Good Study Habits

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Good Study Habits

Studying can be fun; and learning can be pure joy. Think back for a moment; did you ever actually learn how to study?   Probably not. That’s why for most students, studying is distasteful, boring, tedious and difficult.

With this program you can change your feelings about studying and get excited about learning.  This bedtime sleep program can create new positive attitudes towards school, new and improved study skills and improved motivation. Isn’t it time you brought out the hidden potential in you or your child!?

                                                   This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD, Video, DVD

                                                                             Digitally Composed MSTR MP3

                                                                                         media formats

                                                                             View all for Good Study Habits

                                                                  This program is from the Education Series


Very happy with your products, ever since my first tape as a teenager in the mid 1980’s, Improving Study Habits. Timothy B, via Email

Gentlemen/Ladies: I have purchased different Potentials Unlimited Subliminal/Self-Hypnosis audio tapes and have found them to be useful in my daily life. One I purchased was Good Study Habits, improving my 8 year old daughter’s behavior in this area. Over the past few weeks, her study habits have improved and each night she insists on listening to the self-hypnosis side of the tape as she drifts off to sleep. Cordially, D. Richard W. CFP, CLU, CMA

As far as my belief system goes, I guess I should have highlighted that Good Study Habits was only the first of about six titles that I have used personally with great satisfaction. My mother used your tapes to help Stop Smoking and both my parents have used the “losing Weight” program. I am a big advocate of your products and have recommended them to friends for over ten years. IN short, there’s no need to call me. I’m sold already! Bangkok

I purchased the Good Study Habits for my son. When people ask me if they work, I tell them of his success. He had an F in Science class, and 3 D’s in other subjects. By the end of the next semester, his Science grade was an A+!! The D’s were all B’s. The teachers asked what we had done, and I told them of the tapes. My daughter was in a similar situation, and her grades improved as well. Thank you, Gary S. T. Security, CO

Dear Potentials Unlimited, I just wanted to write you a note to let you know how much your tapes helped me through this past semester in school. I am studying to become a Certified Nurse Midwife, and was under al lot of pressure due to a heavy workload and some very difficult courses including Chemistry. I was using the Good Study Habits and the Concentration earlier in the semester, and then added the Taking Exams tape. I finished out last semester with a 4.0 GPA and feel that your tapes played an important part. Thank you! Sincerely, Sara K. Bradenton, FL

My name is Paige, I am 12 years old and I am in the Sixth grade. I just moved. I was having a lot of problems because I went from a Montessori school to a public school. I stayed up until midnight every night and I cryed a lot because I couldn’t get my work done in school. Then I got some of your tapes, the Good Study Habits and the Concentration. I listened to the Good Study Habits tape first and as soon as my studys improved I listened to the Concentration. And thanks to the tapes I have better grades. Thanks Alot!!! Sincerely Paige B. North Canton, OH

In 1984 or 1985 while I was in collage my mom bought me the Good Study Habits tape–it made a tremendous difference — they really work! MC, Phoenix, AZ

To whom it may concern, I was having a great deal of problems in college. My major problem was hitting the book. Then I found your tape on Good Study Habits,. It really changed my grades from the low side to the high side. I found my excitement coming about when an exam came decreased, because of your taking exams tape. It helped me a great deal and I want to Thank you and your company. Thanks Roy

My name is Scott and I have been listening to the Overcoming Procrastination and Good Study Habits tapes for the last 2-3 years. I have been very impressed with the results that I have been receiving. Thanks Scott B. Kanata, Ontario

My name is Ann and I am 22 years old. I recently began listening to your Potentials Unlimited Good Study Habits tape. My overall GPA before your tape was awful: 1.8. I began using your tape and my spring GPA was 3.5 and Fall GPA was 4.0. The difference the tape has made in my life is incredible. I can’t thank you enough. Thank you, Anne B. Destrehan, LA



A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


I had more requests to make this self hypnosis program than any other. Some studies estimate that up to 80% of Americans experience insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping or trouble staying asleep, this self improvement program could assist you.

Learn to sleep, and sleep deeply, throughout the night with peaceful dreams. You can awaken at the time of your choice. Try it – and have a pleasant sleep, for a change!

