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If after a minimum of 30 consecutive days per title, you do not experience these benefits of our product, you may return it for a full refund. (Shipping and handling are not refunded)

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How to Use During the Day

To bring the message to your conscious or awakening mind, I suggest you play the tapes two or more times per week, when you can sit comfortably in a chair and listen to the entire message. Listening to the program during the day will allow you to consciously experience the pleasant sensations of self-hypnosis. You will find yourself floating into a dreamy state of mind, much like twilight sleep, or daydreaming. During these times, your conscious mind will become aware of the same message as your subconscious. When your conscious and subconscious both believe the same message, changes happen easily, effortlessly, and automatically.

Read the frequently asked questions for more about our Subliminal Persuasion™ products.

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Successful Retirement

Congratulations on your retirement. Now make your retirement something special. Keep the enthusiasm you had, and enjoy life as a retiree.

If loss of your work identity is getting you down, or you just don’t know how to fill your days, this program can change your thinking, and rekindle your reasons for enjoying life.


Successful Retirement MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Successful Retirement MS Sample

Successful Retirement SCII

Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Successful Retirement SCII Sample

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

My Joy of Exercise cassette tape is worn out and I searched you to see if you are still around! Oh how wonderful, You are my favorite! Thank you devoted fan. Barbara B., Facebook

Baseball – CATCHING

Seasoned professional? Weekend player? These lessons are designed to teach you how to play baseball better, by enhancing your concentration and improving your fielding and batting ability. I would not want to face a team that has been using one of these programs.

All of these baseball training programs cover catching, fielding, batting and running, but each program specializes in one area. This program concentrates on catching.

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Baseball – CATCHING MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play Baseball-CATCHING MS Sample


Super Consciousness (SCII) programs contain Baroque Classical Music on the Subliminal Component

Play Baseball-CATCHING SCII Sample

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Barrie, I am glad that I am getting this opportunity to contact you. I am a complete believer in your products and the power of self-hypnosis. Allow me to briefly explain my success with your product. My mother purchased a self-hypnosis cassette for my father. He claims that he had used it one time and had quit smoking cold-turkey. The tape was lying around the house and I had decided to try it out for positive influence upon my baseball abilities. I was a sophomore in high school at the time and I started listening to one of your tapes every evening before I went to bed during baseball season. At the time, I was a pretty decent baseball player, but, never an outstanding hitter. That season, out of the blue, I hit .549. It seems to me during that period of time, I came to the plate with a clear mind and felt like I was going to hit the ball every time that I had stepped into the box. The following season. I went into a complete slump. I batted .286 for the season. I did not use the self-hypnosis cassettes. My senior year, I started the season batting 1-19. My coach was down on me and I was down on my self. It popped into my head that I should try using the self hypnosis cassettes again. I ended up batting .526 for the rest of the season. In fact, my final batting average was an even .400 for the season. This was the precise goal I had suggested for myself. My freshman year of college, I lent the tape to a friend who was a punter for Akron University (OH). That season, he was the sixth rated punter in the nation. He had also lost the tape. I would like to get my fingers back on the duplicate cassette. I still have the cassette case and sleeve. Possibly, if I could send these to you, I could re-purchase this tool that I had found to be very valuable. Currently, I am an engineer. I would like to use your products again to help me with my creative thinking abilities. Creativity is what sets good engineers apart from great ones. I have to go. I assure you that everything that I have written is 100% true. I hope to contact you again soon re-purchase an old lost friend. Yours Truly, Jeff M. G., Greenville, TX

How to Handle Critism

Nobody likes to be put down, hear that they have done wrong, or have their faults pointed out to them. In a word nobody likes to be criticized. Learn how to turn criticism into valuable lessons, by changing your reaction.

Accepting criticism is an essential skill in today’s highly competitive and often judgmental world. Learn the art of turning a bitter critique into constructive criticism by taking your reactions off automatic pilot. Once you master these lessons, you will know how to find the value in negative comments, and use them to improve your life.


How to Handle Critism MS

The Subliminal portion of this MS program contains easy listening music

Play How to Handle Critism MS Sample

Every title comes with…

  • Self Hypnosis component (you hear all the words and phrases): Self Hypnosis is designed to be used in a time and a place where it is safe to fall asleep
  • Subliminal component (you will hear music): Subliminal is designed to be used anytime/anywhere

Dear Barrie,  About nine to ten years ago I started buying hypnotic tapes from Potentials Unlimited. Since then I have found your tapes to be most effective. They do the job. From time to time I select a tape and play it each morning and night. After listening to your voice for so long, I thought I’d drop you a line and say hello. Keep making those good tapes. John C. Port Richey, FL

I have lost weight, stopped smoking, stopped drinking, gained self confidence, can take criticism better, rarely get sick, reduced procrastination by 50%, abated my temper, developed a positive and enthusiastic state of mind, worry less, have less stress in my live, improved memory, better self discipline, study better, free from guilt, exercise almost daily (and enjoy it) and have hardly any acne. So you see I have every reason to Thank your method. I have gotten rid of most of the forced conditioning and am finding the real person I am. I enjoy life, even the not so good days. Can’t thank you enough. Maureen M. APO, SF

Effective Speaking

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Effective Speaking

According to surveys, the fear of public speaking is more common than the fear of death.  What happens when you get up to speak?  Do you feel  your stomach, heart, and throat, throughout  your entire body?

