
P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Tape Series

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited Metaphysical Series. Other series are listed at the right.

Astral Projection*Birth Separation*Chakra Meditation*Channeling Your Higher Self*Conception*Develop Your Psychic Abilities*Healing Abuse-A Past Life Approach*Parallel Lives-Separate Selves*Past Live Regression w/Mate of Lover*Past Life Regression*Past Life Therapy*Psychic Healing*Psychic Protection* Remote Viewing *  Talents/Abilities From Past Lives*Time Traveler*Subliminal Teachings of Jesus*Visualization-Aura Reading*World Peace


Astral Projection

In the consciousness classes I have conducted, numerous people were able to successfully complete their first astral trip. Prior to taking the class, many of these people had absolutely no awareness of the concept at all. In this tape, I have taken the programming that has proven successful, and added an extra dimension of sound to make it more effective. Allow two weeks to prepare – using this tape – and you, too, can join the increasing number of people who are having out of body experiences.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Birth Separation

The birth experience for most people is so traumatic that it represents the closest we have ever been to death. Birth trauma could be the source of asthma, headaches, depression, and body aches. Try this test: inhale deeply and hold it. If you find yourself pulling in your stomach when you inhale, your body mechanism is backwards, probably due to birth trauma. If you desire, this tape could help correct your breathing and release the negative feelings that surround your birth.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Chakra Meditation

There are seven in the body. In Sanskrit they are called Chakras. each chakra has its own frequency and color. When you activate a chakra using its sound and color, you unleash incredible cosmic and psychic power – powers that literally supercharge your body and mind. This program will teach you to activate each chakra, balance it and release its energy upwards. Using this program you can expect greater mental, physical, and spiritual energies, besides increased feelings of well being.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Channeling Your Higher Self

You are a three-part being. You have a body, mind, and a Soul. you have a mind that has a conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious. More than anything, you are a Soul. You do not have a Soul, you are a Soul. A small portion of you, the Soul, is in the body. A larger, multidimensional portion of you, called the Over Soul or Higher Self,. exists simultaneously outside the body in all times, and in all spaces, and in all incarnations, in the absolute moment of Now. Everything, Mind, body and Soul is a part of the Once Creator. This program will put you in touch with your multi-dimensional Higher-Self.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette


This tape is designed for those couples who wish to have a child, but are experiencing difficulty in consummating the pregnancy. This program works because first you will know when the most likely time is for conception. And second you will have already drawn to you a Soul who choose to be your child. Besides that it will take the pressure off allowing you to be more relaxes and at ease. Amazing results have been achieved using this program in clinics in Florida.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Each of us possess some degree of psychic abilities far above those we  recognize. Mix the elements of desire with a good coach and even a rock can become psychic beyond its wildest dreams. Do you believe a rock is psychic or has dreams? Actually, you would be amazed at what a rock would say to you if you only knew how to communicate with it. and that is my point. You are missing out if you think for one moment that this world is all there is. To communicate with other worlds, you begin with desire and a coach. I am the coach. do you have the desire?

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Healing  Abuse: A Past Life Approach

If you are a student of metaphysics and willing to take responsibility for everything in your life (and this includes the abuse you have suffered), use this tape. This tape guides you to search your past lives for the event or events that culminated in abuse in this lifetime. Accepting responsibility for your reactions to the event provides you the freedom to forgive. Forgiveness leads to self-love, self-respect, and peace of mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Parallel Lives -Separate Selves

THE EDUCATION OF OVER SOUL 7, by Jane Roberts, introduces the exciting concept that a Soul may be expressing more than one life at a time. You can test this concept for yourself. Are you experiencing life in more than one time and place at this very moment? Why not? The only limitations that exist are the ones you accept. Your potential is unlimited.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Past Life Regression with Mate or Lover

Have you lived a former life with your present mate or lover? Sometimes, you may get that feeling – and rightly so. We tend to return to life surrounded by those persons who will afford us the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. We often change sexes, nationalities, religions, and family positions. The past often holds the key to understanding the present. Explore your past life relationship(s) with your mate or lover and add meaning and understanding to your present life experience.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Past Life Regression

Fascinated by your past? Have you lived before? If so, where? What time? Who were you? Than you are primed for this program. From the very first playing of this program, you will be guided by your Higher-self or Over-Soul to explore three reverent past lives. You will re-experience them as though you are watching a movie. You will learn where you were, who you were, an what experiences you had in each of these past lives that are influencing you today. No doubt you will also find that you are surrounded by people from your past.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Past Life Therapy

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!” “What ye sow, so shall ye reap.” The law of cause and effect: Karma. The experiences that we plant in our past lives are harvested within four lives of that experience. Some harvest adversity, pain, hardship and physical or mental problems. It is possible to reconstruct your present life by releasing yourself of all the negativity of the past. The Law of Grace can be invoked to release you from the Law of Karma.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Psychic Healing

We could be capable of healing our own body and the bodies of others. Your thoughts, actions, and beliefs have a profound effect upon those around you who suffer from illness. This tape can make you a positive influence. I will guide you, step-by-step, through the mental process necessary for psychic repair. Follow it, and I guarantee satisfaction.