Eliminate Insomnia Now!

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD,


      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set, Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

media formats.

View all for Insomnia

This program is from the Health series


I am so pleased! I am sleeping now without the insomnia tape. I am listening to other tapes at night instead. Before the tape I was taking medication and still having trouble! 🙂 Mary K. Omaha, NE

We have been using your tapes for over a year. I started the tapes during a period in our lives when all of us were under severe stress. In a desperate attempt to stabilize and heal our family I purchased one of the tapes. Now we are a tape family. We have a tape for every situation. My skeptical Lawyer husband uses relieve from stress and Insomnia all the time. However, the insomnia tape is used less and less frequently. My daughter is calmer and putting a real effort into her school work. True we changed schools but the tapes have been an absolute Godsend.

There is no objective way to measure the improvement in our lives but subjectively we are happier, healthier and feel more secure. The tapes have given different results than I expected. It is hard to express those changes, but the nearest idea is one of directedness, and a sense of cosmic protection. Sincerely, yours, G.C.W. Phila, PA

Barrie,  My wife and I have been using your “going to sleep” tape for about 2 years with great success. But now the tape went bad and I needed a new one. This triggered my idea to add a few additional ones of your programs hoping they would be as good as the one I have tried. A few years ago I became CEO and Chairman of a successful venture-capital funded high-tech company specializing in microwave telecom devices, based on some patents of mine. This job has been extremely demanding. To see if my health has suffered, I went through a recent medical checkup which showed excellent results. However, for nearly half a year I have been suffering from a skin rash which tends to grow nastier by the week. Dermatologists cannot find a responsible bug. There has been no ointment, lotion or pill that would have an effect. One dermatologist thought it might be a stress related phenomenon. Since I am ready to try anything that might work, I tried to see if you had a website showing perhaps more than just the sleep tape.  This assumption was correct and now I want to see if the dermatologist’s suspicion is correct and which of your programs might help. Best regards, Richard

After years of being kept awake by, and having my sleep interrupted by my husband’s snoring, I purchased an Insomnia tape from Potentials Unlimited. The results were great! The first night I was sound asleep and remained asleep through-out the entire night. I alternated between the self Hypnosis and subliminal tapes and both worked very well for me. I use the past tense because I am now able to put myself to sleep by using Barrie’s suggestions. Thank you for helping me. Sincerely,  M.G. Porland, OR

Dear Sir: I have used your tape for insomnia with fantastic results! I haven’t been sleeping well for years, and I can’t begin to tell you what a wonderful difference a deep, restful sleep has meant to me. Yours truly, Ms. Sylvie S. Smiths Falls, Ont.

I would like to mention that although it is not the tape for insomnia, the hypnotic side has a very relaxing effect and I seem to sleep a lot better than I used to. Even when I don’t go to sleep while the tape is still playing I do soon afterwards. Thank you. Yours Truly, Glenn B. Petrolia Ont.

Arthritis Pain Relief

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Arthritis Pain Relief

Incredible as it seems, hypnosis can provide significant arthritis pain relief.

This innovative natural arthritis treatment works by stimulating certain areas of your mind through suggestions of progressive relaxation, resulting in an increased flow of warm blood to the afflicted area. You could begin feeling better after the first playing.

                                                                   This title is now available on MP3, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Arthritis Pain Relief

This program is from the Pain Management Series


HI P.U., your MS Arthritis Pain Relief MP-3 is Heaven Sent, and better then Tylenol Arthritis Pain tablets. Gordon G.  Sacramento, California

Could you please tell me where I can obtain a copy of Subliminal Arthritis Pain Relief audio Tape. I have been using it and found it Wonderful!! Thank you, Patricia B. Quebec Canada

Dear Sir: I have been using my tapes faithfully for over 3 months and know that they are making my life easier. I am able to cope with my arthritis much better. I have been recommending the tapes to all my friends and relatives. In fact my daughter borrowed my weight tape and conveniently forgot to bring it back. My niece took my catalog for she wanted to order from it. So you can see I have to guard my tapes when I have visitors. Sincerely Henrietta B. Glendale Hts,  IL

Gentleman, Before another day passes, I must tell you how much relief I’m receiving from your Arthritis Pain Relief tape; it has saved me countless trips to the doctor. After being lulled to sleep by Barrie’s voice, I awaken totally refreshed and without a hint of pain! Many thanks to Barrie for sharing his wonderful talent with so many people. He’s helping them to help themselves. I, for one, am deeply grateful. Sincerely Veronica D. Obernburg, NY

Premenstrual Syndrome

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Premenstrual Syndrome

This program arose out of a session I had with a client who experienced very difficult menstrual periods. It helped her overcome PMS. Since that time all has changed for her – it can for you, too!

