Astral Projection

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Astral Projection

In the consciousness classes I have conducted, numerous people were able to successfully complete their first astral trip. Prior to taking the class many of these people had absolutely no awareness of the concept of astral travel.

I have taken the programming that has proven successful in teaching astral projection to beginners, and added an extra dimension of sound to make it more effective. Allow two weeks to learn basic astral projection techniques using this recording and you, too, can join the increasing number of people who are having out-of-body experiences.

                                              This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                                                            media formats.

                                                                  View all for Astral Projection

                                                    This program is from the Metaphysical Series


Dear Mr. Konicov, After using your product (the Astral Projection tape) many years ago, I was happy to locate your website to order more products.  I had an “accidental” out-of-body experience prior to purchasing my first Potentials Unlimited Astral Projection tape approximately 14 years ago.  My minister, the Reverend Anne Puryear of Logos in Scottsdale explained to me what I had experienced. Needless to say I became extremely excited and wanted to investigate further.
After using you tape only three days, I found myself partially out of my body and hearing the same guide I was able to hear during my first “accidental” out-of-body experience.  Thank you for your motivational tapes. I am placing an order for more tapes in CD format.

Self Healing Programs

A Self Hypnosis listing by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Weight Loss Relieve Stress & Anxiety Money – Prosperity
Self Healing Self Confidence Joy of Exercise
Relaxation Stop Smoking Memory Improvement
Insomnia Develop Your Psychic Abilities Overcoming Procrastination
Up from Depression Concentration Creative Writing
Stop Drinking Be Positive How to Attract Love
Freedom from Worry Channeling Your Higher Self Self-Hypnosis
Chakra Meditation I Want to be Happy Fear of Success
Lower High Blood Pressure Subconscious Sales Power Time Management
Good Study Habits Past Life Regression Effective Speaking
Astral Projection Stop Being Angry Goal Setting
Peace of Mind Pain Relief Will Power
Creative Thinking Faster Reading Taking Exams
Out of a Job? Develop Enthusiasm Psychic Healing
Housekeeping With Love The Subliminal Teachings of Jesus Recapture Youthful Vigor
Body Building How to Be Popular Improving Vision
Psychic Protection Arthritis Pain Relief How to Be A Great Golfer
Relationship Reprogramming Fear of Failure Impotent-No More
Running-Jogging Co-Dependency Imaging
Tapering off Smoking Vietnam Veteran Visualization – Aura Reading
Get More Joy Out of Sex Healthy Teeth and Gums Loneliness
Time Traveler Fear of Driving Freedom From Guilt
Problem Solving Abuse Healed Through Forgiveness Migraine Relief
Twelve Steps to Freedom Freedom From Allergies Hyperactive Children
Loss of a Loved One Stop Biting Your Nails Lowering Cholesterol
Gay and Unhappy Freedom From Sexual Guilt Relief of Back Pain
Fear of Heights Walk – Don’t Jog Fear of Flying
Baseball My Parents, Myself Handling Disappointment
Hypnosis Training I Love My Body Past Life Therapy
Operation – Before and After Be A Better Bowler Divorce – No
Divorce – Yes Talents and Abilities from Past Lives Fear of Death
Stop Bed -Wetting World Peace Joy out of Sex
How to Handle Criticism Natural Bust Enlargement Successful Retirement
Inner Dance of the Martial Arts Master Healing Abuse- A Past Life Approach Parallel Lives-Separate Selves
Jealous Stop Loss of Hair Agoraphobia
Better Tennis Fear of Closed-in-Places Freedom From Drugs
Having a Baby Stomach Problems Death-Dying
Stop Stuttering Touch Me Rekindle the Romance
Thumb Sucking Hearing Restored Abortion- The Aftereffects
You and Your Child Conception Facial Tic
Fear of Crowds Freedom From Acne Love Triangle
Painless Dentistry Past Life Regression w Mate/Lover Weight Gain
Jetlag Removal of Warts Birth Separation
Fear of Water Getting a Raise Better Table Tennis
Premenstrual Syndrome Racquetball Skiing with the Wind
Mental Birth Control Miscarriage – The Aftereffects Adoption

Programs in French (En Français)

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Programmes en français

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and voice of Potentials Unlimited products
L’auteur et la voix des produits Potentials Unlimited

Allo, Salutations et bienvenue
Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.

Le site internet de ” Potentials Unlimited ” est écrit en anglais mais une description du contenu des cassettes est incluse puisque certaines sont offertes dans la langue de Molière. 

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez la description des titres des produits de Potentials Unlimited disponibles en français. Une description anglaise est également disponible en «cliquant » sur le titre écrit en langue anglaise. Pour commander des enregistrements en français, vous devez obligatoirement faire la commande en utilisant cette page car les autres pages sont pour les titres en anglais ou en espagnol.

Below you’ll find the titles in the Potentials Unlimited series that are available in French. Other series are listed below. Additional descriptions about each title are available in English by clicking on English title link. You must return to this page to order to ensure titles are received in French. See the Introduction to the Tapes and Home for more information (all in English). 

Cliquez ici pour : Comment utiliser les produits en français

Look here for: How to use product in French

Astral Projection * Voyage Astral

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

J’ai donné des cours où plusieurs personnes ont complété leur premier voyage astral avec succès. Beaucoup d’étudiants n’avaient aucune connaissance du phénomène avant de suivre la formation en classe. Cet enregistrement reprend la même programmation qui s’est avérée prospère et j’ai ajouté du son comme dimension supplémentaire afin de rendre le tout plus efficace. Utilisez l’enregistrement pour deux semaines et vous aussi pouvez joindre le nombre croissant de gens qui ont fait les expériences des voyages hors du corps.