This title is now available on MP3 , CD and Cassette

Psychic Protection

On this tape, I give you those techniques and methods that are necessary to safeguard the integrity of your mind. When you open up psychically, you also open the doors to certain negative forces and influences. You must be able to protect yourself against these unwanted intruders.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Remote Viewing (Time Traveler)

For years, I have guided people through the pages of history into time and space, to expand their awareness of the world in which they live. Now, you can experience ~Atlantis, and open the secret passageway in he Sphinx and journey into the treasure room. There is also a mysterious adventure awaiting you on a spaceship. Use this tape. Please let me know where your journey takes you.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Talents/Abilities from Past Life

Generally, it takes more than one lifetime to become a master in any single area of accomplishment. Whether it be a boxer, writer, doctor, parent, or hypnotist, one life builds upon another. Use this tape to bring to your conscious awareness the knowledge of your past talents and abilities. These abilities can enable you to discover your life’s real purpose.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Subliminal Teachings of Jesus

After I wrote and recorded this tape, I sent it to people who suggested it for their review. They listened to it and passed it on to several ministers. When asked if I felt inspired as I wrote and recorded this tape, I smiled and nodded yes. I hope you will be inspired by it also.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Visualization – Aura Reading

Some come by it naturally, while others must practice to develop the skill of visualization. One of the keys to creating your own reality is mastering the art of visualization. An additional benefit can be your ability to see and read auras.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

World Peace

Mother Earth is wounded. She has put up with our barbaric behavior, insensitivity and general lack of awareness much too long. Individually and/or collectively, WE are responsible for the condition of our planet. Our thinking affects the weather, tides, temperature and the earth’s shifts. One person, YOU, can make a difference.


This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

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Educational Programs

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Audio Series

Self Hypnosis programs by 

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Concentration * Creative Writing * Faster Reading * Good Study Habits * Hypnosis for Hypnotists * Memory Improvement * Self Hypnosis * Taking Exams

Your mind moves from one thought to another, and then another, never staying on one until the task is completed, or as soon as you start one thought your attention is diverted to another. Is it time to take action?  Your mind undisciplined. To discipline your mind and bring your thoughts into logical patterns, you must learn to concentrate on a single thought until you elect to discharge it from your mind. If you want to improve every area of your life from school to work, begin at the beginning. “Begin training your mind. Today.
This program helps provide the key to logical, organized mental ability to concentrate on single thoughts, and to keep thinking of them until you are ready to discharge them from your mind. Before you discharge this thought, purchase this program.

This title is now available on MP3,CD, cassette, VHS and DVD

Creative Writing
Are you aware that certain techniques exist that will make it possible for you to write as easily and effortlessly as reading this description? As a writer of two books and over 200 self-hypnosis programs. I have come face-to-face with “writers block” on more than one occasion. When I do, I reach for this program, pop it into the player at my regular bedtime and wait for the results. In less than a week my subconscious will have gathered the information I need and I’ll be ready to put it on paper. Now it couldn’t be any easier than that.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Faster Reading
The average high school graduate reads under 300 words a minute. There are dozens of speed reading courses on the market that can increase speed and comprehension to thousands of words per minute. This tape contains the same techniques used in courses that cost up to $300 and can produce the same results.
You will begin with speed reading exercises designed to push you past the limits of sub vocalization (speaking the words to yourself you are reading). Once past this barrier, your ability to read at thousands of words per minute, with increased retention, will amaze even you.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Good Study Habits
Can you imagine, studying can be fun, and learning can be a life-time of pure joy. Think back for a moment, can you remember ever learning how to study? Probably not. That’s why for most, studying is distasteful, boring, tedious and down right difficult. Now, you can change your beliefs and experience about studying and get tuned on to learning. And it’s just as simple as using this hypnotic sleep program at bedtime.
More concerned parents purchase this program for their children than any other tape we offer. The results can be amazing! Attitudes toward school and learning cause a dramatic turnabout. Studying can be fun; learning can be enjoyable. Bring out the hidden potential in your child!