Many studies point to the fact that chemical changes in a woman’s body during her period make her more prone to anger, accidents, and extreme mood changes. Begin using this program five days before your next menstrual cycle and begin to experience a new you. Begin to have a more peaceful and healthy body and mind, all month long.

                                                         This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

                                            Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,          Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Premenstrual Syndrome

This program is from the Healing Self Series


Barrie, Before your tape Pre Menstrual Syndrome, I hated my periods. The mood swings, the cravings, the pain! My periods were usually very hard both on my body and my mind. During the first listening of the Self-Hypnosis side, I learned that my periods were not accepted by my family, I was ridiculed, laughed at and many times embarrassed Once I recognized that, I was able to free myself of inner guilt and capable of accepting myself. my last two periods were mood free and virtually pain free! Thank You! Naomi P. Tucson, AZ


A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


Can you imagine living an entire life without ever learning how to use a computer? Well, how about this – can you imagine living your entire life and never learning how to program the most powerful and amazing computer on the planet, your subconscious mind?

Sad but true, most humans will never learn to program their own mind, and will instead, have their minds programmed for them by television and others.

If you want to take possession of the most wonderful and powerful gift imaginable, a computer of unlimited potential, learn to take control of your mind and begin right here and right now with this program.  Learn the art of self hypnosis.

This self-hypnosis program contains complete instructions for giving yourself suggestions, along with detailed procedures for entering into a state of self-hypnosis. Using it, you will be guided into a state of hypnosis with key phrases and statements, so you can utilize this level of mind any time you choose. When you have reached a certain depth, there is a quiet space where you can enter you own suggestions into your mind. Then, after a while, you are gently guided back to awakening consciousness.


                           This title is now available on  MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Self Hypnosis

This program is from the Education Series


Dear Sir: I am not writing this letter to thank you for the tape that made me Stop Smoking after 29 years of smoking three packs a day, although I am truly grateful. I am not writing to thank you for the tape that cured my job burnout, although again I am very grateful. I am writing to inform you that you many now enter your Self-Hypnosis tape in the Guinness Book of World Records. It is the only thing that has ever shut my friend Marcia up for a whole half-hour. She will attest herself that she did not interrupt you once, which again is a world record. I myself have only one small problem. I am no longer addicted to cigarettes, I am now addicted to self-hypnosis tapes. Please publish a tape immediately to cure me of this problem. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Sharon P. Las Vegas NV

I have found your tape on Super Consciousness Subliminal Persuasion Self-Hypnosis Tape very helpful. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Viola P. San Marcos, CA

Self Hypnosis–they really work. Mahola, Nancy M D. Aiea, HI

To whom it may concern: I have been using three of Barrie Konicov’s tapes for over two years now and I find them most helpful. They are a very positive and motivational force, as well as relaxing, and an aid in stress removal. I feel they’re like a key to help unlock the mind freeing it to aid and regain ones purpose as they help regain control of one’s will power, determination, and dedication to whatever one’s commitment to one’s self and life might be. As a Psychology Major in a community College, I know that the tapes help, when used as advised. The tapes I have purchased by Barrie Konicov up to this point are, Subliminal Memory Improvement,  the Subliminal Concentration, and the Subliminal Self-Hypnosis tape. Thank you. Sincerely, Julian J. W. Somerset, KY

I Want to Be Happy

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

I Want to be Happy

This is a powerful life changing program. Do you know you can learn to be happy?  This program can guide you to concentrate on harmonious, happy, and prosperous thoughts that bring you joy, happiness, and enthusiasm.

