Loss of a Loved One

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Loss of a Loved One

How do you handle the death of someone close to you? When a loved one dies, there are always questions.  What is the meaning, the purpose, the mystery?

On this program, you can learn how to handle the pain of losing a loved one, heal the hurt, put the pieces back together, and heal the emotional wounds.

                                                   This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats

View all for Loss of a Loved One

This program is from the Life Cycles Series



Wanted to write and thank you so much for helping me in the last few weeks. My mum passed away and I wasn’t coping with the loss very well. How could I just go on like nothing had happened? The Doctor signed me off for 3 weeks and gave me a website address to help grieving people. I had already been on the website, it had useful information as to how I would be feeling but really I already knew how I was feeling. It was good to know it was normal but not really helpful. They gave no advice. I remembered you guy’s and all the amazing help you provide. I bought 1 CD, Concentration about 8 years ago and because it was so great I just go back to it when I feel the need. I started listening at night to Loss of a Loved One and in the morning I listened to Up From Depression. Oh my goodness, what a difference, it’s like day and night right from the very next day. I am back to work today fully eager to get going. I can laugh, I can smile, I don’t feel guilty or that my life is a waste of time. And I still love and miss my Mum. I can comfort myself and I can comfort others. Thank you Barrie without you I can’t imagine how I would be now and in the years to come. I feel lucky to have found you. Was happy one with recording for 8 years just think how I will be now with 15!  Worth every penny. Thank you, thank you , thank you. You have a marvelous talent thanks for sharing it. Yours very, very gratefully. Karyn D. Scotland, United Kingdom

Overcoming Procrastination

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Overcoming Procrastination

You keep putting it off, moving it aside, and reassigning it to the bottom of the pile. It nags and gnaws at you. It bugs you to the point of exasperation. You’ve put it off until the last minute, and then have to do it anyway. Stop procrastinating and start doing!  Learn how to make a decision, overcome procrastination and follow through to get the results you want; start today!

Purchase this self hypnosis program.  Let it help you eliminate procrastination from your life.

This title is now available on MP3, CD


      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set, Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Overcoming Procrastination

This program is from the Success series


My name is Scott B. and I have been listening to the Overcoming Procrastination and Good Study Habits tapes for the last 2-3 years. I have been very impressed with the results that I have been receiving.  Kanata, Ontario Canada

Dear Barrie, the word privilege scarcely conveys the emotions I feel in writing this note to you. I wanted to personally tell you how much you tape, “Overcoming Procrastination” has improved the quality of my life.

I admit I was skeptical at first. The first time I listened to it I was on my way home from my usual watern’ hole. When I got home I had such a fire in my belly I started to fix that damn disposal that my wife has been on me for so long about.

Barrie, I can’t thank you enough. Since then I have really gotten some big things done. I now pick up my clothes and use a wash cloth in the shower (my wife has been trying to get me to do those things for years) The guys at my hang out have noticed the change too as I was recently voted to drive to our bowling tournament. That would never have happened before because I was always late and not as responsible as I am now. I could go on and on  but I really just wanted to tell you I think you  are  remarkable and that your life’s work has made a difference for a guy like me.  Frank S. E. Indianapolis, IN

Gentlemen; To date I have purchased and have begun using Up from DepressionSelf Confidence Overcoming Procrastination and How to Attract Love. They are helpful – more, they work! Their effects are useful, helpful and can be felt to make a difference, as you state and I have found, after a single hearing!  Bill M. Stratford, CT

I have been working as a professional in the field of human behavior for over fifteen years now. I have always been skeptical of anything promising lasting and effective change in self defeating behaviors. You couldn’t find a more cynical customer than me. But after a bout with thyroid left me fifty pounds overweight I found your tapes on weight loss and procrastination.

I expect so little. Three weeks and twenty pounds lighter, I was astounded at the magnificent results. Even more rewarding than loosing twenty pounds (as if that is not a miracle in itself) was the renewed sense of  I haven’t felt in my body since I was a kid. When Barrie says ‘effortless’, it isn’t just hype.

The miracle didn’t stop there. I listened daily to Procrastination and my spouse came very close to sending me to the nut house when she saw me do five years worth of filing in one week.

May I also comment on the tapes themselves? Barrie’s voice, it’s pitch, timer, dynamics and speed are supportive, reassuring and professional. The idea of having one side open and the other side subliminal is very helpful to those patients who are resistant to pouring the unknown into their subconscious.