This title is now available on MP3,CD,cassette,VHS and DVD


Hypnosis For Hypnotists
Listen to your client. Usually, it is possible to diagnose his or her problem within the first three sentences of the initial interview. No single program can teach you all you need to know to become a skilled Hypno-therapist. Yet, no other program has ever been created quite like this one, because it opens your mind to receive all the information from the Universe you need to become a talented Hypno-therapist.
Whether you are already practicing or simply considering the profession, this program will increase you skill and awareness.  To become a truly outstanding hypnotist, you must take on the consciousness of a professional. Originally, I made this tape to be an exclusive part of the Professional Hypnotist’s Course. I am now making this tape available to anyone interested in hypnosis as a profession.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

 Memory Improvement
Everybody has a good memory. Even you. It’s a fact that under hypnosis you can recall everything you have ever heard, seen, or learned. Everything! Yet, too often you cripple your memory facilities by giving yourself suggestions such as “I can’t remember.” If you want to change from “I can’t remember” to “I am remembering,” let us begin.
Use this program, at your regular bedtime, for the next thirty days and develop a photographic memory. Learn to access everything you have ever heard, seen, and read, or experienced. Along with the name of every person you have ever meet.

This title is now available on MP3,CD,cassette,VHS and DVD

Can you imagine living your entire life without ever learning how to use a computer?  Well, how about this – can you imagine living your entire life and never learning how to program the most powerful and amazing computer on the planet, your subconscious mind?
Sad but true, most humans will never learn to program their own mind, and will instead, have their mind programmed for them by television and other humans. If you want to take possession of the most wonderful and powerful gift imaginable, a computer of unlimited potential, learn to take control of your mind and begin right here and right now with this program.
On this program you are first guided into a deep state of hypnosis with key phrases and statements, so you can utilize this level of mind any time you choose. When you have reached a certain depth, there is a quiet space where you can enter you own suggestions into your mind. Then, after a while, you are gently guided back to awakening consciousness. Repeated use of this tape can help you develop into a good self-hypnosis subject. This program comes with complete instructions on how to create your own suggestions.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette

Taking Exams
Do you get a sinking feeling in your stomach when tests are being passed out and instructions given? Do you freeze during exams, even when you know the materials and are well-prepared? During exams, has fear paralyzed your mind so completely that you feel you are going to pass out? None of this has to happen.
Can you picture yourself actually looking forward to taking an exam? To reading over the material, knowing that each and every question will be answered easily, effortlessly, and automatically, confident that all the information you studied is available when you need it? That is what this program will deliver.

This title is now available on MP3,CD and cassette



Develop Your Psychic Abilities

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Each of us possesses some degree of ESP and other psychic abilities. While some are born with highly developed levels of psychic awareness, it is possible to learn how to access your psychic talents.

Let this self improvement tape program guide you into awareness of psychic cues and messages, sharpening your intuition and paranormal sensitivity.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD,


 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,   Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Develop Your Psychic Abilities

View all Self Hypnosis Subliminal Persuasion titles in the Metaphysical series.


Dear Mr. Konicov,

First of all, I have enjoyed your tapes greatly. My attitude and sense of well being has changed so much in the past two months. I feel I’m becoming the person I’ve imagined myself to be. You help take that last fence or obstacle out of a persons mind, to become what they want so they can live life to it’s fullest.

I’ve enjoyed Creative WritingFaster ReadingPisces and How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities. I have just ordered a variety of others for myself and my family to try.

I had to share my enjoyment with you.

Sandra O. Glendale, CA

Dear Barrie,

Because I spent several years reading about subliminal suggestion and self hypnosis, I was skeptical at first to order the tapes, just because they are very powerful tools for change. Now I feel very confidant in ordering from Potentials Unlimited because they are carefully and professionally worded for positive changes and they are very effective!

I often play the subliminal tape on my way to work and play the self hypnosis at night before bed. Thank you for your tapes. Lee H H Townsend, DE

I have been very happy with your tape entitles Develop Psychic Abilities by Barrie Konicov. I have listened to it for about 3 year be for the tape broke. I’ve heard other psychic Subliminal tapes and they were ok, but I really enjoyed yours. Helen W. Paris, TN

I’m writing to let you know how much your tape Develop Your Psychic Abilities has helped me. I am a middle aged college student. I was having problem taking test. It has helped me so much. I still study hard before test, however, now I reserve an hour just before I go to school. During that hour I lie down and listen to the tape. When I set down to take a test now, the information I have studied just flows from my pen and I am completely relaxed. I give much credit for my successes to you and your tape. Rebekah W. Ogilvie, MN 

How to Attract Love

A Self Hypnosis program by                                                                     

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

How to Attract LoveThrough the mental processes contained on this self improvement program, your consciousness can be magnetized and automatically draw to you the love you desire.

You will learn how to attract the one you love, or how to find love when your life seems empty.  This totally natural process will happen when you expand your own “love awareness.”

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD,


Super Consciousness SCII MP3

Super Consciousness SCII CD Set

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

media formats.

