Develop Enthusiasm

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Develop Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is that inner spark that brings excitement to life. It is also a quiet power that can be called upon to change the conditions and circumstance in your life. But for many people, age, responsibility and disappointment have robbed them of enthusiasm.

Restore your enthusiasm with this hypnotic sleep program.  Played at your bedtime, your subconscious will begin to recreate your life into an exciting adventure by bringing the spark of enthusiasm to everything.

                                                      This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD,

                                                                                          Video, DVD

 media formats.

View all for Stop Being Angry

This program is from the Living Success Series


I currently am utilizing the titles ‘Develop Enthusiasm’, ‘I Want to be Happy‘ and ‘Self Hypnosis’ which were available here at a shop in the west end of London, UK. There is a wealth of supportive information on all three
tapes and I must say, they have got me through some very dark and difficult times. The have also brought out positive strengths in me that have been sleeping latent of late. Wonderful!

I am an unemployed music composer who doesn’t really have the finance to pay for 1 on 1 hypnotism sessions so when I found that these NHS approved tapes were available I jumped at the chance of giving them a try. And they work. A blessing indeed!

I bought your dads Enthusiasm tape several years ago and it has played a key part in development of my sales career. As a result of listening to the tape my sales ability has continued to improve and I have closed £10 million pounds worth of sales over the past 10 years earning around a million pounds in commissions along the way. KB, London, England

You and Your Child

It can happen in any family. Your children can fall in with the wrong crowd and become involved with drugs, alcohol, and sex. You try everything yet it appears the more you try, the worse the situation becomes. This program takes a different approach. It’s designed for the parent, not the child. Through the parent’s mental processes, you can change a child’s behavior.


You and Your Child MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play You and Your Child MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

You and Your Child SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play You and Your Child SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

I have enjoyed using the products for many years. They have had a positive effect on my life. Patricia S, Facebook

Weight Gain

If you are trying to gain weight but cannot, no matter how much you eat, try this program.

Gaining weight is simply a reversal of the techniques used to lose weight. This program could help dissolve the limitations you impose on your body size and allow you to add healthy weight in the places you desire.

Weight Gain MSWeight Gain SCII

Weight Gain MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Weight Gain MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Weight Gain SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Weight Gain SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Last year I purchased a tape from your Health Program on Weight Gain. The results have been impressive. Starting at 11 stone 4 lb, I know weight 12 stone and 4 lb gained in approximately four months. Sincerely, Gerry D. Neutral Bay NSW

Combat Veteran: Let the Healing Begin

When I made this tape, I wrote it for the Vietnam Veteran. I wanted to express a message of hope and healing; “We care about you and about the hurts that you may still be carrying.”

This program is helpful for the soldier who still suffers. Cleanse your mind, let go of the past and let the healing begin. The veterans of other wars can use this, effectively too. Order this title and gain the peace you seek.


Vietnam Veteran MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Vietnam Veteran MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Combat Veteran: Let the Healing Begin SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Combat Veteran: Let the Healing Begin SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Of the 85, 67 have reported the tape has aided them in learning to relax, pacing themselves, confronting Viet Nam and other life experiences, and handling the daily institutional environment. All reported using the subliminal side with about the same frequency as the standard side. The general consensus has been increased peace of mind, more positive self-image, more stable future of ones own destiny. Don K

I am writing to thank you for your miraculous tapes. Nearly 40 years of a nightmarish life, my husband now sleeps well and he is free of open sores on his arms and legs. I played the two tapes that you sent me, “Vietnam Veteran” and “Self Healing”, for six weeks. At that time I felt that there had been a significant improvement in his health and sleeping habits. I will keep you informed on my husband’s progress. It is my dream to see him healthy, mentally alert, and happy. I want the husband that I have never had. With deepest gratitude, Dori B. Murfreesboro, TN

A few months ago I was talked into listening to a tape. I have listened to it at least twice a day, everyday since and it has helped me a great deal. I am not much of a letter writer but I was told I should write you if I had any benefit from listening to the tape. I did and I’m writing. I hope what I say makes sense. In the past few months (thanks to your tape) I have been able to relax enough to accomplish a positive pattern of thought. I’m not saying your tape has provided any miracles but it has damn sure helped me. Thank you for supplying the tapes and please continue to do so, so that others in the position that I was in may also benefit. Sincerely yours Steve L. Waupun, WI


Up From Depression

You are battling depression. You feel that hopelessness and despair have taken over your life. You just want to quit. When you question your reasons for being, and cannot find a reason for continuing, slide this self improvement program into your player. You can overcome depression without drugs. It can be done.