Any may G-d bless Barrie for selling the product at an affordable price. Thank you Kevin J. W. Psychotherapist

Dear Sirs, I very much enjoy your collection of Subliminal Persuasion recordings. They have proven to be a very productive tool of further knowledge for me. I have several including Pain ReliefSelf HealingDevelop Your Psychic Abilities, Overcoming Procrastination and Body Building. I enjoy these tapes immensely, but that goes without saying by my letter. Miss Dana A. B. Fontana, CA

Will Power

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Will PowerHow often have you said you are not going to do something again – and you did? In blaming yourself, you attributed your failure to a lack of will power.

You can improve your will power and do the things you set out to do.  Learn to set your mind to a task, and see it through.  What starts out as a change will soon become a wonderful life skill.



                        This title is now available on  Cassette TapeCD

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

 Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Will Power

This program is from the Living Success Series


I have tried several subliminal tapes in the past and none can compare to yours both in effectiveness and the positive suggestions. I have even had professional hypnotism before and that was not effective. I am not looking for any miracles, and do not expect  these tapes to do the work that I need to do myself but the suggestions are real and motivating. Sincerely, Shelia D Cincinnati, OH

Hi there, Received the willpower CD and, being of the “cognitive” school of thought, the principles are fantastic – active exercises, rather than passive listening alone (either consciously or under hypnosis) and they are beginning to work wonders already in only 10 days 🙂 Victoria L. United Kingdom.

I have used your “Will Power” cassettes to assist me in losing 50lbs in the past. I know what they can do and how good they are. Troy S Princeton, IN

Series by

Health A-G  
A Self Hypnosis program

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

H-J   K-P   Q-Z

Hello, Greetings, and Welcome, The following titles are by Barrie Konicov who has created over 180 Self Hypnosis/Subliminal Persuasion tapes to assist you in changing, modifying, and improving your life. The following page encompasses A-G titles. Look right for view by series ( Audio Series) or Alphabetical (Tapes/CDs on left) 


Abortion-the Aftereffects * Abuse Healed Thru Forgiveness * Adoption Issues * Arthritis Pain Relief * Co-dependency to Self-Discovery *Death and Dying Divorce-Yes * Divorce-No * Facial Tic * Freedom from Drugs * Freedom from Acne Freedom from Allergies * Freedom from Guilt * Freedom from Sexual Guilt  * Freedom from Worry  * Gay & Unhappy * Get More Joy Out of Sex  


Abortion: The Aftereffects
This tape addresses itself to the aftereffects of abortion; weight gain, headaches, depression, anger, high blood pressure, and sexual dysfunction. These aftereffects generally show up in the seventh, fourteenth, or twenty-first year following the abortion. They must be dealt with now or they will dominate your life. This tape takes no position on abortion. It’s designed to help you heal. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Abuse Healed Through Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a quiet inner action It requires courage to willingness on your part to take the first step. This tape is gentle and loving in its approach and will lead you to the peace that you seek.

This title is now available on MP3  and CD

Arthritis Pain Relief
Incredible as it seems, hypnosis could help relieve the pain of arthritis – regardless of its location in your body. If properly motivated, certain of your mind centers can he activated through suggestions of progressive relaxation, to increase the flow of warm blood to the afflicted area. You could begin feeling better after the first playing. 

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Codependency to Self-Discovery
By definition* a codependent person is one who has let another persons behavior effect him or her, and who is obsessed with controlling that person’s behavior. If you find yourself in this situation and are ready to take a journey to self-discovery, this is the tape for you.
*Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. Harper and Row.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Death and Dying
We are educated in so many areas! Yet, when it comes to death and dying, only recently have people begun to speak openly on the subject. Death becomes a loving experience for the dying and for the living. Using this tape, you can better understand the dying process. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

This tape (Death and Dying) has helped me so much to feel better about my husband’s passing and my own death when the time comes. – J. M. Chicago, IL

Generally, in a divorce, one person wishes to dissolve the marriage – the other does not. The conflict develops and pain, anxiety and fear result. If you seek the divorce, purchase the tape DIVORCE-YES. This program can help free you mentally, physically and emotionally from the other person. 