View all for How to Attract Love



I have come so far with your hypnotherapy cds. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I started my childhood with both parents who didn’t love themselves so they did not know how to give me love. When I became an adult because of your attracting love cd I was able to feed myself emotionally. Now I can sustain a relationship and feel love for others as well as for myself. I cannot rave on about your products enough. With deep gratitude, Sony C.  Rowville. Victoria. Australia

I’m 20 and studying the 7th semester Electromechanical Engineering  at Mexico City, I born and live there.  Your tapes have helped me so much; I suffer my parents divorce when I was about 12 and that causes me so much emotional problems, I get angry for anything, you can  imagine all the problems a  boy-teenage could had at that moment. Once day I found your tape how to attract love (atraiga el amor, is in Spanish) in the most hidden place at Sanborns a famous gift shop in Mexico, and I decided to buy it, the package was so damaged  and for that reason had discount.
Through the time pass, I could see the effects, my life changed radically, and I want to thank you for all those beautiful things I  can see now. I tried to buy more tapes in Mexico, but I haven’t found them, and finally decided search for you in Internet, and thanks to God I have  found you, more better, I can thank you personally, (or by mail) I’m waiting my order Moisés
About 8 years ago your how to attract love tape saved my life, I recommended and passed it on to many people. I gave it to one man who was in the pub one night, he was very down. When I said, “Your hurting, aren’t you?” he burst into tears. This man was a drunken regular where I work. He told me he could not get over the pain of a broken relationship from 2 years previous and that he’d been a drunk since. I saw him months later; he was sober, even looked handsome and was doing great. He was so happy he just had to come and tell me how great he’d been feeling, and how positive his life now was.
Well Barrie it must be good cause I haven’t seen him drinking in the pub ever since.

Dear Mr. Konicov, You “How to Attract Love” tape is great! I first listened to the tape in 1992. I listened to it about once a day for over 30 days. And yes, I did meet the man I married in February of 1994. When I met my husband, I just felt great about myself and life. I didn’t care if I got married, but I felt confident that I would meet someone to date and I would have a good time. As it happens, we did get married, and we are very much in love. But I have to tell you I still listen to the tape. What this tape does for me is help me to deal with the world in a loving way. I listen to the tape before I have to deal with difficult people or situations. Thank you so much. Dorothy A. C. Carmel, IN

Dear Mr. Konicov,….But if I had to choose one special tape, I would say the “How to Attract Love’ tape. It is a beautiful tape. You works introduce people to the fact that all change takes place from within and if we are truly ready for change, then your tapes help one clear the way for this change. Thank you for your contribution to humanity. Vincent S. Westmount, CAN

Greetings, Enclosed in an second order for your special tape Super Consciousness “How to Attract Love”. I have experienced great changes in my life and I am looking forward to even greater changes in my love relationships. I am so grateful that someone took the time to research and come up with something that truly helps a person to change their life for the better. Thank you Barrie for doing first that, giving a person a chance at happiness. May the universe continue to bless you in all the good you are doing. Thank you for helping to make me aware of the love I can truly have. Evelyn, H. Long Beach, CA

Within a few days after I ordered and listened to How To Attract Love, my fiancee proposed to me after swearing he would never marry again! A lot of people seem to love me now thank in part to these suggestions. And I love people more. Thanks! Kirie P. Edmonds, WA


Body Building

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Body Building

Drug-free natural body building starts with the right thoughts.  Close your eyes and picture the perfect body. That body could be yours if you have the determination to make it so.

Start seeing the perfect body reflected in your mirror, not just in your mind with this subliminal body building program.

                                                        This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Body Building

This program is from the Sports Series


The Potentials Unlimited tapes are great. They give you the extra push you need to get going in the area you want. Thanks Rachashael G. via email

Tape Series

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited Success Series. Other series are listed at the right. The cost for each cassette is $7.98 CDs are $19.98. See the Introduction to the Tapes and Order Info for more information.


Be Positive *Creative ThinkingDevelop EnthusiasmEffective SpeakingFear of FailureFear of SuccessGetting The Raise You Deserve* Goal Setting*  How to Be PopularImagingMoney Prosperity *Overcoming ProcrastinationProblem Solving *Self Confidence* Time Management * So, You are out of a Job *Subconscious Sales PowerWill Power

Be Positive
All thought is creative. It is possible to send and to receive thoughts telepathically. Therefore, it is entirely possible that you are being impacted by the thoughts of others Every successful person knows or learns how to protect their mind from the negative thinking of others. 