Be Positive * Pensée Positive

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Les personnes prospères ont la capacité de se retirer en elles-mêmes lorsqu’elles sont attaquées par le négativisme des autres. Maintenant, vous pouvez apprendre cette manière de faire et obtenir la compétence pour protéger votre esprit. Cet enregistrement contient une procédure simple qui vous protégera efficacement du négativisme malsain et malfaisant des gens.

Concentration * Concentration

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Parfois, nous pensons à plusieurs choses à la fois et nos pensées vagabondent sans cesse pour ainsi atténuer notre attention. Est-ce que votre esprit est indiscipliné? Est-ce qu’il jongle d’une idée à une autre en vous épuisant? Afin de discipliner votre esprit et organiser vos pensées logiquement, vous devez apprendre à vous concentrer. Cet enregistrement fournit une méthode pour organiser logiquement votre habilité mentale de concentration sur une seule pensée tout en conservant les autres idées ou pensées jusqu’au moment où vous décidez de les faire disparaître.

Creative Thinking * Créativité

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Plusieurs idées et pensées d’une grande qualité nous entourent. Nous devons élever notre degré de conscience afin de recevoir ces pensées. Une seule idée créatrice peut vous propulser vers un état illimité de bonheur, prospérité et d’accomplissement. Élevez la qualité de vos pensées et vous aurez une meilleure qualité de vie.

Develop Psychic Abilities * Pouvoirs Psychiques

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Chacun possède à des degrés différents des pouvoirs de perception extrasensorielle (PES). Certains d’entre nous ont grandement développé ce pouvoir. Je sais, par expérience personnelle, que vous pouvez augmenter ce pouvoir au-delà de votre capacité actuelle et ainsi enrichir grandement votre vie.

Faster Reading * Lecture Rapide

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

En moyenne, un étudiant ayant gradué au niveau secondaire peut lire à une vitesse de 300 mots à la minute et une personne graduée du niveau collégial n’est pas beaucoup plus rapide. Il existe de nombreux cours de lecture rapide sur le marché afin d’aider les gens à lire plus rapidement et ainsi hausser leur compréhension jusqu’à 1000 mots par minute. Ce programme contient la même technique que celle utilisée dans des cours de formation dispensés à un coût pouvant atteindre jusqu’à $300.00 et il produira des résultats équivalents. Des exercices préliminaires de lecture rapide vous ferons dépasser les limites de la lecture par visualisation ou sur les lèvres (lire les mots dans sa tête). Lorsque cette barrière sera franchie, vous serez surpris par votre habilité de lire jusqu’à 1000 mots à la minute en augmentant également votre capacité de compréhension.

How to Attract Love *  Succèss Affectifs

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

À travers les processus mentaux contenus sur cet enregistrement, votre conscience peut être aimantée et attirera automatiquement vers vous l’amour que vous désirez. Cela se produira de manière naturelle quand vous étendez votre propre conscience ou perception de l’amour.

Impotent-No More * Vaincre L’impuissance

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

La majorité des cas d’impuissance masculine est causée par une série de facteurs physiques, mentaux, et émotifs. Cet enregistrement permet à l’auditeur d’éprouver une augmentation du désir physique et de composer avec les émotions qui causent l’impuissance. Cette double approche du problème va créer une atmosphère curative remarquable.

Insomnia * Retrouver le sommeil

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

J’ai créé cet enregistrement car, de tous les enregistrements, c’est pour celui-ci que j’ai eu le plus de demandes. Si vous êtes motivés correctement, cet enregistrement vous aidera à dormir profondément toute la nuit avec des rêves paisibles. Vous pouvez vous éveiller au moment de votre choix. Accordez-vous ce changement, essayez-le et ayez un sommeil agréable.

Loneliness * Vaincre la Solitude 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Vous êtes parfois tellement blessés que vous pourriez pleurer, et quelquefois vous pleurez. Il y a un vide, une sensation de désespoir, une croyance que les gens ne sont pas compatissants. Vrai ou pas, peu importe parce que la sensation est véritable. Elle vous domine. C’est le temps pour un changement. Cessez d’être solitaire. Cet enregistrement vous aidera.

Memory Improvement * Mémoire

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Tous les gens ont une bonne mémoire. Même vous! C’est un fait que sous hypnose vous pouvez vous rappeler tout ce que vous avez déjà entendu, vu, ou appris. Tout. Toutefois, vous estropiez trop souvent votre mémoire en ayant des suggestions négatives du genre “je ne peux me souvenir”. Si vous voulez changer le “je ne peux me souvenir” à “je me souviens” commencez ce programme, régulièrement à l’heure du coucher pour les prochains trente jours, et développez une mémoire photographique avec une emphase sur le souvenir des noms. Apprenez à accéder à tout ce que vous avez déjà entendu, vu, lu ou éprouvé.

Money Prosperity Gagner Plus D’Argent

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Les experts disent que vous ne pouvez pas devenir riche dans la vie à moins que vous deveniez riche dans votre esprit. Les gens riches ne sont pas nécessairement plus intelligent ou travaillant plus dur que vous. Toutefois, il y a une subtile différence dans leur manière de penser et leur perception d’eux-mêmes, du moi, ce qui fait que tout ce qu’ils touchent se transforme en or. Cette différence est la “conscience de prospérité”. Dès aujourd’hui, commencez à préparer votre conscience à attirer la richesse que vous méritez. Éveillez maintenant le génie financier qui sommeille en vous.

