When I made this tape, I wrote it for the Vietnam Veteran. I wanted to express a message of hope and healing; “We care about you and about the hurts that you may still be carrying.”
This program is helpful for the soldier who still suffers. Cleanse your mind, let go of the past and let the healing begin. The veterans of other wars can use this, effectively too. Order this title and gain the peace you seek.
This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD
Super Consciousness SCII CD Set, Super Consciousness SCII MP3
media formats.
View all for Veteran, Let the Healing Begin
This program is from the Triumph & Renewal Series
Of the 85, 67 have reported the tape has aided them in learning to relax, pacing themselves, confronting Viet Nam and other life experiences, and handling the daily institutional environment. All reported using the subliminal side with about the same frequency as the standard side. The general consensus has been increased peace of mind, more positive self-image, more stable future of ones own destiny. Don K.
I am writing to thank you for your miraculous tapes. Nearly 40 years of a nightmarish life, my husband now sleeps well and he is free of open sores on his arms and legs. I played the two tapes that you sent me, “Vietnam Veteran” and “Self Healing”, for six weeks. At that time I felt that there had been a significant improvement in his health and sleeping habits. I will keep you informed on my husband’s progress. It is my dream to see him healthy, mentally alert, and happy. I want the husband that I have never had. With deepest gratitude, Dori B. Murfreesboro, TN
A few months ago I was talked into listening to a tape. I have listened to it at least twice a day, everyday since and it has helped me a great deal. I am not much of a letter writer but I was told I should write you if I had any benefit from listening to the tape. I did and I’m writing. I hope what I say makes sense. In the past few months (thanks to your tape) I have been able to relax enough to accomplish a positive pattern of thought. I’m not saying your tape has provided any miracles but it has damn sure helped me. Thank you for supplying the tapes and please continue to do so, so that others in the position that I was in may also benefit. Sincerely yours Steve L. Waupun, WI