Discover how to shield yourself from the unwanted negative thoughts and energy of others, and protect your mind. Now, you can learn this skill and protect your mind. This tape contains a simple procedure which can effectively shield you from the harmful negativity of people around you.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Creative Thinking
There is thinking, there is problem solving, and then there is “creative thinking”‘ What separates one from the other is the degree that you are able to move beyond the boundaries and limitations imposed from within and without.

How do you move beyond your past experience into the creative flow of the Universe itself? Actually it is quite simple. You begin by knowing that what others have done you can do also. Sleep on it!

Play this program at your regular bedtime. It will guide you throughout the night to enter into the Universal Subconscious Mind and bring back creative solutions that are beyond your conscious mind. One creative idea can propel you to unlimited prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment. Raise the quality of your thoughts and you will raise the quality of your life. 

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Develop Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is that inner spark that brings excitement to life. It is also a quiet, inner power that can be called upon to change conditions and circumstances. Enthusiasm is much more than excitement. It burns longer and stronger and makes the difference in everything you see, think, and do.

The mind power of enthusiasm can best be developed by playing this hypnotic sleep program at bedtime. Played at your bedtime, your subconscious will recreate your life into an exciting adventure by bringing the spark of enthusiasm to everything you do.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Effective Speaking
Your turn is coming up. You can feel it in your stomach, heart, throat, and all through your body.  The purpose of this self-hypnotic program is to empower you to effectively communicate one to one, or to a group.

Imagine being able to express your ideas thoughtfully, concisely, and powerfully without a moment’s hesitation, in an easy-going conversational manner that grabs and holds the attention of those you are talking with or to. This is more than possible. It is what this program is all about. 

All it takes to have it happen in your life is to expose your subconscious mind to this program for the next thirty days or so. and your mind will recreate you into a powerful speaker, able to express yourself in the manner you have always wanted.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Failure
Some people are bold, adventurous, and daring. They move forward with grace while others stumble, fall, and quake with fear. Do you have the desire to succeed, yet hold yourself back out of fear of failure? Do you feel the stirring of greatness in you, but feel shackled by fear? You can overcome your fear by playing this hypnotic sleep tape at bedtime for the next thirty days or so. Your subconscious will do the rest.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Success
It happens so often. A person with your talents and abilities goes just so far, hits a barrier, and falls flat on his or her face. They get up and start all over again only to do the same thing time and time again. Sound familiar? Have you seen it happen to people close to your or has it happened to you? 

As unbelievable as it may sound, people actually fear success because it carries with it the possibility of a terrible fall. Fortunately, there is a way that will insure that once you become successful, success will not eat you alive, or vice versa. You are considering adding it to you cart right now. Only you know when you are ready to let it go and become a success! 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Getting the Raise You Deserve
You deserve a raise, but you are uncertain about how to ask for it. How much you should ask for and what to do if you are turned down are covered in this tape. Prepare yourself for success.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Goal Setting
Did you know that most people take more time to plan a vacation than they do their lives? Sad but true. A life without a plan is like a car without a driver. Plenty of power but no direction.

Setting goals needs to be an integral part of your life if you want to head in the direction of success. And that is where this program comes in. Using it, you will learn to set goals for all areas of your life, mentally, physically and spiritually. If you want to put your life into high gear, this is the program for you. Not only will you find yourself setting goals, you will also be achieving them. Goal one add this program to your cart. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

How to be Popular
Some people seem to have a natural charm and charisma. They are at ease wherever they go and have many close friends. If you really do not have any close friends, and you want to develop that important part of your life, this tape can help.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

In every self-improvement book, you are told to imagine, imagine, imagine. More than 40% of us have not developed our ability to imagine. I used to be in this category. Then, I created this tape which developed my ability to imagine. Now, I can picture with the best of them. Close your eyes and create the image of your world coming to light. Open your eyes and purchase this tape. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Money – Prosperity
You cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there is a subtle difference in their thinking and self image that turns whatever they touch to gold. This difference is the “consciousness of prosperity.” Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius within you now. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Overcoming Procrastination/ How to Make a Decision

If you are attracted to this program, for goodness sake, add it to your shopping cart. Because  it will change your life and send you in the direction that you want to go. If you are the kind of person who keeps putting “it” off, moving it aside, reassigning stuff to the bottom of the pile, where it nags and gnaws at you. Until it bugs you to the point of exasperation. You have been putting off buying this program for a very long time, too long in fact. Life is up to you. Stop procrastinating make the decision now before you put it off again. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Problem Solving
Some people like them, others shy away from them as if they were the plague. No matter. As long as you live, opportunities, disguised as problems, will be part of your life. 

There is a way of solving problems that is not only painless, it is downright exciting. Remember the stories about Edison solving the problem of the electric light bulb by sleeping on it?  That same possibility exists for you. Simply focus on your problem as you drift off to sleep, using this program. When you wake up, your subconscious will present you with the answer. What could be easier? 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

One of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon yourself is the gift of self confidence. If ever in your life you have lacked for self-confidence, self-worth, or self-respect, using this program will reverse those issues in your life. 