Parallel Lives/Separate Selves * Univers Paralléle

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

«THE EDUCATION OF OVERSOUL 7», par Jane Roberts, introduit le concept passionnant qu’une âme peut exprimer plus d’une vie à la fois. Testez ce concept pour vous-mêmes. Est-ce que vous avez plus d’une vie à plus d’un endroit en à ce moment même? Pourquoi pas? Les seules limites qui existent sont celles que vous acceptez. Votre capacité est illimitée.

Past Life Regression * Explorez vos vies Antérieures 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Votre passé vous fascine? Est-ce que vous avez vécu auparavant? Si oui, où? À quelle époque? Qui étiez-vous? J’ai guidé avec succès beaucoup de gens dans leurs vies antérieures afin d’avoir une meilleure compréhension de leur vie présente. Ces techniques peuvent être très efficaces.

Relaxation * Relaxation

Lorsque vous apprenez à vous décontracter, votre tension revient à la normale; les maux de tête s’estompent, et ce sentiment inconfortable situé dans votre estomac crispé ne sera qu’un souvenir. Le stress est un problème majeur de santé. Utilisez cet enregistrement et vous commencerez à éprouver paix, calme, joie et relaxation.

Relieve Stress and Anxiety * Vivre sans Angoisse

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Des sentiments malheureux peuvent vous affecter. Programmer vos émotions plutôt que de les laisser agir sur vous. Cet enregistrement vous apprendra comment vous sentir bien en tout temps.

Self-Confidence * Confiance en Soi

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Un des plus grands cadeaux que vous pouvez posséder est celui de la confiance en soi. Développez votre confiance pour dire «non » sans vous sentir coupable. Ayez l’assurance nécessaire afin de vous sentir à l’aise quand vous rencontrez des gens. Soyez dès aujourd’hui sur le chemin de la confiance en soi en utilisant cet enregistrement.

Stop Drinking * Libérez-vous de la Boission

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Boire est un problème et la plupart des professionnels de la santé croient qu’il ne peut y avoir de guérison. Ça ne doit pas être le cas. Boire est un symptôme et non la source du problème. Cet enregistrement s’attaque directement à l’origine du problème, une cause qui existe dans l’esprit. Changez votre esprit, éliminez la cause, et son symptôme sera aussi éliminé.

Stop Smoking * Arrêter de fumer

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Cet enregistrement peut supprimer votre habitude de fumer immédiatement. Il s’agit des techniques et procédures que j’ai utilisées sur des milliers de gens afin de les aider à cesser de fumer.

Subconscious Sales Power * Devenez un Super Vendeur

Utilisez le pouvoir créatif de votre esprit pour devenir un vendeur exceptionnel et prospère. Attirez les gens qui veulent acheter votre produit. Si votre désir est de propulser vos ventes, cet enregistrement peut vous aider à trouver cette force de vente qui est en vous. Un de nos meilleurs enregistrements.

Visualization/Aura Reading * Visualisation de l’aura

This title is now available on MP3, CD and  Cassette

Quelques personnes l’obtiennent naturellement alors que d’autres doivent pratiquer pour développer l’art de la visualisation. Une des manières pour créer votre propre réalité est de maîtriser cet art de la visualisation. Un avantage supplémentaire de la visualisation est la possibilité de voir et lire les auras.

Weight Loss * Maigrir Naturellement

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

En moyenne, un régime dure moins de 72 heures. Les régimes ne fonctionnent pas sans engagement personnel. Cet enregistrement, joué de façon répétée, va fortifier votre désir, détermination et volonté d’effectuer maintenant un changement spectaculaire.

Hypno-Astrology titles – 12 Zodiac Signs
Titres Hypno-Astrologie –  les 12 signes du zodiac

Chaque signe du Zodiaque a ses aspects positifs et négatifs. Comme individus, pour maîtriser notre destinée, nous devons nous élever au-dessus de nos traits négatifs.

Chacun des programmes dans cette série permet de devenir conscient des forces et des faiblesses de votre signe zodiaque. Soyez guidés dans une technique qui vous libère des éléments négatifs à travers l’alchimie de votre esprit. De là, vous êtes guidés par un niveau d’auto hypnose où les suggestions positives vous seront transmises. Chaque suggestion est conçue spécifiquement pour votre signe afin de vous fortifier de l’intérieur.

Il a été dit qu’une personne sage gouverne les étoiles. Cela a été mon but lorsque j’ai créé cette nouvelle série afin de vous fournir la connaissance pour pouvoir vous élever au-dessus de la turbulence de votre signe. J’espère que vous trouverez cet enregistrement précieux.

Aquarius * Verseau 

This title are now available on Cassette

Aries * Bélier 

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Cancer * Cancer 


Capricorn * Capricorne 

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Gemini * Gémeaux 

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Leo * Lion 

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Libra * Balance

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Pisces * Poissons

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Sagittarius * Sagittaire

This title are now available on Cassette

Scorpio * Scorpion

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Taurus * Taureau 

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Virgo * Vierge 

This title are now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Testimonial 2-03


Ce matin j’ai eu le bonheur de découvrir votre site internet. Il y a plus de 10 ans, j’ai acheté deux cassettes audio, ” Good study habits ” et ” Faster reading “.  Elles furent utilisées intensivement et sont d’une efficacité incroyable.