Mother Teresa said that happiness is a choice.  Make that choice for your life with this powerful program.

This title is now available on MP3,  Cassette Tape, CD,

Super Consciousness SCII   Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for I Want to Be Happy

This program is from the Health Series

My friend is currently using “Up from Depression” in combination with “I want to be happy” and “Relaxation“.  She was also using “Freedom from Worry“, but we were robbed while camping a couple of months ago, unfortunately the thieves took that tape.  My friend is certainly impressed with your tapes.  She has used many others.  She has even visited a psychologist/hypno-therapist and had tapes custom made for her in here in Canberra. She thinks yours are much better and certainly more powerful. We both think that this is quite impressive. I certainly never thought that your tapes would be better than having your own personal psychologist/hypno-therapist at your disposal, but the impact speaks for itself. Regards, Mark via email

Dear Stephanie, I am very happy with the “I Want to be Happy” Tape that I purchased for my 13 year old daughter. I can see an improvement in her attitude. She is more pleasant and happy. Geeta K. via email

Dear Barrie and Stephanie, I was so excited to find your web site! I came across you tape “I Want to be Happy” many years ago on a bookstore rack when I was an unhappy teenager. Your tapes gave me hope. In all my life, I had never heard a caring voice, until I began playing this tape. From that day, I began a lifelong program of self-care that has now helped me to attain a master’s degree and my first published children’s book. I’m much happier now than I’ve ever been my whole life. Your tapes have made and still do make a difference. Gratefully, Christopher D. Via email

Dear Barrie, Thank you so much for your gift and offering to the world. I listened to I Want to be Happy while drifting to sleep and I woke up laughing for no apparent reason. I listen to the Money/Prosperity tape at work al ot and this morning I woke up humming the music, not to mention I feel and am more prosperous than ever which makes me very happy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. In Gratitude, Laura L M. via email

Dear Mr Konicov, Thank you so much for sending me the I Want to be Happy tape. I’ve been listening to it for almost two months now. And I knew the first two days that it was the right tape for me! I always though my problem was with my weight! But it doesn’t have anything to do with weight. I’ve never been told before that it’s ok to be who I am! I find that I’m more apt to talk to people at work and not worry that they are judging me on my appearance. I have to admit that I don’t listen to it every day, but I pop it on 2 to 3 times a week and really relax and feel super afterwards. Keep up the good work and thank-you again for making me (or helping make me) a very happy person. Thank you! Sheila D. F. Cadillac, Mi

Dear Mr Konicov and staff of Potentials Unlimited, I was to the point of extreme depression, which as anyone whose been there knows, borderlines self-destruction. I gained immediate relief after using the I Want to be Happy program in just one month. After over a year now of using this tape, my success emotionally, physically, spiritually and materially have reached heights I’d only previously dreamed of. I’ve decided to continue using the tape out of a great desire to discover how far that sleeping giant, the mind, can take me. Love & Light Suzanna B. Goldthwaite, TX

Dear Mr. Konicov, I am writing this long overdue letter to let you know how grateful I am for the exceptional work that you do. I cannot describe in words the difference in my attitude during the last 6 weeks since I began listening to I Want to be Happy, but I will try. I feel as though I have grown from a frightened, angry, lonely little girl to a (semi) secure, confident and happy woman. In the last several weeks I have discovered some wonderful things about myself. I LIKE ME TODAY. That sir, is a direct result of your tapes. I would like to close in saying that I’ve heard that G-d works in mysterious ways. I believe your tapes are one of them. Thank you from the bottom of my hear. Sincerely, Mary L. Natick, MA

Stop Smoking

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Stop Smoking

There is a way to stop smoking naturally.  This Self Help program can cut your habit off immediately. This is the same basic technique and procedure I have used on literally thousands of people over the years to help them stop smoking in my classes.

