Tapering off Smoking

If it’s not time to quit smoking, at least you can smoke less.

This program guides you, through hypnotic suggestions, to the point where you are smoking one-quarter as many cigarettes as you presently smoke. Then, if you wish to stop completely, continue with the Stop Smoking program.

                                                   This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats

View all for Tapering off Smoking

This program is from the Addiction Relief Series


I listened to Tapering Off Smoking for two weeks, quit on July 1 and I haven’t smoked since. I used the Stop Smoking side daily, throughout the day, for the first difficult 30 days, and then gradually less over the next six months. Thanks, Kirie P Edmonds, WA

Dear Sir, I began smoking when I was 13 years old and am now 57 years old. I am a respected classical pianist, recording pianist for major films, composer, etc.
My late lover quit smoking using tapering off smoking which I had purchased back around 1990.  I then used the tapes (yes-we were still using cassettes back then) and stopped smoking myself for two years.  I unfortunately started back smoking after those two years. I also gave the tapes to my friend who possesses two doctorates including one in medicine.  She also quit smoking.
I am writing to thank you as I re-purchased the digital versions of tapering off and quitting smoking and am now smoke and nicotine free for over 10 weeks which is pretty remarkable. So Thank you very much. Respectfully, David Troy F. Los Angeles, CA


In every self-improvement book, you are told to imagine, imagine, imagine. But over 40% of us have not developed that ability.   I was one of them.

Then, I created this program which developed my ability to visualize and imagine. Now, I can picture with the best of them. My dreams are even in color.  Close your eyes and create the image of your world coming to light. Open your eyes and experience the change.  Improve your imagination and improve your life.

                                                       This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                                                                       media formats.

View all for Imaging

This program is from the Living Success Series


Your tapes are invaluable. Yes you may use my appreciation for these invaluable tapes. As I mentioned in my last message, I have been using the “Creative Thinking” and “Imaging” tapes since the ’70’s, along with a few others for self-hypnosis. I truly appreciate your tapes. Arthur D. Holliston, Mass

Codependency to Self-Discovery

By Melody Beattie’s definition, a codependent person is a person who believes their happiness is derived from other people or one person in particular. And eventually the co-dependent becomes obsessed with controlling the behavior of the people/person that they believe is making them happy, or is focused exclusively on helping another to maintain a position of helplessness or addiction.

If you find yourself in the position of an enabler, or if you are trying to break free from codependence, and are ready to take a journey to self-discovery, this is the program for you.

                                                     This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Codependency to Self-Discovery

This program is from the Addiction Relief Series


Dear Miracle Workers, Hello. Yes I am very pleased with results I am getting from listening to Barrie’s tapes. I’ve told members in my Co-dependency group about your Co-dependency to Self Discovery tape. I’ve listened to it for 40 nights or so now and my family relationships have never been better. Yahoo! I was referred to your tapes by a counselor and I’m so glad for the tapes you’re producing. Thank you very much! Susan

Running / Jogging

There are two types of runners, and you have probably seen both. The first drags along, looking like he is disgusted, tired, and ready to drop. The second has a happy expression on their face, as if her/she were in another world or on an incredible high.

It has been discovered that after running 45 minutes or more the brain releases a chemical called endorphins. This natural endorphin stimulates creativity, logical thinking, and brings on a beautiful, natural high. In fact, it’s called a Runner’s High.  Using this program, you can learn how to mentally release the chemicals in your brain. Not into running? After listening to this program and the connection between running and endorphins, you may be!

                                                     This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Running/Jogging

This program is from the Sports Series


Mr. Konicov, I accidentally came across your tapes in Maplewood Minnesota. I felt a little silly but I went ahead and bought “Running/Jogging” and “Weight Loss”. I went back the next day and bought “Up From Depression”. I’ve been hypnotized many times. But I’ve never had anything work so fast. “Up From Depression” saved my life. All the things encouraged  on the tape like changing my diet etc, I’ve been trying to do on my own for years. I was put in a position where I had to work it out on my own. Just me and the tape. What was on the tape was quite a shock. I didn’t expect it to be so intense. But it was just what I needed. Thank you, Shelia M. St. Paul, MN