Aujourd’hui, je me posais la question à savoir si vous aviez un site internet. J’ai donc fait une recherche et j’ai trouvé votre site. J’ai l’intention de faire l’achat de quelques cassettes audio pour composer avec mes problèmes d’anxiété et ma peur de parler devant un auditoire.  Je suis certain d’accomplir des gains personnels considérables en utilisant les nouvelles cassettes puisque cela a été le cas avec les cassettes achetées il y a dix ans.



Obtenez une cassette gratuite à chaque achat de quatre cassettes. Au panier d’achat, veuillez inscrire le titre de la cassette gratuite choisie et le type de
support audio désiré (CD ou cassette) dans l’espace ” ADDITIONAL ORDER INFORMATION “, et pointez sur ” UPDATE “. Il ne faut pas utiliser le bouton ou boite ” BUY NOW ” pour ajouter vos cassettes gratuites car elles seront ainsi facturées. Si désiré, vous pouvez transmettre le titre de votre sélection gratuite
par courrier électronique (email).

Spanish Titles

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Tape Series

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited Spanish Series. Other audio series are listed at the right. Alphabetical listing of  titles available by clicking on Tapes/CDs. 

Click on underlined English title to order in English. You must order from THIS PAGE to assure titles are received in Spanish.       

How to Use this Product (In Spanish)


Spanish Titles

Self Healing/Auto Curacion                                                                                                    

 Esta es la cinta más increíble que ofrecemos. Nuestros clientes han manifestado cambios fabulosos en su salud, tanto mental  como física. Las sugestiones de  esta cinta han ofrecido respuestas                           favorables a muchos malestares. Compre esta cinta. Usted estará satisfecho.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Weight Loss/Bajar De Peso                                                                                                   

La dieta normal dura menos de 72 horas. Sin dedicación personal las dietas no dan resultado. El uso repetido de esta cinta puede reforzar su deseo, determinación y poder de voluntad para que pueda efectuar un cambio espectacular hoy día mismo.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Stop Drinking/Dejar De Beber                                                                                                

 El beber es un problema que no puede curarse segun la mayoria de los oficiales de sanidad. No tiene que asi. El beber es un sintoma, no una causa. Esta cinta puede localizer la causa del problema: una causa que existe en la mente.  Alterar la mente, eliminar la causa, y puenden eliminarse tambien sus sintomas.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Memory Improvement/Mejore Su Memoria                                                                   

 Todas tenemos una buena memoria. La naturaleza de su subconsciente es recordar todo lo que usted ha oído o aprendido. Muy a menudo, sin embargo, usted limita la capacidad de su memoria con el uso repetido de autosugestiones inconscientes. Líbrese de los pensamientos negativos y de la actitud que le   hace decir: “No puedo recordarme”. Use esta cinta. Usted puede gozar hoy día mismo de sus habilidades de retención y memoria.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD 

Relieve Stress and Anxiety/Alivie Su Tension Y Ansiedad                                

Sentimientos tristes pueden, en realidad molestarle mucho. Aprenda a ordenar a sus sentimientos cómo deben sentir en lugar de que ellos le indiquen cómo debe sentirse. Esta cinta puede enseñarle a sentirse bien todo el tiepo.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Self-Confidence/Confianza En Si Mismo                                                                         

Uno de los regalos más preciosos que usted puede darse es el de confiar en usted mismo. Desarrolle la confianza necesaria para  poder decir “No” sin sentirse culpable. Adquiera sequridad en sí                    mismo para que pueda sentirse calmo y tranquilo cuando se encuentra con gente. ¡Póngase hoy día mismo en camino hacia un YO más seguro con esta cinta tan importante!

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Stop Smoking/Dejar De Fumar                                                                         

 Esta cinta puede ayudarle a dejar su hábito de fumar, inmediatamente. Contiene las técnicas y procedimientos que han ayudado, a través de los  años, a miles de personas a dejar de fumar.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Be Positive/ Mentalidad Positiva                                                         

Toda persona de éxito tiene la habilidad de entrar en sí mismo cuando la negatividad de los otros le acosan. Ahora usted puede aprender esta habilidad y proteger su mente. Esta cinta contiene un procedimiento sencillo que puede protegerle efectivamente de las influencias dañinasy negativas de la ge nte que le rodea.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Relaxation/La Relajacion                                                                              

Si usted pudiera relajarse su presión sanguínea podría ser normal de nuevo; sus dolores de cabeza le abandonarían a igual que esa sensación de tensión que siente en su estomágo. La tensión — sentir ansiedad en un mundo de tensión — es un problema grande de salud. Use esta cinta y usted podrá sentir paz, calma y la alergría de la relajación.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Subconscious Sales Power/El Poder Subconsciente En Las Ventas                          

Use el pode creativo de su mente para llegar a ser un vendedor convincente y próspero. Atraiga a aquellas personas que desean comprar su producto.  Si usted desea el poder de ventas, esta cinta puede ayudarle a encontrarlo dentro de usted mismo. ¡Esta es una de las cintas que más se ha vendido!

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Money & Prosperity/Dinero-Prosperidad                                                                              

 Los experios afirman que usted no puede llegar a ser rico hasta que no sea ico primero en su mente. Las personas ricas no son, necesariament, más ricas o más trabajadoras que usted. existe, sin embargo, una sutil diferencia en su modo de pensar y en su estimación propia que hace que lodo lo que                       loquen se convierta en oro. La diferencia está en la “consciencia de prosperidad.” La prosperidad es 98 por ciento preparacion mental y 2 por ciento acción externa. Comience a preparar su consciente ahora mismo para atraer las requezas que se merece.¡Despierte el genio financiero deniro de usted!