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

If you do not want a divorce, yet have no choice, purchase DIVORCE-NO. This tape can quiet your fear, loosen the tension and pressure, and make it possible for you to live and love again.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Facial Tic
Your nerves and muscles can repair themselves if you tell them what to do. Your body could respond to a spoken word, telling your nerves and muscles to relax. This tape is designed to lead you, step-by-step, through the correct process.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Freedom from Drugs
Hypnosis can free you from the physical, mental and emotional dependency on drugs. There is no question about it, hypnosis could help. If you or someone you know needs help with a drug problem or habit, this is the tape to use. 

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Freedom from Acne
Part of the problem with acne sufferers is that waste products of the body are being eliminated through the pores of the skin, rather than through other organs of elimination. You can learn to change this.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Freedom from Allergies
Your body is subject to the whims of your mind. Change your mind and you can change your body! The wife of a friend was allergic to over a dozen substances when he used these techniques with her. Six months later she had three cats living in their home even though she was once very allergic to them.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Freedom from Guilt
Guilt can eat you, gnaw at you, and tear you apart. Even if there are no logical or rational reasons for it, guilt is there. It can influence every part of your life, being a heavy burden, until you willingly release it Be kind and gentle to yourself. Use this tape and let your guilt go!

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Freedom from Sexual Guilt
The past is too often alive in the present Until you stop tormenting yourself for past sexual conduct, you may not allow yourself to enjoy the pleasures of the moment. It has been estimated that nearly 85 percent of the population carries sexual guilt with them, in one form or another. I believe this is completely unnecessary. Isn’t it time you let go of the past and got on with life?

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Freedom from Worry
If you only could turn it off. Your thoughts keep racing. Your mind is in the future. You spend your time creating dazzling and confusing games with options, decisions, and “what if’s.” Worry is unproductive, unnecessary and totally useless. Most of what you worry about does not ever happen; but knowing that sometimes does not help. This tape can teach you how to turn your mind to peaceful, harmonious thoughts.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Get More Joy Out of Sex
(Male or Female Version)
It is amazing. In this society, we are bombarded with more mixed messages concerning sex, pleasure and our bodies than most of us can handle. By the time we complete all the requirements and stop looking over our shoulders, many of us are so uptight and confused that we cannot fully and freely enjoy the giving and receiving of sexual pleasure. A healthy and robust sex life is a beautiful facet of a fulfilling relationship. You deserve all the pleasure you can get.

FEMALE Version

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

MALE Version

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

I purchased one of your tapes entitled “Get More Joy Out of Sex – Female.” It has been an abundant source of relaxation and mental improvement for me.   L.D., Concord, CA 

Gay and Unhappy
Whether you are bothered by thoughts of homosexuality, have experienced it or are living that lifestyle now, your sexuality is a creative thought process. The thoughts may be yours or they may belong to people around you. This tape will enable you to restructure those thought processes and reorient your sexuality.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

I believe completely in the effectiveness of hypnosis and use it daily. After my own successful weight loss, many began to ask me for help, so I now have begun to teach weight loss through hypnosis, using your tape as a part of the program. – A.H. Auburn, CA

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Audio Series

P  O  T  E  N  T   I  A  L  S  ·  U  N  L  I  M  I   T  E  D

Overcoming Fears

Self Hypnosis programs by Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Agoraphobia        plus   Fear of:     Closed-In-Places *Crowds*Death*Driving*Flying*Heights* Water

Fear of crossing or being in open spaces contrasts with claustrophobia and can be a debilitating fear. There is no reason to hold on to this “Fear” one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing.
And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Fear of Closed-In Places
Explore with me the experience which caused these claustrophobic feelings, find what created the situation and bring your impressions into focus to let go of this fear.
There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear.  In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Crowds
The fear of crowds is a thought in your mind, now controlling your life in most unreasonable ways. You can triumph over this fear and become completely free. There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Death
Allowing the fear of death to control and dominate your consciousness is certainly unnecessary. Using the suggestions on this tape can rid your mind of this. There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Driving
Three main sections of this tape work in harmony and balance to help you enjoy the convenience and joy of driving or riding, in a very relaxed and easy-going manner. There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3 and CD

Fear of Flying
Fear is a learned response, and perhaps your fear of flying was placed there by well-meaning friends or relatives, or by the media. The suggestions on this tape can help. There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Heights
Use this tape to loose your fear of heights. There is no reason to hold on to this “Fear of Heights” one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Fear of Water
This fear has become a part of your life, a part of your psyche. Use this tape and drop the fear of water. There is no reason to hold on to this fear one more day. This  program will deliver the relief you seek. Play it at your regular bedtime and soon, far sooner than you have ever thought possible, this fear will lift from your mind with each playing. And so, through the night, the fear will drop out of your mind, which was holding on to this fear. In a matter of weeks you will find yourself free and happy of this long-standing fear. You will be totally amazed at the unlimited power of your mind.