Thank you. I am using the  Running/Jogging tape. It has been very effective. My husband is a tough criminal attorney. I let him listen to Relaxation from Stress and Anxiety. He did not like the hypnotic side but after only a few playing of the subliminal side has been sleeping through the night and far less tense. This is close to a miracle. He had been so wound up the walls vibrated when he came home. Once again thank you for your tapes and letters. Blessings Germaine W. Philadelphia, PA

I have been a marathon runner for over fifteen years and have just started listening to your Running/Jogging tape. I have become aware of improved performance. Once again, thanks your for your tape series. Hopefully  my results will continue to be positive. Sincerely, Jeffrey S. Birmingham, MI

Fear of Failure

Some people are bold, adventurous, and daring. They move forward with grace while others stumble, fall, and quake with fear. Do you have the desire to succeed, yet hold yourself back out of a fear of failure? Do you feel the stirring of greatness in you, but feel shackled by fear?

You can learn to use the energy you’ve been using to support your fear, and channel it into a drive for success.  This program is designed to help you reprogram your thoughts from negative to positive, making way for new and exciting changes in every facet of your life.

                                                      This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Fear of Failure

This program is from the Fear-Overcoming Series


Dear Konicov, I listened to your tape, Fear of Failure– it is great Thank you very much! Sincerely, David Honolulu, HI

Dear Sir, Your tapes are excellent. I have several of them. It has improved the quality of my life into the kind of life I  want; especially “Fear of Failure”. I now feel I can make mistakes without being destroyed. I finally joined the human race. I am grateful to you. Thank you. Sr. Angeline C. Manitoba, Canada

Relationship Reprogramming

We always seem to hurt those closest to us, or are hurt by them. Take this situation in hand – with or without the other person. Start to create healthy relationships.  Use this program to help reprogram relationships with husband or wife, parents, children, brothers, and sisters.


                                                       This title is now available on MP3, Cassette TapeCD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Relationship Reprogramming

This program is from the Love & Relationships Series


Hi, Barrie, Actually, I have several of your tapes. I use them all the time, in fact I have been using them for at least 15 years. Now that is hard to believe: that is is already 15 years. They are wonderful. I originally have bought “How to Attract Your Soul Mate” and “Relationship Reprogramming”.  After listening them to a very short time, I did meet my soul mate.  We have been married 15 years.  Although we have had ups and downs (that is life isn’t it?) we have stayed together and will stay together I am sure. Of course when things get bad, all I have to do is listen to “Relationship Reprogramming” and things go smooth again. Somehow, I had lost “How to Attract Your Soul mate”.  Is the Love one you have the same tape, just renamed?  Don’t ask me how but when I got those tapes, it was just because I got a folder in the mail. I really do not know how I got on the mailing list.  I think it had other things besides your tapes.  I decided to try them and now I am a true fan.

A few years ago I got to thinking that maybe you would have some other “Positive” tapes.  I got on the Internet. At first I had a really hard time finding anything. I couldn’t remember anything but “Potentials Unlimited”. That and the fact that I was not proficient in the Internet, made it very difficult for me to find.  Somehow I did end up with a site that sold your  tapes. At that point I still did not know who the author of the tapes was, and that you had your own site. I bought a new computer, and lost the bookmark to my old site.  When I searched again, I found your site. I am happy to find it.

Dear Barrie, Your Tape “Relationship Reprogramming” really helps. After 30 years of “troubled relations” that the tape takes the cake in helping people like me. I have 21 of your tapes now. They have helped. Keep up the good work. Thank you, Joe S.

How to be a Great Golfer

Great golf is the result of a well-coordinated body, working in harmony with a well disciplined mind. The combination of these two things could make you the next great golfer.

The principles of relaxation, coordination, and concentration detailed in this program will make you a better golfer. Do not purchase one for your golf partner; that would be carrying a good thing too far!