Now it’s your turn to kick the habit.  Give it a try…you just may find yourself smoke-free in no time.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD, DVD, Video

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,   Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Stop Smoking


The stop smoking worked really great, I am nonsmoker since February 2000 !!! 🙂 Michaela W. Karlruhe, Germany

I have, in the past, purchased a number of subliminal CD’s from you. You helped me stop smoking and, for that, I thank you. The question is this, I recently purchased an Ipod and would like to transfer these CD’s to this device. Will they still work? Thanks, Howard S., Mundelein, Illinois

Dear Alisa,  Of course you can use my testimonial, Giving up smoking (9:30 pm, Dec. 14th 1987) with your help, is the best thing that I have done. I still have the tape in a box in the loft as a security blanket. Regards, Mick C. United Kingdom.  PS  If you want a more detailed description of me giving up smoking, I can do that as if it were yesterday.

Thank you from a satisfied customer. I am achieving all that the hypnosis says I can. I am 100% certain that they have majorly contributed to my recovery of abuse, and aided in my recovery of drinking and smoking. Thank you Angela H. United Kingdom

I used your Stop Smoking tape back on August 13th, 1989. I stopped 2 months after listening. I have not smoked since. It really worked! Thank you for saving my lungs. PS I am now a professional opera singer!!! Dan O. Toluca Lake, CA

I was an on again off again type smokers over my lifetime…well I used the tape/CD years back, I listened to it for a solid 30 days and set my stop smoking date three months in the future and when that day came Dec 5, 2003 I just stopped smoking – I had no cigs left and so I just cleaned the ashtrays and that was that! I refer this to every smoker I know…Now wishing the weight loss one will work the same for me. Deb J. Fort Meyers, FL

I appreciate all you have done and I will be ordering more titles from you in the future rest assured. I was successful quitting smoking 18 months ago and I will never smoke again. A lot of that was thanks to a Barrie Konicov recording so pass on the thanks if you get the chance. Andy B. Dublin Ireland

It’s now been 22 years since I quit smoking with the help of one of your tapes. I haven’t had even one puff since January 1, 1987!! It changed my life and made me believe I could do almost anything. I’d spent well over $1,000 on Stop Smoking, books, tapes, classes, acupuncture, and in-person hypnotists. Nothing worked until your program. I just wanted to say thank you. Kay B. Pine Grove, CA

Dear Barrie Konicov, Of Potentials Unlimited® I began listening to your tapes in 1989. I truly believe they have helped me to be a better Mother, Wife and Person in all areas of my life. One huge challenge I have had is Smoking at Christmas I received a IPod from my husband I ordered several mp3s one of which was “Stop Smoking”. I have smoked for 40+ years after listening to your tape for 3 weeks I lost the desire to smoke and have been smoke free for 2months with no withdrawls and no cravings. I believe it is the work of the Lord through your words. Thank You from the bottom of my heart and I know my children and grand children and great grand children thank you also as you have helped to change my life and extend it. Sincerely Jean Ray Glendale, Arizona

Hi I would like to thank Barry for helping me over the years starting in 1982 with the stop smoking tape which worked for me after the first listening, and others over the years. Linda C. London England

Barrie, I have used your tapes for quite some time, perhaps since 1984. I believe the first ones were Tapering off Smoking and Stop Smoking. I have actually used them to quit several times (another sheepish grin). It seems like I would always choose to smoke rather than review the tape and guide myself in a different direction. Chakra Meditation has given me a great deal of peace and calm and other subtle benefits that I wish to bring back into my life. I’ve been away from it for a while and want to return. Thank you very much for your work. I appreciate you. Perhaps we will meet someday and I can thank you personally.

“I just want you to know that I used your stop smoking tape and it worked great. It’s been a month and I’ve had no problems. I have quit in the past but it has never been this easy. – D. 0., Conway, MI

The first time I tried to quit smoking on my own, I gained 65 pounds and always wanted a cigarette. This time I used Stop Smoking for three months and then I was cigarette free. Recently I walked past a group of people outside an office building. For a minute I stood there trying to figure out what they were doing with those things in their mouths. It was as if my head was turned around and I was seeing as a non smoker. Very cool. Susan S.