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Concentration/La Concentracion                                                                                             

La mente se mueve de un pensamiento a otro. Y luego a otro y a otro. ¿Es su mente indisciplinada y confusa? ¿Pasa tan rápido de un pensamiento a otro que usted se cansa fácilmente? Usted debe aprender a concentrarse para poder disciplinar su mente y poner lógica en sus pensamientos. Esta      cinta puede darle la llave hacia una forma de pensar organizada y lógica – es decir la habilidad de concentrarse en pensamientos individuales y de continuar pensando en ellos hasta que usted esté listo para alejarlos de su mente.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette


Esta es una cinta hipnótica que contiene todas la instrucciones para utosugestionarse como también procedimientos detallados para autohipnotizarse. Cuando  la use usted será guiado a un estado de hipnotismo, con frases claves, de manera que pueda usar este nivel mental cuando usted desee. Cuando usted haya alcanzado un estado profundo de hipnotismo encontrará un espacio tranquilo en su mente donde podrá grabar sus propias sugestiones. Luego, después de un rato,  se le despertará muy calmadamente. Con el uso repetido de estas cinta se convertirá en una persona que puede autohipnotizarse fácilmente.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Astral Projection/Proyeccion Astral                                                                                     

En las clases que he dictado sobre el estado consciente, muchas personas pudieron completar con éxito su  primer viaje astral. Antes de tomar esta clase, muchas de estas personas  no tenían conocimiento en absoluto de este concepto. En esta cinta, he usado la programación que sabemos hatenido muc ho éxito y he aumentado la dimensión de sonido para hacerla más efectiva. Dése dos semanas de preparación –usando esta cinta — y usted podrá también ser parte del número creciente de personas que gozan de experiencias  “de fuera del cuerpo”.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Develop Your Psychic Abilities/Desarrolle Sus Habilidades Psíquicas              

  Todos poseemos un cierto nivel de PES (Percepción Extra Sensorial). Es verdad que algunas personas la han desarrollado a un nivel más alto que otras. Sin embargo, yo sé, por experiencia personal, que usted puede desarrollar dicha capacidad más de lo que ahora posee. Y esto enriquecerá mucho su vida.            Para mí PES es el poder que nos permite tener una vida tranquila. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

How to Attract Love/Atraiga El Amor                                                                                     

A través de los procesos mentales contenidos en esta cinta, usted puede magnetizar su estado consciente y altaer automáticamente hacia usted el amor que desea. Esto se puede realizer como un proceso totalmente natural cuando usted amplía su propia “percepción del amor”.

his title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Insomnia/Combata El Insomnio                                                                                          

Esta cinta fue preparada como resultado de una tremenda demanda por parte de nuestros clientes. Si tiene la motivación apropiada, esta cinta le puede ayudar a dormir, y a dormir profundamente, por toda la noche y a tener sueños apacibles. Y se podrá despertar a la hora que usted escoja. Escúchela y          gozará de un sueño placentero, ¡finalmente!

his title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Up From Depression/Salga De La Depresión                                                                  

 Usted siente que la inseguridad y la desesperación se han apoderado de su vida. Usted simplemente quiere darse por vencido. Cuando se pregunte a usted mismo las razones para vivir y no                        pueda  encontrar una razón para continuar viviendo, ponga esta cinta en su casetera. Comience a sentirse renovado, reanimado y revitalizado.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette





Capricorn/Capricornio                            Dec. 22–Jan. 19

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Aquarius/Acuario                                      Jan 20-Feb 18

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Pisces/Picis                                               Feb 19-March 20

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Aries/Aries                                                   March 21-April 20

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Taurus/Tauro                                              April 20-May 20

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Gemini/Geminis                                         May 21-June 20

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Cancer/Cancer                                           June 21-July 22

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Leo/Leo                                                       July 23-Aug 22

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Virgo/Virgo                                                  Aug. 23-Sept 22

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Libra/Libra                                                   Sept. 23-Oct 22

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Scorpio/Escorpion                                    Oct. 23-Nov 21

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Sagittarius/Sagitario                                  Nov. 22-Dec 21

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette


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P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Tape Series

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Hello, Greetings, and WelcomeEach sign of the Zodiac has its positive and negative aspects.  In order to master our own destiny, we must rise above our negative traits.

This is the concept

Each program in this series makes you aware of your sign’s strengths and weaknesses.  Then, you are guided into a technique that frees you from the negatives through the alchemy of your mind. From there, you’re guided into a level of self-hypnosis where positive suggestions are given to you. Each suggestion is specifically designed for your sign to strengthen you from within. You will learn about your zodiac sign, and learn how to channel your unique astrological talents to improve your life.

It has been said that a wise person rules the stars. That has been my purpose in creating this new series – to provide you with the knowledge to rise above the turbulence of your sign. I hope you find it valuable.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes 보증 488카지노 in the Potentials Unlimited Astrology Series. Other audio series are listed at the left with more at the foot of the page. Alphabetical listing of all the titles available by clicking on 180+ titles link.