                                                   This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for How to be a Great Golfer

This program is from the Sports Series


Yes, I have used your golf tape, broke it and desperately need the new one sent before I take a golf trip with my husband on April 20, 2000. Love your voice. Denise

I have found your tapes to be excellent. I have used “How to be a Great Golfer” and my handicap has dropped from a 4 to a 0 in one month. Many people who play golf where I live are going out and buying this tape. I am a big believer and don not hesitate telling people. Sincerely, Mike M. Ralls, TX

As a night club owner Stress is my middle name. Your tape on How to be a Great Golfer has very soothing effects on my game. After only 2 weeks use.  Tom. P Fredonia, NY

Dear Impact Publishing Co, I am so pleased with the improvement in my golf game that I just had to write you this letter. My sister gave me “How to be a Great Golfer” for Christmas. I started listening to it 2 weeks before going to Florida on vacation in late March. I am only a second year golfer and hadn’t played since summer. There was a noticeable improvement in my game on my first day out. I listen to my tape faithfully and always before a match. I breath and visualize and follow the directions on the tape. Of course I’m also practicing and have taken lessons, but the shots I am hitting are incredible. People can’t believe it when I tell them I’m a second year golfer. All I hear from my fellow golfers is “when your get it all together your going to be good“. Its almost embarrassing, but I love it. My handicap was 40  for 9 holes in April and its 28 now in early July. My best score was 58. I played in a tournament last week. Thanks you your tapes I am really enjoying golf and also dealing with  some frustration as a beginner. Thanks so much! Joan O

Mr. Konicov, The tapes are working for me. I improved my game by at least 6 strokes for 18 holes and after 40 years of nail biting (after trying everything imaginable) have stopped biting my nails! Thank you, Barbara McK. Newfoundland and NJ

To Whom it may concern: I’m a 24 year old male that has played golf since I was about 8 or 9 years old. I have what everyone considers a very nice natural swing. I hit the ball a long way and had always felt my potential to score much better was there but I could never put it all together. Enter your tape. I bought your tape on a Saturday night and listened to it at night like the tapes requires and then several times during the day at work. That Wednesday I went out for an afternoon round with the boss and to my amazement I shot a lifetime low round of 2 over par 74 and that was with an out of bounds 2 stroke penalty! I was amazed and so were my playing partners, because I had never shot under 80. I usually  “choke” on the 17th or 18th hole but on this day I remained calm and collected. The next Wednesday it happened again. A 3 over par 75 and that was after shooting 3 over on the front nine and staying even par over the last nine holes. (Another first for me) If you ever need me for any kind of reference please feel free to contact me. I was a 13 handicap that shoots between 80-85 and suddenly drops  6-10 strokes after one week. I can’t wait for a month of listening to the tape! Thanks for helping me “tap” my potential. P.S. I’m sorry to say that I told my playing partners that I much have gotten lucky. I didn’t want a good thing to go to far. Your Sincerely, Paul C. El Paso, TX

Psychic Healing

We are all capable of healing others and we are capable of healing ourselves. Some can heal with a touch, others with a word, and still others with psychic spiritual energies.

Psychic healing can be learned, it can be developed, and most of all, it can be effective. Your thoughts, actions, and beliefs have a profound effect upon you and those around you who suffer from illness.

I have created this program to enable you to develop the method of psychic healing that is most harmonious with your experience. On this program I will guide you step-by-step through the mental process necessary for you to become a healer.

                                                      This title is now available on MP3,Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Psychic Healing

This program is from the Metaphysics Series


I always go back to Psychic Healing and Psychic Ability to help me refocus and regain inner control. I have several tapes from Barrie Konicov, they have helped me so much. I lost my oldest son very unexpected do to an undetected heart condition. I have felt great strength from these tapes. My son will be gone 5 years in March and I still pull out the  psychic abilities and psychic healing tapes when I start to feel down. I believe these tapes. Thank You Very Much, Shirley Stewart.

The tapes have helped me in difficult times when I am in great need of rest by allowing me to quickly achieve a deep sleep. I consider the tapes to be a source of comfort and relief–a place to turn to when I am having physical and / or emotional trauma.  Debra W

I sustained a severe back injury  and have had considerable relief and continued healing since starting to use the Psychic Healing tape six months ago. You have my most heart felt thanks and you have had better believe I’ll let my 8 Doctors be in formed. Thank You! Michael S. Albuquerque, NM

So, You’re Out of a Job?