This title is now available on MP3, CD and Cassette

Self Confidence

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited


One of the greatest gifts you can bestow upon yourself is the gift of self-confidence. Learn how to build self confidence.  Develop the ability to say, “No,” without feeling guilty. Acquire the self-assurance to feel relaxed and at ease when you meet people. Start on the road to a more confident you today with this vital program that starts you on the road to improving self confidence.

This title is now available on MP3, CD,   DVD,  Video

MP3 Master

      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set, Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

 media formats.

View all for Self Confidence


Your tapes Develop Enthusiasm and Freedom from Worry helped…..worked almost immediately. I also fund Self Confidence and Peace of Mind excellent! Linda M.

I have used Self confidence, Memory Improvement and Good Study Habits audio and video tape programs. They have helped list me from a deep depression and have been invaluable in training my mind in order for me to return to college and realize my potential. Scott A. Colby, KS

I purchased you Self Confidence program and followed the instructions. After a month I not only felt the changes but actually say my life change for the better. They truly work. Thom H. Toledo, OH

I have benefited so much from your tape Subliminal Self Confidence. So much so, that I wanted to let you know about it! Lisa F. Tucson. AZ

Many years ago I bought your Success/Subliminal Series Self Confidence. It has enhance my life greatly. Margaret S. Cambridge, NY

I’m amazed. I have been using your Self Confidence recording for one month now. I noticed a marked improvement right away. This has been the most profitable and successful month of my life. You have given me back my life! Kay P. Miamisburg, OH

I got your Self-Confidence tape sometime back in the early/mid-1980s, if my memory serves me.  It has always seemed to me that out of all your tapes, that one is the most magical.

At the time I got that first tape, I was out of a job, extremely broke, and extremely depressed.  I’d gotten pregnant (unmarried) and had given the baby up for adoption; I was devastated and had quit college, lost my job, lost my friends, lost everything.  My family wouldn’t speak to me. Your tape made me feel better and stronger, yes, but there was more to it than that.  For example, I really needed some hard, cold cash, and money began to manifest itself in my life in the strangest ways….For example, I remember stepping on a big wad of $20 bills in Washington, D.C., about a week after beginning to work with the tape.  The police told me they’d contact me if anyone called in to report lost cash, but nobody did.  And I remember some money literally blowing across a sidewalk into my feet about a week or so after that. That sort of thing happened quite a bit. It was amazing.

There is some part of me that can make things happen in the world, and somehow your tape empowered that part of me in an extraordinarily strong way.

It does the same for my children.  They are not athletic and have not got many friends, as young boys their age tend to relate to each other via sports-related activities (my boys are 6, 9, and 11).  Their confidence levels are nonetheless VERY high.  My oldest son, William, listened to your tape quite a bit in embryo.  He is extremely artistic and intelligent, an independent thinker, and despite being rather frail physically, his sees himself as strong and capable.  Your tape also helps my boys reduce competitive feelings of sibling rivalry.  When William and his brother Steven (age 9) go through stages where they are fighting constantly and competing for my attention in negative ways, I have them listen to that tape every day. It REALLY calms things down in our home.  It seems to help me give them what they need inside, in their hearts, so that they are calmer on the outside. We love to listen to the subliminal side in the car and it helps us all feel at peace (and reduces my tendency to swear at other drivers).  😉

Another great use for your tapes, especially the Self-Confidence one, is as a pick-me-up, a sort of mental coffee break.  For example, we like to go on road-trip vacations in the summer (sure hope that gas prices go down soon!). On the way back from Idaho 2 summers ago, we had been caught in several thunderstorms during the day, couldn’t find a hotel room in the evening, and by nighttime we were terribly tired and kind of depressed.  I pulled over and put on your tape; we listened to both sides twice, and then felt so much better afterwards that the boys quit complaining and were able to quietly rest, and I began to feel content with the situation, despite the rain and the lack of sleep.  It is just incredible what the mind can do, given the right direction.