This program will create a feeling of self-confidence and self-worth to such a level that you will be amazed at the changes in you. How can a self-hypnosis program accomplish such a thing? Simple! It only brings forth what you truly. The decision rest with you at this moment. What will it be the past or the future you always wanted? 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

I must tell you how effective your tape Self Confidence has been for me. I have gained such self-esteem and self-confidence that everyone has noticed it. – R.H., Latham, NY

Time Management

Time management is the cornerstone of success. When you become a success in your mind. you automatically do the activity that brings you to the success that you seek. Discipline is the magic ingredient that makes being, doing, and having automatic. Discipline can be learned by repeated exposure to this tape. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

So, You’re Out of a Job?
I was once out of a job and living off unemployment. This tape relates my experience and how I handled the situation. If you are out of a job, this tape can help you. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Subconscious Sales Power
What is subconscious sales power? It is using the power of your mid to create a successful sales call in your imagination, before actually physically making the call. It’s the ability to contract your prospect during your sleep time and creates the atmosphere that leads to a successful sales call. It is the difference between your future and your now. Are you successful enough to invest the few dollars to take add this program to your order? If you do, you and I, will make it to the top of your sales profession. 

Use the creative power of your mind to become a strong, successful sales person. Attract those people who want to buy your product.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

As a salesman, I have increased my sales 300% through the use of the Sales Power tape. – J.M., Milwaukee, WI

Will Power

Will is a mind power just as muscles are a body power. Muscles need exercise to develop and so does the mind power of “will.” It needs to be exercised in order to develop to its unlimited potential. One way to exercise your will power is to begin with this self-hypnosis program. Using this program, you will learn how to harness your will, exercise it, and direct it to serve you. In less than thirty days you will never again fall short of your ambition because of your lack of will power.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

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Self-hypnosis tapes by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


This is the concept

Each sign of the Zodiac has its positive and negative aspects.  In order to master our own destiny, we must rise above our negative traits.

Each program in this series makes you aware of your sign’s strengths and weaknesses.  Then, you are guided into a technique that frees you from the negatives through the alchemy of your mind. From there, you’re guided into a level of self-hypnosis where positive suggestions are given to you. Each suggestion is specifically designed for your sign to strengthen you from within. You will learn about your zodiac sign, and learn how to channel your unique astrological talents to improve your life.

It has been said that a wise person rules the stars. That has been my purpose in creating this new series – to provide you with the knowledge to rise above the turbulence of your sign. I hope you find it valuable.

Below you’ll find descriptions of the tapes in the Potentials Unlimited Astrology Series. Other audio series are listed at the left with more at the foot of the page. Alphabetical listing of all the titles available by clicking on 180+ titles link.

Capricorn                 Dec. 22–Jan. 19 

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Aquarius                  Jan 20-Feb 18

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Pisces                     Feb 19-March 20

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Aries                     March 21-April 20

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Taurus                 April 20-May 20

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Gemini                 May 21-June 20

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Cancer                June 21-July 22

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Leo                       July 23-Aug 22

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Virgo                    Aug. 23-Sept 22

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Libra                    Sept. 23-Oct 22

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Scorpio               Oct. 23-Nov 21

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here

Sagittarius          Nov. 22-Dec 21

This title is now available on MP3 format. Click here


These tapes are from the Astrology series
At the right you’ll find additional Potentials Unlimited® tape series. See the Introduction to the Tapes and Order Info for more information.


A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


Is your mind undisciplined and cluttered? Does it move so quickly from one thought to another that you feel overwhelmed and exhausted? To discipline your mind and bring your thoughts into logical patterns, you must learn to improve concentration and focus.

This self hypnosis subliminal persuasion program helps provide the key to logical, organized thought, allowing you to maintain a clear and productive mental focus on the tasks and ideas at hand. Establishing patterns of behavior conducive to concentration

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD, DVD, Video


Super Consciousness MP3

      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set, Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 media formats.

View all for Concentration

This program is from the Educational Series

Hello, I want to thank you personally for your product.  11 years ago I joined the Air Force at the age of 18.  When I went to my technical training (9 month school) after boot camp, I was a nervous wreck.  My first couple months I struggled tremendously with my classes, then I ran across one of your audio tapes for memory improvement at the local mall book store.  I was skeptical at first, but decided to give it a try.  After trying it out, I noticed some improvements, and purchased another tape on concentration.  I went from barely getting by to 100% on every test for my remaining 6 months I was there. I wanted to let you know the difference it made for me.
Thank you,
Thomas D. H.
Phoenix, AZ

Hi Barrie,

…Actually, I think I purchased one of your tapes way back in 1987 when I was still in college.  It was on concentration, with classic guitar/ocean waves on one side and hypnosis on the other. Does that sound right? Begins with “Hello, greetings, and welcome…?” It was among the first of many self development purchases I started making at that age in an effort to better myself.  I was a 19 year old kid from a little town who wanted to reach his potential, whatever that was!