Recently I purchased the Libra meditation mp3.  It was amazing how much I have gotten in touch with my birth sign traits, as Barrie explains the strengths and pitfalls of my sign.  I believe the session is wonderful experience and recommend to anyone to try their zodiac session as a means to understanding oneself. Thanks So Much! Paul D. Toledo, OH

Available in English, Spanish, French

Capricorn                 Dec. 22–Jan. 19 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and cassette

Aquarius                  Jan 20-Feb 18

This title is now available on MP3, CD and cassette

Pisces                     Feb 19-March 20

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Aries                     March 21-April 20

This title is now available on MP3, CD and cassette

Taurus                 April 20-May 20

This title is now available on MP3, CD and cassette

Gemini                 May 21-June 20

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Cancer                June 21-July 22

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Leo                       July 23-Aug 22

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Virgo                    Aug. 23-Sept 22

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Libra                    Sept. 23-Oct 22

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Scorpio               Oct. 23-Nov 21

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Sagittarius          Nov. 22-Dec 21

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

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A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

This is the conceptEach sign of the Zodiac has its positive and negative aspects. As individuals, in order to master our own destiny, we must rise above our negative traits.

Each tape in this series makes you aware of your sign’s strengths and weaknesses. Then, you are guided into a technique that frees you from the negatives through the alchemy of your mind. From there, you’re guided into a level of self-hypnosis where positive suggestions are given to you. Each suggestion is specifically designed for your sign to strengthen you from within.

It has been said that a wise person rules the stars. That has been my purpose in creating this new series – to provide you with the knowledge to rise above the turbulence of your sign. I hope you find it valuable.

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

This program is from theAstrology series
At the right you’ll find additional Potentials Unlimited® tape series. See the Introduction to the Tapes and Order Info for more information.

Copyright 1999 Barrie Konicov. Potentials Unlimited® is a Registered Trademark of Barrie Konicov   –  Served by

Faster Reading

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Faster Reading

The average high school graduate reads under 300 words a minute. The average college graduate only slightly better..

There are dozens of speed reading courses on the market that can increase speed and comprehension to thousands of words per minute. This program contains the same techniques used in courses that cost up to $300.  You will begin with speed reading exercises designed to push past the limits of sub vocalization (speaking the words to yourself that you are reading). Once past this barrier, you will discover an ability to read at thousands of words per minute, with increased retention and comprehension.

                                                      This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                                                        Digitally Composed MSTR MP3

                                                                    Digitally Composed MSTR Cassette

 media formats.

View all for Faster Reading

This program is from the Education Series


Dear Sir, I have got three of your tapes and I am very, very happy with them. Would you like to know what were my first three tapes? It was Faster Reading, Memory Improvement, and Sales Power. They are Great. Thank you, Antonja B. Davis, CA

Creative Writing

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Creative Writing

Are you aware that there are certain techniques that make it possible for you to write as easily and effortlessly as reading this description?

As a writer of three books and over 200 self hypnosis programs, I have come face-to-face with “writers block” on more than one occasion. When I do, I reach for this self improvement tape program, pop it into the player at my regular bedtime and wait for the results. In less than a week my subconscious will have gathered the information I need and creative writing ideas are flowing once again.

Now it is your turn!

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD,


Super Consciousness MP3

      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set

media formats.

View all for Creative Writing

View all from the Educational Series


Dear Barrie,

What a great joy I feel after experiencing for the first time the guidance and help extended in your creative writing tape.

In Love, Joyce

Hello Barrie,

Yes, I’ve used Potentials Unlimited before. I had the Creative Writing tape for at least ten years, but it has vanished now, hence the replacement. When I used it years ago I was not in a proper frame of mind for actually writing, but I loved the relaxation technique with the orange liquid.  I never once heard that side of the tape all the way through, I fell asleep every time.

I do write now, mostly stories to entertain my friends. Lately I illustrated stories that I publish to my web page. I feel like there is something I’m just not reaching, and I’m hoping that listening to your tape again will help.

At the same time I had the Weight Loss tape.  This tape has not been lost, and I’ve been using it lately.  It is exceedingly interesting to me that 10 years ago I couldn’t listen to it at all and seemed to find it disturbing. The subliminal side made me cry, and if I fell asleep with the other side, certain of the suggestions would wake me.  I was at one time very unhappy with myself.  This is not the case now, so I’m interested to see what happens.  🙂

The reason for tape and CD copies of both the smoking sets is that I’m hoping my husband will also try them.  He thinks I’m nuts, I think it can’t hurt!  Smoking is certainly a vile and expensive habit.

I am very pleased to have found your web page – which is very nice, by the way – I was pretty upset when I couldn’t find the Creative Writing tape anywhere!

Growth as a person is important to me, and I thank you for your contribution.


Dear Potentials Unlimited,

I have received wonderful results with your tapes – especially Housekeeping with Love and Creative Writing.

Thank you for your help, your dedication & your choice of material. Thank you for making a difference in my life.

Mrs Ron M. Minn, Mn


P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Tape Series

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited Metaphysical Series. Other series are listed at the right.