There are so many stories that I can tell, but I won’t go on and on (aren’t you glad?).  One thing more that I do want to tell you is this:  My childhood was very unhappy– my parents were violent, mother was an alcoholic, siblings were drug users, etc.  Our home was an angry, unsafe place full of chaos and extremes of emotion.  My life as a young adult was an absolute mess, as I said, when I first got your tape.  That tape helped me feel for the first time that I was not cursed or doomed to a life similar to that of my parents.  It was how I learned to work with myself, in love, rather than against myself.  I guess people have said this sort of thing to you a lot, but it really changed me and changed the entire course of my life.

And I really look forward to getting the tapes I’ve ordered!  Some of them, as I told your wife on the phone, are for my kids.  I would love to let you know how that goes.

Take care, and thanks.

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Be Positive

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Be Positive

Learning how to deal with negative people is an essential life skill.  Successful people, positive people are often able to distance themselves from the negativity of others.

Learn the incredible power of positive thinking with a simple self help procedure which can effectively shield you from the harmful negativity of people around you.

This self improvement tape is now available on MP3, CD, Cassette Tape


Super Consciousness SCII MP3

     Super Consciousness SCII CD Set

 Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

 media formats.

View All  for all Be Positive

This program is from the Success series


I have been using your tapes since around 1988 or 1989…Not real sure. I had just burned out (career). And I was lucky enough to find your tapes in a local bookstore, I started using them. At first I would put a microphone under my pillow (so I would not disturb my husband) , then I ask him or he ask me, I can’t remember exactly, If he would like to listen to the tape and if so which one. He said the one the one that had the made the difference in me in the past ten days. He was amazed at the immediate difference they made in him also.

 My tapes are very worn and I need to replace them. Do you still have a catalog that I could get? The last catalog I have is with a Bradenton, Florida address. Please advise because I need around 10 or twelve tapes. Do you offer a discount? And finally what is the difference between the tapes and the CD version?
I usually put in two tapes when we go to bed that are related. Right now they are “Up From Depression” and “Be Positive”. We remain faithful user of your tapes and look forward to hearing from you. Brenda

Barrie, Thank you so much for replacing the Astral Sounds with Be Positive. It is more than satisfactory. I really am benefiting from its daily use right now.

I appreciate your concern and effort in turning me once again into a satisfied user of Potentials Unlimited tapes. Dorothy T. Fowlerville, Mi

Hi! Thought I’d enclose a quick note to let you know that I find your tapes truly effective. I have two more on my list to listen to, but will wait until my current tape, Be Positive, has taken hold. Thank you Joy F. Wheat Ridge, Co

I am currently using the Be Positive tape due to difficulties with a co-worker I was forced to work long hours with. After working on the problem for a couple of weeks I was offered a new job and promotion away from this person. These tapes really do change attitudes and beliefs within us so that we can bring about the desired change. Julie McCallum

…….You won’t believe this…..but who could have thought up such a story? Recently, while digging for cans in a dumpster, I found one of your tapes, drenched in old soft drink. The title: BE POSITIVE/Subliminal Persuasion. I cleaned it up….dropped it into a cassette player, and found it to sound as good as the day it was made! Being a negative person by birth, the title BE POSITIVE contained enough interest, I’ve been playing ti every day/night/or whenever I can afford a few ‘zzzzzzz’.

I think it works! I’m suffering thru a period of ‘a half-full glass….instead of a half-empty glass. I haven’t won the lottery…no one has offered to marry me….and no one has left me in their will. Therefore, I can only give credit for my different attitude to your tape. Incidentally, I’m too lazy to follow thru on the self hypnosis, so I only play the subliminal side. Thanx! Pat G. Phoenix, AZ

Money Prosperity

A Self Hypnosis program by                                           

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Money ProsperityMoney Prosperity

Money – Prosperity

Experts say you cannot become rich in your pocket until you become rich in your mind.

Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter or harder working than you. Yet, there are subtle differences in their thinking and self image that turns whatever they touch to gold.  The rich do think about money in a different way.

This difference is the “consciousness of prosperity.” Begin preparing your consciousness to attract the riches you deserve today. Awaken the financial genius within you now.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD, DVD  


           Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,         

      Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

Super Consciousness SCII MP3

media formats.