I purchased a copy of your concentration tape and found it to be very effective. I am an athlete and as such concentration is of course quite important to me. After using the tape twice the results were quite impressive, my concentration was elevated to the point where I actually experienced time distortion, not to mention the fact that my entire performance was elevated will above any previous level.

Recently I allowed a friend, who is a high school track athlete to use the tape and the results were again quite impressive. She said she was quite relaxed during he sprints and actually felt that she willed herself to win, as she came from behind in a short distance and nearly established a new record.

Lukas S. Scotia, NY

Dear Barrie Konicov,

I am 12 years old and I am in sixth grade. I just moved from South Grand Haven, Michigan to North Canton, Ohio and had to change school systems (of course)

I was having a lot of problems because I went from a Montessori school to a public school.

I stayed up until; midnight every nigh and I cried a lot because I couldn’t get my work done in school.

Then I got some of your tapes, the good study habits and the concentration. I listened to the good study habits tape first and as soon as my study’s improved I listened to the concentration and thank to the tapes, I have better grades! Thanks a lot! Paige B.

Dear Mr. Konicov,

I am writing this letter to tell you how much your “Concentration ” tape has helped me. I am a graduate music student studying the organ, and yesterday I gave my degree recital. Your tape helped me to mentally prepare for this experience. I was very nervous about playing a recital, especially because I was afraid my mind would wander and I’d lose my concentration. So I purchased your tape about 1.5 month ago and began to listen. I felt a change from the very first hearing and it began to have a positive effect on my playing. I got through my recital with flying colors! My concentration was right with me every moment, and as a result, I feel my anxiety level was lowered. Thanks for all your help! Sincerely, Patricia P. Bridgeport, CT

Up from Depression

A Self Hypnosis program by                                              

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Up from Depression

You are battling depression. You feel that hopelessness and despair have taken over your life. You just want to quit. When you question your reasons for being, and cannot find a reason for continuing, slide this self improvement program into your player.  You can overcome depression without drugs. It can be done.

Start each day feeling renewed, refreshed, and revitalized.  Start to feel alive.  Come up from depression.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape,  CD,


      media formats.

View all for Up from Depression


Hello Mr Konikov. I am probably one of thousands who have written to say thank you. I first bought your tape on depression in 1985 or thereabouts and since then I have mostly been in control…every now and then I have to have a re cap with you. Twenty odd years have passed but your messages were so important to me as I had a n.d.e.(near death experience) and it meant a lot to me when you said that every thing we say and do is recorded, because of a life review. Manifestation is now the buzz word, which you have upheld from the beginning. I am so grateful to you. Where is your tape for Depression? I don’t need it but I’m sure many do. Kind regards Vivienne F.


I have been using your tapes since around 1988 or 1989…Not real sure. I had just burned out (career). And I was lucky enough to find your tapes in a  local bookstore, I started using them. At first I would put a microphone under my pillow (so I would not disturb my husband) , then I ask him or he ask me, I can’t remember exactly, If he would like to listen to the tape and if so which one. He said the one the one that had the made the difference in me in the past ten days. He was amazed at the immediate difference they made in him also. My tapes are very worn and I need to replace them. Do you still have a catalog that I could get?  Please advise because I need around 10 or twelve tapes. Do you offer a discount? And finally what is the difference between the tapes and the CD version?
I usually put in two tapes when we go to bed that are related. Right now they are “Up From Depression” and “Be Positive”. We remain faithful user of your tapes and look forward to hearing from you.

My friend is currently using “Up from depression” in combination with “I want to be happy” and “Relaxation”.  She was also using “Freedom form worry”, but we were robbed while camping a couple of months ago, unfortunately the thieves took that tape.
My friend is certainly impressed with your tapes.  She has used many others.  She has even visited a psychologist/hypno-therapist and had tapes custom made for her in here in Canberra.  She thinks yours are much better and certainly more powerful.  We both think that this is quite impressive.  I certainly never thought that your tapes would be better than having your own personal psychologist/hypno-therapist at your disposal, but the impact speaks for itself.
Seeing it has already been a while since I first put in the order I think I would prefer that the disks were sent by air mail.  My friend certainly wants the ones I’ve ordered on her behalf as soon as possible.  It will cost more but the extra cost is only a fraction of the overall amount, so it really won’t matter too much. Regards, Mark