Thanks for you Stop Smoking tape. I have quit smoking for 3 months with your tape after unsuccessfully trying on my own for 22 years. Patrick M. Clayton NC

I have used the Stop Smoking tape for 7 weeks and feel it is terrific. It has helped me accomplish what other no smoking programs didn’t. I really am a non smoker thanks to Potentials Unlimited. Nancy G. Takoma Park, MD

Because of the Stop Smoking tape I stopped smoking on the first playing after having smoked about 25 cigarettes a day for 15 years. Robert E. Rego Park, NY

I am not writing this letter to thank you for the tape that made me Stop Smoking after 29 years of smoking three packs a day, although I am truly grateful. I am no longer addicted to cigarettes, I am now addicted to self hypnosis programs by Potentials Unlimited. Sharon P. Las Vegas, NV

Words cannot praise these tapes highly enough. In the past few months I have quit smoking ( 8 weeks ago after 31 years) completely with no craving. Given up any and all use of alcoholic beverages ( 5 months). Almost completely reduced intake of caffeine and artificial sweeteners. You have changed my life. G-d bless you. Sandy S. Boyd, WI

Today marks one year since I started using your Stop Smoking tape. I was a smoker for 30 of my 42 years. 2.5 packs a day. Today marks one year since I put that poison in my system. Thank you. Kathleen H. Elmwood Park, NJ

I tried the Stop Smoking tape. Played it on December 16 and continued playing it as directed. As of December 21 I stopped smoking and I was a 30 year smoker. I was a 2 pack a day smoker. But now I no longer smoke! Gloria H. Poultney, UT

It’s been 5 months today and I’m still amazed that I no longer smoke. Several incidents have come up, however, whenever I’m temped I take a deep breath and count and the urge leaves. A year ago none of this was possible (not even writing this letter) Now I know my potential truly is unlimited. Thank you for the new me. Alice B. Rosamond, CA

I successfully used the Stop Smoking one about 15 years ago. Beverly L. Roseville, MI

I have been using your Stop Smoking tape for less than 2 weeks. Even though I haven’t quit completely yet, I have cut down from 1 pack a day to 3 packs a week. I noticed a difference in the way I feel about cigarettes immediately and the panicky feeling I used to get if I didn’t have cigarettes with me is gone. I never take my cigs with me anywhere. Edi M. No Hwyd, CA

I’m 27 years old and I smoked for 13 years and your tape worked fantastic! I stopped smoking 1.5 months after using the tape over nights. It’s so wonderful. sometime I can’t eve remember that I ever smoked! Thank you. Michaela W. Germany

I smoked cigarettes for the last 24 years of my life. I am free at last thanks to your Stop Smoking tape. I had no withdrawal symptoms, and I haven’t felt this good in years. Mrs. R. A. Pompano Bch, FL

I tried for 30 years to quit smoking. Thanks to your tape I succeeded. Thank you, Ruth P.

Barrie, You can to Houston, TX in March of 1991 and gave a stop smoking clinic in a hotel in Clear Lake City. I was one of the participants. I smoked my last cigarette when you gave us a break an d permission to have that last cigarette. I purchased a tape that night. I am glad I did. I played it twice a day for a year. I couldn’t ha e done it without you. Thank you so much. Now, I  would like to purchase a tape for weight loss. Again Thank you. Sue S. Houston TX

Self Healing

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


Learn the art of healing yourself.

This is the finest self healing program I offer. Customers report amazing changes in their health, both mentally and physically. The positive suggestions on this self hypnosis program have produced favorable healing responses with everything you can imagine.

Learn how to harness the power of your mind to overcome illnesses large and small.

This title is now available on MP3,  CD

MP3 Emerald Web,  MP3 MASTER

CD Emerald Web, CD MASTER

      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,  Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Self Healing


I was searching through my tape collection to find healing tapes for a friend in need in hospital and I was reminded of the countless times I have played your tapes, Barrie, being transported into a healing state of deep relaxation by your comforting voice and perfect direction. I have told many others of your value over the years and thought it was about time I expressed my appreciation directly to you. Bless you and thank you for the profound positive effect you have had in my life and in the recovery of so many of us. Sylvia B., Victoria, B.C., Canada

Dearest Susie, Thank you so much for taking time on the phone to discuss the tapes for Granny. She was diagnosed with Cancer in 1987 the Dr. gave her 5 week to five months  live. She wore your Self-healing tape out and lived 13 more years. Beverly