If you experience an overwhelming fear of speaking before a group, this program was designed for you. You will learn to relax and enjoy the opportunity to address a large group.

                                                       This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD,

 media formats.

View all for Stop Being Angry

This program is from the Living Success Series


Hey, I have been using your tapes for more the 10 years and I am glad that you finally have CD’s available for purchase. Thank you so very much for this. I have recommended your tapes and CD’s to many friends as I have found them very helpful. I certainly hope that you continue in your efforts to help people through-out the universe. On a more personal note you should know that I have used your pubic speaking tape, prior to this I was unable to speak to more then two people at one time, after listening to your tape I was able to overcome my fear of speaking was able to speak to a group of eight hundred physicians at the same time. I am respectfully yours.

Stephanie, I am so enjoying the results I am already receiving from the Effective Speaking tape; it is truly exciting. Thanks to you and your father for making this product available. You both will be forever in my thoughts. Thanks again, Marjie K, via email.

I have used Effective Speaking for nearly one month now. I must say, the initial listening and the very next day, whamo! I was totally at social ease, smiling radiantly, bringing forth people into my glorious radius. It was as if by magic: I was a totally new person. The sessions continued, for one month’s time, as what is recommended, and I can say congruently, the changes have been amazing. I am fully myself in every interaction speaking with absolute precision, warmth, self confidence, and persuasion. Incidentally, the hypnosis work I have experienced with Barrie has been transformational!  Thanks Barrie! Michael C. via email

I love your tapes – and have since the mid-80’s. As a professional speaker, I listen to Effective Speaking before a program to help me touch each person. When I travel, I always bring Self Healing. As a keynote speaker at a conference, I cannot let my client down by not being able to perform in my time slot. It’s not as though I can put this commitment off until the next day. In 27 years on the platform, I have never missed an engagement! The third program I would not be without is Overcoming Jet Lag. I have spoken in 17 foreign countries and wouldn’t leave home without Overcoming Jet Lag. As the tape suggests, I reset my watch, then sleep with the tape running on a continuous loop. I am about to invest in these programs in the CD format – which will be ever more convenient and helpful! In several of my motivational, leadership and stress management seminars, I recommend Potentials Unlimited to audience members and include the Potentials Unlimited phone number and web address in my handout material. Nancy Hightshoe, MA 
I purchased, “Creative Writing”, “Creative Thinking”, “Effective Speaking”, and “Memory Improvement“.  Wow, I have really unleashed a lot of wonderful creative energy.  Thank you so much.  I have listened to “Effective Speaking” for at least a year on and off.  I still have trouble with public speaking: something I really want to overcome.  Do you have any other suggestions as to what would help me finally conquer that fear?  I did see a tape about visualization, so I was thinking that may be helpful.  I also will be ordering your book, and a saw a few other tapes I am interested in. Sorry this is so long. Just wanted to say THANKS so much. I am very grateful to you for your tapes.

Time Management

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Time Management – Self-discipline is Success

Time management is the cornerstone of success. When you become a success in your mind, you automatically do the activity that brings you to the success that you seek. Discipline is the magic ingredient that makes being, doing, and having automatic.  Time management skills are the key to success in any venture.

Let this program help you master the art of time management.  You’ll learn to budget your time and eliminate time wasters. Success could be right around the corner with this program.

                                                          This title is now available on  Cassette Tape, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Time Management

This program is from the Success Series


Hi Barrie, I have used your tapes before. At different times I have had all the tapes I ordered. I got them at book stores around the country. I have loaned them to friends in the course of my travels. I have had good experiences with the tapes myself. Self discipline is a success. It helped me through recovery from drug addiction. During that period I also used Self Healing, Self Hypnosis and Concentration. I began seriously practicing martial arts in 1984. I didn’t find the inner dance until ’91 and it helped me to advance. I’ve also used the self hypnosis tape to help me enhance my ability as a jazz musician. Thank you very much. Charles

Lower Blood Pressure

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Lower Blood Pressure

About 72 Million Americans over the age of 20 have high blood pressure. While attending a hypnosis convention, I witnessed a demonstration using hypnosis as a natural treatment for hypertension.

After the workshop, a doctor asked me to produce a program that would teach self-hypnosis and gear the results to lowering blood pressure. The result was this program which uses the power of the mind to reduce blood pressure.



                                                                  This title is now available on


                                                                                    MP3,  CD


                                                                                 MASTER MP3


                                                                                 media formats.


                                                                 View all for Lower Blood Pressure


                                                              This program is from the Health Series



Greetings, Thank you for your response to my letter of gratitude. Of the many tapes that I purchased from Potentials Unlimited my three favorites are, Stopping SmokingWeight Loss and Lowering Blood Pressure. The following results were accomplished, no cigarettes for nine years, thirty five pound weight loss and a milder medication for my Blood Pressure which is now completely under control. My neighbor borrowed my Stopping Smoking tape, liked it, bought two tapes one for her brother and self. Now there are three of us who are butt free. On the Self Hypnosis tape, Barrie concludes with and your life will be fantastic. That’s why I listen to two tapes daily because my life is fantastic. A lot of people needs your help. Keep it up. Thanks again, John C Port Richey FL