View all for Money Prosperity


Around 20 yrs ago I was browsing in a book store and I came across Barrie’s “Relieve Stress and Anxiety” tape. I was going through some personal issues at the time I bought the tape  I was very skeptical about what it promised. I used the tape as described and the results were nothing less than amazing. To this day I have to say that tape has been the single most positive influence in my life.

About a week ago I was reading someone’s blog on a web site, and he credited Barrie’s “Money and Prosperity” tape for the financial success he was enjoying. So out of curiosity, and my experience with the other tape, I decided to order the mp3.
Scott B. La Habra, Calif.

Since I’m moving to Germany in September I wanted to raise $3M. So, I’ve listened to your Money-Prosperity nightly since June – and I’ve raised $14/M. It’s an incredible tape! BW, Teaneck, NJ

I must tell you how wonderful your tapes are! I started with your Money Prosperity and within one month I received: a substantial raise, an offer of partnership in my business, a large tax refund when I’d thought I’d pay and a bonus to pay for my daughter’s trip to Florida when I didn’t know where I’d get it from. Susan Z. Brooklyn, NY

Dear Mr. Konicov, It was about a year ago that I purchased my first self improvement CD Money and Prosperity. The results that I received were no less than amazing. It helped me to improve myself and my situation, and bring an end to 6 years of unemployment. Within 30 days I was working. If course I had to do the work, but Money Prosperity gave me the motivation. My wife was present during the playings and during the first 30 days she also found work! Your product let us know that we can have anything we want. We have since purchased Self Confidence, Goal Setting, Fear of Success, Develop Enthusiasm and Creative Writing. They have helped us to modify our thinking, helped us in our work and helped us to become more successful, happier people. Mr. Konicov, I thank you, my wife and children thank you. James K. Hubbell MI

I started listening to the Money Prosperity and Self Confidence on a nightly basis and I have gone from unemployed, confused and frustrated to being very happy working as a stockbroker for one of the largest firms on Wall Street with a very promising future. I’m impressed with your programs. Jim P. Seattle, WA

I have been listening to the Money Prosperity program for over a month now and it works! Since I have started listening my salary has increased, I received on unexpected $1000 and numerous money making offer. Jackie K. Jackson, MI

…In about one month I received additional income from an unexpected source. Of course I had to work for it, but it was a very enriching experience in my life: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Lydia S. Los Angeles, CA

I bought a Money Prosperity from B Dalton Books. I won $1450 on the PA 3-digit lottery exactly 30 days after I had begun using the tape! PS I took a photo of all that $1450. It works! Randy G. West Newton, PA

Thanks for the encouraging letter…

I hope you really are Barry Konicov, because I’d want to tell you that I have owned probably at least six of your tapes in the past. My favorite is Money and Prosperity. I remember the day I bought it. July in ’83. A beautiful summer day in NYC. I also purchased a cassette player at the same time. I rode my bike up to Sheep Meadow in Central Park, do you know it? It is a beautiful, huge lawn in the middle of the park. I parked my bicycle and stretched out on the lawn and listened to your tape (the hypnotic side). When I woke up I felt like I’d been on a mini vacation, yet, with all those people around me sunning themselves and playing Frisbee on the lawn and clueless to the experience I’d just had. What an experience!!!! 

Shortly after I started listening to your tape I changed jobs and doubled my salary!!!! I want to thank you!!!!
I love your tapes and am looking forward to building up my library again as much of mine was misplaced when I moved. I bought an old foreclosed two family house and have been renovating it for the past eight years- I really think your tapes helped me there too.

Adios and I’m very glad to have had this chance to say how appreciative I am.

Creative Thinking

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Creative Thinking

The seeds of exciting new ideas and illuminating thoughts constantly surround us. But we need to be open to the inspiration to benefit from the abundance. This program will help you to open yourself up to new visions and new methods of looking at old problems.  Learn to recognize innovative ideas and think outside the box. Raise the quality of your thoughts and you raise the quality of your life too.

Just one creative idea placed into practice can propel you to unlimited prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment.  Let this program guide you to greater creativity in all aspects of your life.

                                                             This title is now available on MP3, CD, Video, DVD

          Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set,

         Super Consciousness SCII CD Set,

         Digitally Composed MSTR MP3

           media formats.