I was once out of a job and living off unemployment. Unemployment can lead to depression, anger, anxiety and a host of other mental disorders. You need a way to look beyond your unemployment and move on.

Listen to my experience and how I handled the situation. Let me help you on the road back. If you’re out of a job, this program can help you.

                                                     This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

media formats

View all for So, You’re Out of a Job?

This program is from the Life Cycles Series


Well in a couple of weeks I will be ordering a few more of your tapes, psychic healing and a couple others. Here in Michigan there used to be a bookstore which carried quite a few of your titles. I know for a fact that your tapes do work wonders. An example I listened to your So Your Out of a Job tape the subliminal side 4 times and the phone began ringing with opportunities. Places that I had forgotten that I had applied at began calling for interviews.

Dear Potentials Unlimited, Currently I am partially disabled and unemployed and Tape #121, So You’re Out of a Job” has helped me come out of the slump I was in. Thank you again, Tony A. Webster, NY

Hello Barrie Konicov, Thanks so much for your tape #121, So You’re Out of a Job? After working temp jobs for 2 years, I finally got my job- the offer was made today and I accepted and, I believe you deserve the credit! I received your book and that very day sent for the tape. I received your tape and started playing it daily and watched myself change. I organized 2 folders, 1 for resumes sent out and 1 for interviews. What s story they told. I started cleaning up my past life- not only  jobs but relationships, closets, drawers, and one day I even found myself standing by my rolodex, taking out cards and tearing them up. I treated myself to royalty too. I went on an interview no matter, how it went, I spent time sitting in a beautiful park or eating a delicious lunch or even going to the ocean or simply having an ice cream cone. Yesterday, before the interview where I captured my job, I bought 2 new outfits. I wore my electric blue dress and I felt so confident when I went to the interview I eve amazed myself! I had to let you know the results of your tape. Thank goodness you’ve found your niche in business or I’d still be working temp jobs. Sincerely Grateful, Sandy Hawkins. Livermore, CA

Received your letter today and I’m happy to sign the release. I was so bubbly and so delighted when I wrote and much has happened since then. My Job, the one I had waited for  2 years lasted 8 1/2 days. I was numb from shock when my boss told me I wasn’t working out when I knew I had done nothing wrong. Looking at her “perfect” pictures reminded me of my growth and the distance I had grown. I knew that in her eyes, no one would measure up and so  I forgave her and turned on my tape So, You’re Out of a Job? one more time. That tape is wonderful and you know what? Six days after losing that job, I went out and got another one that’s even better! So, you see, Barrie Konicov really knows what he’s doing. I am grateful for his teaching ways and methods of reaching out to help so many. Sincerely, Sandy H. Livermore, CA

I just wanted to let you know I got the  “So You’re Out of a Job” MP3 while I was looking for my second job, and I landed the job very quickly and for a lot more money than I expected, It’s a hard job, but it’s much appreciated in this economy. Good luck, and thank you for continuing to offer the programs and update the web site. Theresa M. via email

Psychic Protection

On this program, I give you those techniques and methods that are necessary to safeguard the integrity of your mind.

If you are open to messages, images and thoughts from other people, you are also opening the doors to certain negative forces and influences. You must be able to protect yourself against these unwanted intruders.

This program will teach you the basics of psychic protection and help you protect your mind from dangerous psychic powers.

                                                                                                           This title is now available on MP3, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

Super Consciousness SCII  MP3

  Digitally Composed MSTR MP3

 media formats.

View all for Psychic Protection


Since listening to our “Psychic Protection” tape I now, at bedtime, call my “army” together and discuss ways in which I need particular assistance in the next day, or week, from them. I thank each of them for helping me on the day I am putting to rest. And then I ask them to gather round and all join together to wrap me in the protective white light of the universe. It’s quite effective in giving me ways to focus on my needs for the next day and also to be grateful and appreciative of my accomplishments for the day that is ending. My whole world has opened-up and changed so incredibly since I began using creative visualization! God Bless you and grand you peace. Keep up the good work! Love Kris McD. Indianapolis, MN