I bought your Self Healing program on cassette in the early 80’s after having a cold for 3 years which had turned into chronic bronchitis. I’d been coughing up phlegm all day and all night, every night. I could barely sleep. The Self Healing tape knocked that out and I didn’t get sick for another 10 years or so. Sometimes I stayed ‘alert’ during the hypnosis side and the ‘forgiveness’ section was a bit upsetting the first time. But that’s like the sting of putting alcohol on a cut. Then I finally healed. This should be mandatory for everyone. I’m so glad it’s on MP3 now. Kerry, Miami, FL

You Self Healing Self Hypnosis Subliminal tape has made a big difference in my life and I thought perhaps you might like to know about it. Three years ago I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer and my chance of recovery were 50%. I decided that if I wanted to live I would have to help myself. Each night I played the Self Healing tape and would fall asleep listening to it. thank you for your wonderful self healing tape! It sure worked for me; I’m still here! Mary C. Austin, TX

Salutation from northern CA. We’re writing to thank you for creating the Self Healing tape which we’ve been using and enjoying as much as possible. It really seems to be working. Claude & Angela S.

Thank you for your Subliminal Self Healing tape. I have just started playing it on a daily basis in my battle against Candida Albicans. The most important part for me is taking responsibility for my own health. Sharon S. Chicago, IL

Thank you so much for the result I have achieve from using your self hypnotic tape Self Healing. I have been astonished and thrilled with the changes and healing that has taken place in my body and mind. I have suffered from severe PMS for 30 years. Two weeks with the tape and I sailed through a period. A miracle! H.B. Auckland New Zealand

I have used your tapes on Self Healing and Relaxation daily for over two years now. They have helped tremendously with my arthritis and done wonders for my stress level and disposition. I can honestly say I am a better person because of your tapes. Oh, and your soothing voice has helped with my insomnia too. I am so glad my Dr recommended it for me. Rick P.

A short time after my nervous breakdown I purchased your self healing tape. within 3 weeks I was completely off all medications and was well on the way to a marvelous recovery. D.C.J.

Your tape Subliminal self healing ahs been very beneficial in helping me improve my physical and mental health.

Having kidney stone (OUCH!!!!) I listened to your tape for about 3 weeks (straight, 2x per day) I have passed WITHOUT PAIN 2 stones each 1/4″ Long! Chris F. Glastonbury, CT

I have enjoyed self healing subliminal persuasion self hypnosis program. Your tape relaxes me completely and for the first time  ever I fell asleep without any medication. April L. Chicago, IL

After 32 days listening to your self healing tape I felt like when I was on 125mg of Anti-depressant. I’ve worked the last 11 years to feel relief, I am so glad I was spontaneous and bought your program. It feels great to be off drugs and free of a psychological dependency on a therapist. Carol K. San Francisco, CA

I am a retired senior citizen. Ill health and a series of Carcinoma operations have taken their toll. But the Self Healing has helped me considerably and I regard Barrie Konicov as a Mental Magic worker! Noel H. Townsville  Australia



A Self Hypnosis program by                              

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


Learning to relax is one of the most difficult things to do in our culture.   Many of us walk around in knots.

But if you could learn to relax, your blood pressure could return to normal; headaches would go away, and that uncomfortable, uptight feeling in your stomach would vanish.  Stress is a factor in so many major health problems.

Use this self improvement program and you could begin to experience peace and calm, joy and relaxation

This title is now available on MP3, CD,  DVD, Video


      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,  Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

   media formats.

View all for Relaxation


Dear Mr. Konicov,
When I was in college (roughly 1985-86), I purchased a relaxation tape of yours.  It featured your voice, music, and the sounds of waves on one side and just the music and sounds of waves on the other.  I LOVED that tape.  It helped me so much.  Somehow, when I moved home from college, it became misplaced.  Though I have purchased other tapes, none come close to being as effective as that tape.  Recently, I came across a new set of tapes of yours. I bought The Super Consciousness set of Relaxation Tapes.  They feature the same words as the old tape I had but different music and no waves.  Though this tape is better than others, I miss the old music and waves.  I was very much conditioned to respond to that old tape, and while I probably could get used to the new one, I just had to ask if there is any way to buy another copy of that old one. I have always been a nervous person.  That tape was the most effective means of relaxation I have ever found.  Recently, I came down with shingles and the doctor advised me to use some relaxation techniques to avoid relapse.  Please let me know one way or another. Thank you, Melissa

