Freedom from Guilt

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Freedom from Guilt

Guilt can eat you, gnaw at you, and tear you apart. Even if there are no logical or rational reasons for it, guilt is there. It can influence every part of your life, becoming a heavy burden, until you learn how to release it. Be kind and gentle to yourself.

Discover freedom from guilt with this innovative program that will answer the question “How do I let guilt go?”

                                                                  This title is now available on MP3,CD,

 media formats.

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This program is from the Peaceful Living Series


Thank you for your kindness and outreach. We met Barrie (& his wife) at a Los Angeles tradeshow in 1983. We purchased four cassette tapes: Lose Weight, Creative ThinkingFreedom from Worry and Freedom from Guilt. In 2006 I began to listen to excerpts from “A Course in Miracles.”  I was coping with four years of hot flashes. One day, I realized the anxiety that came with the flashes were fear, then I realized it was guilt. I began to listen to the “Freedom from Guilt”  tape to learn to channel that energy in a more positive means. We truly believe your programs are “the lazy man’s way to enlightenment” and have encouraged many others to use these tools. It is with Heartfelt Gratitude I write these words. May you receive a million fold blessings for the difference you have made in lives like ours. Gayle & Joe L. Largo, FL

Dear Mr. Konicov: Hello, greetings, and thank you. Than you for your truly wonderful Subliminal tape series. Through thousands of hours of listening to the reposent ocean waves, my life has drastically improved. Although I possess several from the series, two have had particularly powerful impacts.. The “Freedom from Guilt” tape has permitted me to be free from the imposition of persons wanting to convenience, and/ or comfort themselves at my expense, by allowing me to simply say “no” to what I don’t wish to do without feeling guilty for so doing. Further, it’s made me realize that being human I needn’t punish myself indefinitely for past mistakes, or disservices to others, nor theirs toward me. The “Weight Loss” tape has helped me to lose close to fifty pounds. Although the ultimate results lie with the listener, thank you for giving me the medium to help make it easier. Very Truly Yours, Robert L. Scottsdale, AZ

Thanks Potentials Unlimited, I started listening to your tapes about ten weeks ago, and I can’t believe the changes in my life. My Children and friends are saying don’t you look great. I’ve listened to many of the tapes, Freedom From Guilt, Birth Separation, and Pain Relief are the ones that made the most difference. I look at the world thru different eyes. I could write on and on because I’m so completely sold on the tapes. Thanks Barrie, Sincerely Ruby J.