Astral Projection*Birth Separation*Chakra Meditation*Channeling Your Higher Self*Conception*Develop Your Psychic Abilities*Healing Abuse-A Past Life Approach*Parallel Lives-Separate Selves*Past Live Regression w/Mate of Lover*Past Life Regression*Past Life Therapy*Psychic Healing*Psychic Protection* Remote Viewing *  Talents/Abilities From Past Lives*Time Traveler*Subliminal Teachings of Jesus*Visualization-Aura Reading*World Peace


Astral Projection

In the consciousness classes I have conducted, numerous people were able to successfully complete their first astral trip. Prior to taking the class, many of these people had absolutely no awareness of the concept at all. In this tape, I have taken the programming that has proven successful, and added an extra dimension of sound to make it more effective. Allow two weeks to prepare – using this tape – and you, too, can join the increasing number of people who are having out of body experiences.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Birth Separation

The birth experience for most people is so traumatic that it represents the closest we have ever been to death. Birth trauma could be the source of asthma, headaches, depression, and body aches. Try this test: inhale deeply and hold it. If you find yourself pulling in your stomach when you inhale, your body mechanism is backwards, probably due to birth trauma. If you desire, this tape could help correct your breathing and release the negative feelings that surround your birth.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Chakra Meditation

There are seven in the body. In Sanskrit they are called Chakras. each chakra has its own frequency and color. When you activate a chakra using its sound and color, you unleash incredible cosmic and psychic power – powers that literally supercharge your body and mind. This program will teach you to activate each chakra, balance it and release its energy upwards. Using this program you can expect greater mental, physical, and spiritual energies, besides increased feelings of well being.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Channeling Your Higher Self

You are a three-part being. You have a body, mind, and a Soul. you have a mind that has a conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious. More than anything, you are a Soul. You do not have a Soul, you are a Soul. A small portion of you, the Soul, is in the body. A larger, multidimensional portion of you, called the Over Soul or Higher Self,. exists simultaneously outside the body in all times, and in all spaces, and in all incarnations, in the absolute moment of Now. Everything, Mind, body and Soul is a part of the Once Creator. This program will put you in touch with your multi-dimensional Higher-Self.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette


This tape is designed for those couples who wish to have a child, but are experiencing difficulty in consummating the pregnancy. This program works because first you will know when the most likely time is for conception. And second you will have already drawn to you a Soul who choose to be your child. Besides that it will take the pressure off allowing you to be more relaxes and at ease. Amazing results have been achieved using this program in clinics in Florida.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Each of us possess some degree of psychic abilities far above those we  recognize. Mix the elements of desire with a good coach and even a rock can become psychic beyond its wildest dreams. Do you believe a rock is psychic or has dreams? Actually, you would be amazed at what a rock would say to you if you only knew how to communicate with it. and that is my point. You are missing out if you think for one moment that this world is all there is. To communicate with other worlds, you begin with desire and a coach. I am the coach. do you have the desire?

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Healing  Abuse: A Past Life Approach

If you are a student of metaphysics and willing to take responsibility for everything in your life (and this includes the abuse you have suffered), use this tape. This tape guides you to search your past lives for the event or events that culminated in abuse in this lifetime. Accepting responsibility for your reactions to the event provides you the freedom to forgive. Forgiveness leads to self-love, self-respect, and peace of mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Parallel Lives -Separate Selves

THE EDUCATION OF OVER SOUL 7, by Jane Roberts, introduces the exciting concept that a Soul may be expressing more than one life at a time. You can test this concept for yourself. Are you experiencing life in more than one time and place at this very moment? Why not? The only limitations that exist are the ones you accept. Your potential is unlimited.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Past Life Regression with Mate or Lover

Have you lived a former life with your present mate or lover? Sometimes, you may get that feeling – and rightly so. We tend to return to life surrounded by those persons who will afford us the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. We often change sexes, nationalities, religions, and family positions. The past often holds the key to understanding the present. Explore your past life relationship(s) with your mate or lover and add meaning and understanding to your present life experience.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Past Life Regression

Fascinated by your past? Have you lived before? If so, where? What time? Who were you? Than you are primed for this program. From the very first playing of this program, you will be guided by your Higher-self or Over-Soul to explore three reverent past lives. You will re-experience them as though you are watching a movie. You will learn where you were, who you were, an what experiences you had in each of these past lives that are influencing you today. No doubt you will also find that you are surrounded by people from your past.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Past Life Therapy

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!” “What ye sow, so shall ye reap.” The law of cause and effect: Karma. The experiences that we plant in our past lives are harvested within four lives of that experience. Some harvest adversity, pain, hardship and physical or mental problems. It is possible to reconstruct your present life by releasing yourself of all the negativity of the past. The Law of Grace can be invoked to release you from the Law of Karma.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Psychic Healing

We could be capable of healing our own body and the bodies of others. Your thoughts, actions, and beliefs have a profound effect upon those around you who suffer from illness. This tape can make you a positive influence. I will guide you, step-by-step, through the mental process necessary for psychic repair. Follow it, and I guarantee satisfaction.

This title is now available on MP3 , CD and Cassette

Psychic Protection

On this tape, I give you those techniques and methods that are necessary to safeguard the integrity of your mind. When you open up psychically, you also open the doors to certain negative forces and influences. You must be able to protect yourself against these unwanted intruders.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Remote Viewing (Time Traveler)

For years, I have guided people through the pages of history into time and space, to expand their awareness of the world in which they live. Now, you can experience ~Atlantis, and open the secret passageway in he Sphinx and journey into the treasure room. There is also a mysterious adventure awaiting you on a spaceship. Use this tape. Please let me know where your journey takes you.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Talents/Abilities from Past Life

Generally, it takes more than one lifetime to become a master in any single area of accomplishment. Whether it be a boxer, writer, doctor, parent, or hypnotist, one life builds upon another. Use this tape to bring to your conscious awareness the knowledge of your past talents and abilities. These abilities can enable you to discover your life’s real purpose.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Subliminal Teachings of Jesus