Hello Barrie!
I began using your Subliminal Persuasion tapes on January 8, 2000.  Thus  far I have completed the 30 day series of: Self Confidence and Memory  Improvement (Super Consciousness format).  I have also spent some time with  Fear of Success as well as Creative Writing.  Allow me to step back and give  you some background on who I am and what I want to accomplish.  I am a recently Divorce – No person. I had suffered from depression for  over 30 years.  I lacked self-esteem, confidence, will power, and  concentration.  Moreover, I had an extreme fear of writing.  Based on the  preceding description you can understand why I rejected the offer of being  promoted to the position of manager.
Regardless of my objection I was promoted to position of Manager  anyway.  That’s where you come in…  While I was in the bookstore I came  across your tape “Self Confidence”.  I purchased the tape and began using it  immediately and according to direction.  This tape augmented with a little  NLP has brought about a change in me.  I became much more confident.  My  Director has said on more than one occasion “What a waste it would have been  if you had not become one of my Managers!”
My co-workers have noticed the change in me as well.  However, they are  not able to directly pinpoint the situation.  As you might guess, the traits  to be confident has always been within me.  So, I have always exhibited this  “potential”.  What my colleague are seeing in the manifestation of my  potentials! <— Thank you very much!!!
Although, your tapes have brought about a effortless change, I still  have so far to go.  I have used your creative writing to release me from a  serious writers block.  I just purchased the “Stop Smoking” although I haven’t stop yet.  Smoking is  so ingrained in my life.  Never-the-less, I will at least listen to the subliminal side until I can move on to the hypnotic side.   Never-the-less, I will get to the bottom of my request.  Since I have  been one of the lucky ones to find several of your tapes in the book store I  am aware of your new ” Super Consciousness” format.  I would like to know if  I purchase tapes from your web site will they be in the Super Consciousness  format?

Taking Exams

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Taking Exams
Do you get a sinking feeling in your stomach when tests are being passed out and instructions given? Do you freeze during exams, even when you know the material and are well prepared? During exams, has fear paralyzed your mind so completely that you feel you are going to pass out? You have text anxiety.  The good news is, you can beat it.

Can you picture yourself actually looking forward to taking an exam? Can you imagine reading over the material, knowing that each and every question will be answered easily, effortlessly, and automatically, confident that all the information you studied is available when you need it?  Those are the study skills and attitudes this program will deliver.


                                                      This title is now available on MP3, Cassette TapeCD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Taking Exams

This program is from the Education Series


Hello, Greetings and Welcome. You have the ability to do well on exams…..When I was in engineering college at Rutgers University I was having a tough time. My grades didn’t reflect the effort I was putting into my studies. A friend of min from high school was also in the engineering program. We used to call him “4.0 Freedie” because he always got an “A” in every class. Not only was he smart, but he had an amazing ability to do well on exams. So, one day I asked Fred for some advice on how to improve my grades. He didn’t give me any advice; but he did give me a tape titled “Taking Exams” by Barrie Konicov. I started using the tape senior year and from that point until graduation, I got an “A” in every course I took. Two years later in grad school for business, I completed 72 credits earning all “A’s” and one “B”. Imagine the opportunities that were opened to me by graduation at the top of my MBA class! I woe it all to Barrie,…well…and to Fred Russell, too. Regards, Michael Tortajada via email.

I told a friend in one of my classes about my problem and she told me how she conquered smoking and weight loss through your subliminal/self-hypnosis tapes. I agreed that the concept was interesting so she bought me the tape “Taking Exams” and gave it to me. I have found myself more relaxed and much more confident when I take a test now. Thank you, Mrs. Cheryl O.

Dear Mr. Konicov, et al: During my last month of preparation I turned to your tape Taking Exams. Some parts didn’t apply as the LSAT is nothing one can study for, but the parts about placing the thumb and forefinger together and relaxing both helped my confidence and raised my performance. I scored a scaled total of 39 out of 48, placing me in the 87th percentile or top 13%. I have been accepted at five of the eight schools to which I have applied and three are still pending. Not only did the tape help me during the exam, it helped me keep my composure before and after the test date. Due to my success, I went out and bought the Weight-Loss tape so that I could drop the excess poundage I put on while studying, and hopefully before I start law school. I really would like to have it back. Sincerely and with great appreciation, Randall N. Valencia, CA

Dear Stephanie, I came in to possession of a couple of old tapes from friends or relatives which have helped me tremendously. As someone who has to retake the State Bar Exam, I find the stress sometimes unbearable. These tapes have been my savior by keeping me calm and collected. I feel that I am again in control of my life. I no longer have the knot in my stomach every time I think about the exam. I am truly glad I found your site. Thank you for all the good work. Regards, AL Y via email