Start each day feeling renewed, refreshed, and revitalized. Start to feel alive. Come up from depression.


Up From Depression MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Up From Depression MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Up From Depression MSTR

Master Series (MSTR) titles contain very upbeat music on the Subliminal portion

Play Up From Depression MSTR Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Hello Mr Konikov. I am probably one of thousands who have written to say thank you. I first bought your tape on depression in 1985 or thereabouts and since then I have mostly been in control…every now and then I have to have a re cap with you. Twenty odd years have passed but your messages were so important to me as I had a n.d.e.(near death experience) and it meant a lot to me when you said that every thing we say and do is recorded, because of a life review. Manifestation is now the buzz word, which you have upheld from the beginning. I am so grateful to you. Where is your tape for Depression? I don’t need it but I’m sure many do. Kind regards Vivienne F.

Barrie, I have been using your tapes since around 1988 or 1989…Not real sure. I had just burned out (career). And I was lucky enough to find your tapes in a local bookstore, I started using them. At first I would put a microphone under my pillow (so I would not disturb my husband) , then I ask him or he ask me, I can’t remember exactly, If he would like to listen to the tape and if so which one. He said the one the one that had the made the difference in me in the past ten days. He was amazed at the immediate difference they made in him also. My tapes are very worn and I need to replace them. Do you still have a catalog that I could get? Please advise because I need around 10 or twelve tapes. Do you offer a discount? And finally what is the difference between the tapes and the CD version? I usually put in two tapes when we go to bed that are related. Right now they are “Up From Depression” and “Be Positive”. We remain faithful user of your tapes and look forward to hearing from you.

Barrie, My friend is currently using “Up from depression” in combination with “I want to be happy” and “Relaxation”. She was also using “Freedom form worry”, but we were robbed while camping a couple of months ago, unfortunately the thieves took that tape.  My friend is certainly impressed with your tapes. She has used many others. She has even visited a psychologist/hypno-therapist and had tapes custom made for her in here in Canberra. She thinks yours are much better and certainly more powerful. We both think that this is quite impressive. I certainly never thought that your tapes would be better than having your own personal psychologist/hypno-therapist at your disposal, but the impact speaks for itself. Seeing it has already been a while since I first put in the order I think I would prefer that the disks were sent by air mail. My friend certainly wants the ones I’ve ordered on her behalf as soon as possible. It will cost more but the extra cost is only a fraction of the overall amount, so it really won’t matter too much. Regards, Mark

Twelve Steps to Freedom

This program is based upon the twelve step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, the most widely used and effective program dealing with the disease of alcoholism.

Combining these steps with self-hypnosis and subliminal techniques improves the results, making a difference almost immediately. We all know someone who could benefit from this program and it costs less than one evening at the bar.


Twelve Steps to Freedom MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Twelve Steps to Freedom MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Twelve Steps to Freedom SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Twelve Steps to Freedom SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Dear Friends:  When I first listened to it, I thought it was nonsense. I can accept certain aspects of Subliminal Persuasion. However the Self hypnotism was more fascinating. I am a school teacher, and I believe you must give every thing a fair trial. So I listened to the tape for Weight Reduction for about a month. One night I was eating a very good dinner, I ate two slices and wasn’t hungry any more. Then I realized that the tape had worked. I had started on the Twelve Steps when I misplaced the tape. If you need someone to do a commercial count on me. Most Sincerely, James B. NY, NY

Wanted you to know how I’ve enjoyed your most “wonderful” tapes. I believe I may have about 10 of them. I have been in therapy for 5 going on 6 years now for severe childhood trauma. I am a survivor!! I find your tapes most helpful and do consider you as a friend even thought I do not know you personally. I am also currently in a 12 step program which  I believe your tapes are a powerful reinforcement. With great love and gratitude, Susan B. Scottsdale, AZ

Touch Me

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The fear of being touched is so prevalent in our society. I have only met a handful of people who don’t have signs of this fear. If I told you what it is and how it appears, you would instantly recognize it in yourself and in others. Conquer the fear.

This program will benefit anyone who is afraid of being close or of being touched by another person.


