I could write on and on because I’m so completely sold on the tapes. I have my three girls and some friends listening to them too. Thanks Barry. Sincerely Ruby J.

Freedom from Guilt

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Freedom from Guilt

Guilt can eat you, gnaw at you, and tear you apart. Even if there are no logical or rational reasons for it, guilt is there. It can influence every part of your life, becoming a heavy burden, until you learn how to release it. Be kind and gentle to yourself.

Discover freedom from guilt with this innovative program that will answer the question “How do I let guilt go?”

                                                                  This title is now available on MP3,CD,

 media formats.

View all for Freedom from Guilt

This program is from the Peaceful Living Series


Thank you for your kindness and outreach. We met Barrie (& his wife) at a Los Angeles tradeshow in 1983. We purchased four cassette tapes: Lose Weight, Creative ThinkingFreedom from Worry and Freedom from Guilt. In 2006 I began to listen to excerpts from “A Course in Miracles.”  I was coping with four years of hot flashes. One day, I realized the anxiety that came with the flashes were fear, then I realized it was guilt. I began to listen to the “Freedom from Guilt”  tape to learn to channel that energy in a more positive means. We truly believe your programs are “the lazy man’s way to enlightenment” and have encouraged many others to use these tools. It is with Heartfelt Gratitude I write these words. May you receive a million fold blessings for the difference you have made in lives like ours. Gayle & Joe L. Largo, FL

Dear Mr. Konicov: Hello, greetings, and thank you. Than you for your truly wonderful Subliminal tape series. Through thousands of hours of listening to the reposent ocean waves, my life has drastically improved. Although I possess several from the series, two have had particularly powerful impacts.. The “Freedom from Guilt” tape has permitted me to be free from the imposition of persons wanting to convenience, and/ or comfort themselves at my expense, by allowing me to simply say “no” to what I don’t wish to do without feeling guilty for so doing. Further, it’s made me realize that being human I needn’t punish myself indefinitely for past mistakes, or disservices to others, nor theirs toward me. The “Weight Loss” tape has helped me to lose close to fifty pounds. Although the ultimate results lie with the listener, thank you for giving me the medium to help make it easier. Very Truly Yours, Robert L. Scottsdale, AZ

Thanks Potentials Unlimited, I started listening to your tapes about ten weeks ago, and I can’t believe the changes in my life. My Children and friends are saying don’t you look great. I’ve listened to many of the tapes, Freedom From Guilt, Birth Separation, and Pain Relief are the ones that made the most difference. I look at the world thru different eyes. I could write on and on because I’m so completely sold on the tapes. Thanks Barrie, Sincerely Ruby J.

Pain Relief

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Pain Relief

As a professional hypnotist, I have helped many people rid themselves of pain in the back, stomach, legs, arms, and head.  I will help you tap into your higher self using hypnotic suggestion and communicate with your subconscious mind. Such pain could be caused by birth defects, disease, or negative thinking.  Natural pain relief is possible using the mind’s own power over pain.

I have put three of my most effective techniques on this program.  Use it to free yourself from chronic pain without addictive drugs.

                                                                       This title is now available on  CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Pain Relief

This program is from the Pain Management Series


The Pain tapes have helped me to view my experience of pain with a more relaxed attitude and thus develop methods for coping with and reducing pain in my body. All of the tapes have helped me in difficult times when I am in great need of rest by allowing me to quickly achieve a deep sleep. I consider the tapes to be a source of comfort and relief…a place to turn to when I am having physical and/or emotional trauma. Debra W. Venice, CA

I was given your tape on pain some time ago and I find it very helpful in handling my problems with pain. Anthony F. Phoenix, AZ

I was given a tape two years ago that was titled Pain Relief. One side had Subliminal Music and the other was titled Self-Hypnosis. The tape has “worn out” from use. in short I LOVE IT and can not find it anywhere in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Carmen S

Thanks Potential Unlimited, I started listening to your tapes about ten weeks ago.. and I can’t believe the changes in my life. My children and friends are saying don’t you look great. I’ve listened to many of the tapes. Freedom from Quilt, Birth Separation, and Pain Relief are the ones that make the most difference. I look at the world thru different eyes. I could write on and on because I’m so completely sold on the tapes. Thanks Barrie. Sincerely, Ruby J