A Self Hypnosis program by
Barrie Konicov
Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited
Faster Reading
The average high school graduate reads under 300 words a minute. The average college graduate only slightly better..
There are dozens of speed reading courses on the market that can increase speed and comprehension to thousands of words per minute. This program contains the same techniques used in courses that cost up to $300. You will begin with speed reading exercises designed to push past the limits of sub vocalization (speaking the words to yourself that you are reading). Once past this barrier, you will discover an ability to read at thousands of words per minute, with increased retention and comprehension.
This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD
Digitally Composed MSTR MP3
Digitally Composed MSTR Cassette
media formats.
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This program is from the Education Series
Dear Sir, I have got three of your tapes and I am very, very happy with them. Would you like to know what were my first three tapes? It was Faster Reading, Memory Improvement, and Sales Power. They are Great. Thank you, Antonja B. Davis, CA