Touch Me MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Touch Me MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Touch Me SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Touch Me SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

I have been listening to your tapes everyday for about eight months now and I once again want to share with you my feeling of gratitude. All the tapes are special and as I have been a mediator from way back. I have taken thoughts and suggestions and mediated on them during the day when it was nearly impossible to listen to one of your tapes. All of them have helped me as much- friends and family are AMAZED (especially my husband) at the terrific change in me. I love them all but I guess if I had to choose one that was more special than the rest, I recon it would be the “Touch Me” tape. Somehow it seems extra special to me. I find myself just warm and loving to people after listening to it. (I listen to this one at least once a day). I know I will be in contact with you next year. for this year my life has been changed in a wonderful way and I would have to give a lot of the “credit and glory” to you. Thank you for your work. Sincerely, Marie M. Vienna, VA

I have 20 of your tapes, most bought at a bookstore nearby or in the building where I work. In using the Touch Me tape, I found it powerful to , at the spot where you have been born and make decisions about life, not to just remember which decisions I made, but to make new decisions. It has solved some extremely difficult human relationships which have been rocky for successive lifetimes following the bad experience. I’ve suggested your tapes to friends, and given some as gifts. Thanks again Meri L. Whiting, IN

Dear Mr. Konicov, A little more than an year ago, after more than forty years of being personally convinced that hypnosis is a hoax perpetrated for entertainment value alone, and acquaintance told me that he had consulted a professional hypnotist (at considerable expense) to overcome some personal problems. At that time something prodded me into a curious frame of mind and I decided to purchase one of the tapes. Having purchased a tape with money back guarantee, I set about improving my memory with a device which I knew could not possibly be of any benefit to me, fully convinced that I would return it to you for a refund. I was surprised to learn within about a week that not only are the tapes a lot of fun to use, they also produce results. During the past year I have successfully used your tapes, and I would not hesitate to recommend them as a very effective means of producing desired results. The Touch Me tape, makes a lot of things fall into a new perspective in relation to the meaning of life itself. I am thoroughly amused by the entire potential of hypnosis, and I might add that I can put myself in a state of self-hypnosis now in about the count of eight utilizing the Memory Improvement tape as an enhancement to all the suggestions on all the other tapes I have used. I even count to five now to complete my rides on the computerized aerobic bike I pup to complete my workouts at the Nautilus club I recently joined. I seldom remember anything that happens while I am pumping that bike, which I hate with a passion. Sincerely, David E. San Francisco, CA

Thumb Sucking

The thumb sucking habit, like nail biting, may respond to hypnotic suggestion regardless of the age of your child. If thumb sucking continues too long, damage can occur to the teeth and mouth structure.

All the threats and bribes in the world won’t work. But with repeated use, the suggestions on this program and your encouragement can stop thumb sucking.


Thumb Sucking MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Thumb Sucking MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Thumb Sucking SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Thumb Sucking SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Hi, I began using the tapes now I am using the discs. They came at a time of crisis in my life and I still stand by the positive impact of their gentle loving mental caress some evenings, especially after a tiring academic day. I still find them extraordinarily effective. I just wish I could find something so helpful, gentle, positive to base a lifestyle upon. Keep it up old and new out there. Michael W. Perth, W Australia

Tapering Off Smoking

If it’s not time to quit smoking, at least you can smoke less.

This program guides you, through hypnotic suggestions, to the point where you are smoking one-quarter as many cigarettes as you presently smoke. Then, if you wish to stop completely, continue with the Stop Smoking program.


Tapering Off Smoking MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Tapering Off Smoking MS Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Tapering Off Smoking SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Tapering Off Smoking SCII Sample

Buy MP3, CD and Cassette

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

I listened to Tapering Off Smoking for two weeks, quit on July 1 and I haven’t smoked since. I used the Stop Smoking side daily, throughout the day, for the first difficult 30 days, and then gradually less over the next six months.  Thanks, Kirie P., Edmonds, WA

Dear Sir, I began smoking when I was 13 years old and am now 57 years old. I am a respected classical pianist, recording pianist for major films, composer, etc. My late lover quit smoking using tapering off smoking which I had purchased back around 1990. I then used the tapes (yes-we were still using cassettes back then) and stopped smoking myself for two years. I unfortunately started back smoking after those two years. I also gave the tapes to my friend who possesses two doctorates including one in medicine. She also quit smoking. I am writing to thank you as I re-purchased the digital versions of tapering off and quitting smoking and am now smoke and nicotine free for over 10 weeks which is pretty remarkable. So Thank you very much. Respectfully, David T. F., Los Angeles, CA

Successful Retirement

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Successful RetirementCongratulations on your retirement.  Now make your retirement something special. Keep the enthusiasm you had, and enjoy life as a retiree.

If loss of your work identity is getting you down, or you just don’t know how to fill your days, this program can change your thinking, and rekindle your reasons for enjoying life.



This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD


Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,         Super Consciousness SCII MP3


 media formats.

View all for Successful Retirement

This program is from the Life Cycles Series