I am 72 years of age and on extremely low fixed income. I have been using your hypnosis video for relaxation, which has helped me greatly  I have fibromyalga.  If I use the tape every day I have less problem with pains and depression which this condition causes.  I believe that the healing process comes from within. (name withheld by request)

I am replacing the relaxation tape I have had for at least ten years and found very helpful in maintaining my sanity while working in a stressful job, and as I have recently replaced my sound system with one incorporating a CD player wanted the CD. I had also decided I was ready to concentrate on losing weight and knowing your voice on the other tape felt that it was worth trying. (name withheld by request)

I wanted to take a moment to tell you that your Relaxation tape helped me so much. Though I had had my tape I hadn’t used it that much. Just before I left for the hospital I grabbed it and played it daily whenever I felt I couldn’t cope. It was such a comfort to me! I have been using your tape every night ever since, and I wouldn’t do without it! Mrs. Joseph N. Catharine, VA

HI! Your tape entitled Subliminal Relaxation is really, really helpful to me when I have trouble sleeping. Lisa P. Rockville Centre, NY

I purchased one of your self help tapes while vacationing. The tape is simply for relaxation, one side subliminal message/surf, music and the other is a self hypnosis format. It isn’t geared towards losing weight or quitting smoking, just relaxing in general. It’s been 9 months of well regarded contemplation. I’ve set my sights straight and have begun undertaking a career in the United State Air Force. Using your tape regularly has certainly helped me endure my more hectic or trouble moments. Patrick C. Harrogate, TN

I’ve listened to your Relaxation self hypnosis tape for five days now and I’ve had remarkable results. As you’ve said just by repeating the word relax I instantly relax and feel surprisingly happy. It’s really helped me a lot. Amy O.

I purchased your  tape Super Consciousness Relaxation tape at border’s bookstore. I’m happy to say it’s helping me a great deal to relax. Richard W. Montpelier, VT

I am writing to say thanks. My husband bought your tape on Relaxation. He works 11PM to 7AM and had a hard time sleeping. Our marriage was on the rocks. We had been to see counselors and Drs in an effort to save our lives.

One Doctor recommended your tape. It has worked miracles. Everything has changes. You have set the clock back 15 years. I have my old husband back. Barbara C.

…Immediately after the anxiety attack, I purchased your Relaxation along with your Self Confidence and have no subsequent anxiety problems. Normandie H. Chicago, IL

It is remarkable all of the people that I have recommended your tapes to have had almost instant improvement with the first playing of your Relaxation tape. My blood pressure, in the hospital, went from 180/100 to 120/78, in a period of four hours; while listening to the self hypnotic side – my pressure had been high for two weeks. Suzan N. Fort Pierce, FL

Peace of Mind

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Peace of Mind

How many times have you cried out in anguish, “I would give anything for a little peace of mind!”

This program could bring you the peace you are seeking. Use this program to retrain your mind to help you find inner peace.  Remove worries, problems, and cares, so you can live peacefully



                                                            This title is now available on  Cassette TapeCD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Peace of Mind

This program is from the Peaceful Living Series


If it’s time for testimonials, mine is long overdue. When I suffered with anxiety and depression in my mid-30’s, I found help through doctors and the right medication. But it wasn’t until I added “Peace of Mind” on cassette that I finally made significant improvement. I wore out several tapes and now I have it on CD. Fortunately, I was able to help others who suffered with the same symptoms. My personal thanks to you, Barrie. I don’t think you can imagine the help you’ve brought to people over the many years. K Powell, Cincinnati, OH

The tapes have helped me in difficult times when I am in great need of rest by allowing me to quickly achieve a deep sleep. I consider the tapes to be a source of comfort and relief… a place to turn to when I am having physical and /or emotional trauma.  Debra W.

Dear Mr. Konicov, I ‘m using your Peace of Mind tape right now and it works! Thanks for making such affordable tapes available to the public. they are truly a break through for me. Best Regards, Jeff D. Raritan, NJ