Birth Separation

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Birth Separation

For many people, the birth experience was very traumatic.  The effects of birth trauma could be the source of asthma, headaches, depression, and body aches.

Try this test.: inhale deeply and hold it.  Is your stomach pulled in as you inhale?  If so, your body mechanism is backwards, probably due to birth trauma.

This program could help correct your breathing and release the negative feelings that surround your birth.

                                                    This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                        Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,         Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Birth Separation

This program is from the Metaphysics Series


Thanks Potentials Unlimited, I started listening to your tapes about ten weeks ago. And I can’t believe the changes in my life. My children and friends are saying don’t you look great. I’ve listened to many of the tapes, Freedom from Guilt, Birth Separation, and Pain Relief are the ones that made the most difference. I look at the world thru different eyes. I could write on and on because I’m so completely sold on the tapes. I have my three girls and some friends listening to them too. Thanks Barry. Sincerely Ruby J.