          View all for Stop Being Angry

       This program is from the Living Success Series


Some years ago I purchased :Creative Thinking”..Barrie Konicov. My wife listened to the subliminal side of the tape to assist her sleeping. This action changed her life considerably from a 4 hour days at $8/hr to an income in excess of $200.000pa. I reside in the state of Queensland. Frank R

I want to take a moment to thank you for producing a tape as beneficial as “Creative Thinking”. I purchased the tape last year and frankly I did not think such a tape would even work. Well I put the tape in the player and started playing it. My mind started to take on a different approach to a problem. This is not like me. It took about one week  and soon it started happening, I could look at ad’s and other photo’s and create another better one or one totally different. That tape has changed my whole life, I have recommended your tapes to everyone. If anyone tells you the tapes don’t work, they have not tried them. Donald G, Orlando FL

Chakra Meditation

A Self Hypnosis program by

Barrie Konicov

Author and Voice of Potentials Unlimited

Chakra Meditation

There are seven chakras or energy centers in the body.  Each chakra has its own frequency and color. When you activate a chakra using its sound and color, you unleash incredible cosmic and psychic power – powers that literally supercharges your body and mind.

This program will teach you to activate each chakra, including the core heart chakra, balance it, and release its energy upwards. Using the program you can expect greater mental, physical, and spiritual energies plus an increased sense of well being.

This title is now available on MP3, Cassette Tape, CD


Super Consciousness SCII MP3

Super Consciousness SCII Cassette Set

 Super Consciousness SCII CD Set

media formats.

View all for Chakra Meditation

This program is from the  Metaphysical series


I have used many self help tapes in the past with regards to aligning my chakras, and let me just state that this is the best one I have used.  The soothing voice and the complete energy instructions really make your chakras clear, and energized. I also thought that the mini cleanse at the end is perfect for those moments when you just need a quick tune up, and freshening.
Paul D. Toledo, Ohio

Dear Mr. Konicov, I had been suffering for over a year with sever back pain, from a fall. My doctor told me there was nothing else that could be done and I would have to learn to live with the pain. Of course as life will have it I was shopping with a friend a couple of days later, when we walked into a Metaphysical Book Store, for the first time. I asked the clerk if they had a tape on self-hypnosis for healing and she suggested “Chakra Meditation”. I want you to k now that I felt better the first time I used the tape and by the second day I was free of pain. Before this I couldn’t sit for more than five or twenty minutes at a time. Thank you again for all you have done for me and I k now for many others. Sincerely, Mary A. Lombard, IL

To Potentials Unlimited, I just love your cassette tapes. They are helping me make changes in my life, and my husbands also. (Chakra Meditation and Self Confidence). Satisfied Customer, Debbie H. Bakers CA

Just wanted to say that the Barrie Konicov tapes (HealthAstrology, Chakra Balancing) have been a major resource for me and a means to coping with the series of crises during my late husband’s decline with throat cancer. Rosemary I. via email

Hi, Just a short note to say I think the Chakra tape is the best of its kind anywhere! I’ve worn my 1st one out. Love Janice S. Cleveland OH

I‘m writing to you to let you know I listened to your tape on Chakra Meditation while I was pregnant with my third child and I feel like it really affected his personality, he’s very undemanding, pleasant, friendly and peaceful. Thank you, Eileen H Newport OR

Dear Sir, Thank you_ Thank you for my tape, it’s wonderful “CHAKRA MEDITATION”. It is so relaxing and makes me feel very good. The music is calming and like washing my mind from all thoughts. Thank you Mr. Barrie Konicov. Your voice & music are Great! I just hear the tape twice and I wonder what will happen after 30 days!! Thank you, yours truly Gamal E. Boston MA

Dear Potentials Unlimited, Am always impressed with the prompt and personal service your company gives me. To me this is the sign of true caring professionals: which is confirmed in the quality of your materials. For the past few years I have been working heavily on self improvement. The self hypnosis side of “Chakra Meditation” has gently guided me farther with the practice of Kundalini Yoga than years of serve mental discipline. The subliminal side I listen to more often because it frees me to do other things. Yours are the best audio materials for self improvement I have listened to and some of the most modestly priced. I highly recommend your tapes for anyone who is following the spiritual path of light and enlightenment, or for anyone who wants to be free of bad habits, desires, and impulses caused by a ill programmed sub conscious. In full aliveness, James M. Lima OH