After I wrote and recorded this tape, I sent it to people who suggested it for their review. They listened to it and passed it on to several ministers. When asked if I felt inspired as I wrote and recorded this tape, I smiled and nodded yes. I hope you will be inspired by it also.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Visualization – Aura Reading

Some come by it naturally, while others must practice to develop the skill of visualization. One of the keys to creating your own reality is mastering the art of visualization. An additional benefit can be your ability to see and read auras.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

World Peace

Mother Earth is wounded. She has put up with our barbaric behavior, insensitivity and general lack of awareness much too long. Individually and/or collectively, WE are responsible for the condition of our planet. Our thinking affects the weather, tides, temperature and the earth’s shifts. One person, YOU, can make a difference.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

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Educational Programs

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Audio Series

Self Hypnosis programs by 

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Concentration * Creative Writing * Faster Reading * Good Study Habits * Hypnosis for Hypnotists * Memory Improvement * Self Hypnosis * Taking Exams

Your mind moves from one thought to another, and then another, never staying on one until the task is completed, or as soon as you start one thought your attention is diverted to another. Is it time to take action?  Your mind undisciplined. To discipline your mind and bring your thoughts into logical patterns, you must learn to concentrate on a single thought until you elect to discharge it from your mind. If you want to improve every area of your life from school to work, begin at the beginning. “Begin training your mind. Today.
This program helps provide the key to logical, organized mental ability to concentrate on single thoughts, and to keep thinking of them until you are ready to discharge them from your mind. Before you discharge this thought, purchase this program.

This title is now available on MP3,CD, cassette, VHS and DVD

Creative Writing
Are you aware that certain techniques exist that will make it possible for you to write as easily and effortlessly as reading this description? As a writer of two books and over 200 self-hypnosis programs. I have come face-to-face with “writers block” on more than one occasion. When I do, I reach for this program, pop it into the player at my regular bedtime and wait for the results. In less than a week my subconscious will have gathered the information I need and I’ll be ready to put it on paper. Now it couldn’t be any easier than that.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Faster Reading
The average high school graduate reads under 300 words a minute. There are dozens of speed reading courses on the market that can increase speed and comprehension to thousands of words per minute. This tape contains the same techniques used in courses that cost up to $300 and can produce the same results.
You will begin with speed reading exercises designed to push you past the limits of sub vocalization (speaking the words to yourself you are reading). Once past this barrier, your ability to read at thousands of words per minute, with increased retention, will amaze even you.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Good Study Habits
Can you imagine, studying can be fun, and learning can be a life-time of pure joy. Think back for a moment, can you remember ever learning how to study? Probably not. That’s why for most, studying is distasteful, boring, tedious and down right difficult. Now, you can change your beliefs and experience about studying and get tuned on to learning. And it’s just as simple as using this hypnotic sleep program at bedtime.
More concerned parents purchase this program for their children than any other tape we offer. The results can be amazing! Attitudes toward school and learning cause a dramatic turnabout. Studying can be fun; learning can be enjoyable. Bring out the hidden potential in your child!

This title is now available on MP3,CD,cassette,VHS and DVD


Hypnosis For Hypnotists
Listen to your client. Usually, it is possible to diagnose his or her problem within the first three sentences of the initial interview. No single program can teach you all you need to know to become a skilled Hypno-therapist. Yet, no other program has ever been created quite like this one, because it opens your mind to receive all the information from the Universe you need to become a talented Hypno-therapist.
Whether you are already practicing or simply considering the profession, this program will increase you skill and awareness.  To become a truly outstanding hypnotist, you must take on the consciousness of a professional. Originally, I made this tape to be an exclusive part of the Professional Hypnotist’s Course. I am now making this tape available to anyone interested in hypnosis as a profession.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

 Memory Improvement
Everybody has a good memory. Even you. It’s a fact that under hypnosis you can recall everything you have ever heard, seen, or learned. Everything! Yet, too often you cripple your memory facilities by giving yourself suggestions such as “I can’t remember.” If you want to change from “I can’t remember” to “I am remembering,” let us begin.
Use this program, at your regular bedtime, for the next thirty days and develop a photographic memory. Learn to access everything you have ever heard, seen, and read, or experienced. Along with the name of every person you have ever meet.

This title is now available on MP3,CD,cassette,VHS and DVD

Can you imagine living your entire life without ever learning how to use a computer?  Well, how about this – can you imagine living your entire life and never learning how to program the most powerful and amazing computer on the planet, your subconscious mind?
Sad but true, most humans will never learn to program their own mind, and will instead, have their mind programmed for them by television and other humans. If you want to take possession of the most wonderful and powerful gift imaginable, a computer of unlimited potential, learn to take control of your mind and begin right here and right now with this program.
On this program you are first guided into a deep state of hypnosis with key phrases and statements, so you can utilize this level of mind any time you choose. When you have reached a certain depth, there is a quiet space where you can enter you own suggestions into your mind. Then, after a while, you are gently guided back to awakening consciousness. Repeated use of this tape can help you develop into a good self-hypnosis subject. This program comes with complete instructions on how to create your own suggestions.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Taking Exams
Do you get a sinking feeling in your stomach when tests are being passed out and instructions given? Do you freeze during exams, even when you know the materials and are well-prepared? During exams, has fear paralyzed your mind so completely that you feel you are going to pass out? None of this has to happen.
Can you picture yourself actually looking forward to taking an exam? To reading over the material, knowing that each and every question will be answered easily, effortlessly, and automatically, confident that all the information you studied is available when you need it? That is what this program will deliver.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette